
With Chenfeng's current panel attributes, plus some aura and realm bonuses, he can already kill god-level creatures casually.

Moreover, his intelligence attribute of up to eight million points allows him to surpass the army of 80 million summons.

Now Chenfeng is truly invincible!

"Next, you need to store your own crazy summons, and after the [Certificate of Order] is obtained, let's launch a general battle."

Chen Feng closed his task panel and thought silently in his heart.

Then, he took out a [Boundary Breaking Token] and clicked to use it.

As the token in his hand slowly dissipated, a whirlpool gate appeared in front of Chen Feng's eyes.

"Is it the Void Land after entering?"

Chen Feng looked at this whirlpool gate full of expectation.

Then, he stepped directly into it and disappeared into the whirlpool.


"Ding-dong, you've come to an unknown location."

After the system prompt fell, Chenfeng's figure appeared in a new continent.

Hurriedly looked around.

I found that the sky of this space is crimson, and under the reflection of the sky, together with the entire continent, it is crimson, I don't know if it is because of the gravity of this space, there are many huge peaks suspended in the sky without falling.

"This land is truly magical." Chenfeng sighed.

He had never been to this unknown land, so naturally he didn't know much about it.

However, Chen Feng is fearless, with his current Lord God strength, plus hundreds of millions of god summons, where to go is not a sweep?

Immediately, he no longer hesitated, and directly began to release summonses here at the Gate of Time and Space.

"Summon [Goblin King-Gogg]!"

"Summon [Thunder Lord - Aurora Thor]!"

"Summon the [Lord of Darkness]!"

"Summon the [Nether Flower]!"

"Summon [Holy Light Angel]!"

"Summon [Saint Magician-Louis]!"

"Summon the [Dark Holy Dragon]!"

"Summon [Elven God-Igabella]!"

"Summon [Undead Lord - Nicholas]!"

"Summon [Time and Space Master]!"

"Summon [Dark Lord]!"

"Summon [Chaos Hellfire]!"


With the continuous swing of the Chenfeng staff, one after another six-pointed star arrays continued to appear on the ground and in the sky.

Tens of minutes later, the entire area was covered by Chenfeng's summons.

His current release speed summons a batch of summons, which can basically be completed in an instant, plus there is no skill cooling limit.

When the class [Lord of Chaos] talent released the summoning skill, with the bonus of the number of basic summons*1000, Chenfeng can now summon a thousand god-level summoners in a second, so that if he calculates, he can summon 600,000 summons in just ten minutes.

Now the intelligence attribute is eight million points, and a little intelligence can control ten summons, that is, Chenfeng can summon a total of eighty million summons, and if you want to summon them all, it will take about twenty-two hours to calculate, or without stopping for a moment.

"Hey, too many summons is also a sweet annoyance."

Chen Feng sighed with emotion, it was estimated that for the first time, a summoner would be troubled because there were too many summoned items and there was no time to summon.

If he sent this matter to the guild discussion group, it is estimated that they would all say that he was a high-ranking Versailles.

However, the summoning thing can be slowly accumulated, after all, if tens of millions of god-level summoned objects appear together to attack, Chen Feng is worried about whether it will directly destroy this continent, for the sake of safety, or casually release millions of summons to find the final power medallion is saying.

Subsequently, Chenfeng commanded the summoners to begin sweeping across this alien space.


This sweep directly scared the aborigines here.

Their space can also be described as a gathering of strong people, the lowest level is also legendary creatures, there are countless demigods, and there are many stronger gods.

However, they were castrated when they saw the summons of the gods in formation.

Where did this terrifying biological invasion come from? It's terrible.

This is simply like a high civilization beginning to destroy a low civilization, and there is no way to fight back at all.

Basically, where the Chenfeng summoning passed, those aboriginal creatures trembled with fright, and did not dare to come out at all, of course, there were several iron-headed gods, and when they saw dozens of god summoners at the beginning, they also killed several summoned objects with the strength of their gods' peak.

However, when the army of summoners that came afterwards came, these gods were suddenly so frightened that they couldn't speak, and in the end, they also turned into flying ash under the siege of countless summons, which just happened to become the nourishment for the evolution of Chenfeng [Soul Devouring Mask].


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