Finally, after killing the second god who did not know how to be evil, Tatsumeze teleported through the Gate of Time and Space, and after absorbing his divine power, the Soul Eater Mask finally evolved to its ultimate form.

[Soul Eater Mask] (mythical and legendary level, special equipment)

full attribute: +10,000 points.

Level requirements: No level limit.

Parts: Masks.

Applicable occupation: full occupation.

Special Effect 1: Camouflage, which can re-disguise the face and player ID.

Special effect 2: Devouring, after releasing the skill, it will form a devouring vortex in the space in front of it, and the vortex will constantly absorb all surrounding objects, as long as the object is sucked into its creatures below the god level (inclusive), it will be directly killed.

Special Effect 3: Stealth, when actively released, all friendly creatures and objects within 500 meters including allies can enter the stealth state for a permanent duration, and actively attack or disappear when attacked to stealth, or they can be automatically disarmed.

Special effect 4: perceive, after active opening, you can perceive all biological information and item information within a million meters.

Description: A mysterious mask with endless possibilities.

The overall attributes are similar, but the original evolved skills have directly become large-scale damage skills, and as long as the gods are inhaled, they can directly kill the gods in seconds, which is very terrifying.

Moreover, in addition to this second-killing devouring skill, the perception skill that Chenfeng uses the most frequently has actually expanded from 10,000 meters to one million meters, which is simply an ultra-advanced radar, and a million meters can almost cover a small continent.

"Perception this skill, since you can sense objects, doesn't it mean that you only need to teleport through the constant teleportation of the master of time and space, and then, look for the [Medal of Strength] through perception, so that you can find it quickly?"

This idea suddenly popped up in Chen Feng's mind.

Thinking of experimenting, Chenfeng began the journey of teleporting around to find the medallion, and the time to crack the token for half an hour is coming, and he will also return to the origin of entry through the teleportation effect of the time-space gate, and then re-enter to continue searching.

In this way, under the premise of consuming more than fifty cracking tokens, Chenfeng finally sensed the location of the [Strength Medal].

It turned out that the medal of strength was in the hands of an ordinary demigod, no wonder Chen Feng probed all the gods of this continent and was stunned but did not find it, but he did not expect that such an important item was in the hands of a small demigod.

After Chen Feng found it, he didn't talk nonsense, and directly coerced this ordinary demigod to hand over the medal, and the demigod saw the terrifying army of gods, and he was already scared and trembling, where did he dare not obey, and directly handed over the [Strength Medal] to Chen Feng.

Chenfeng saw that this demigod was so cooperative, so he casually gave a few pieces of mythical and legendary equipment, which directly made this demigod feel grateful.

He ignored this demigod and directly took out the [Medal of Strength] to check its attributes.

[Strength Medal] (Legendary Growth Equipment)

Wearing Level: LV0.

Wearing attribute 1: Strength increased by 10,000 points.

Wearing Attribute 2: [Strike Aura] (Passive) Increases one's physical attack power and surrounding allies' physical attack power by 30%, magic attack power by 30%, and all damage by 30%.

Wearing attribute 3: [Magic Immunity] (passive) can be immune to all control effects.

Wearing Attribute 4: [Jedi Strikes Back] (passive), when facing two or more enemies, each additional enemy increases its full attribute attribute by 1%, and increases its full attribute by up to 100%.

Wearing attribute 5: [Induction] The presence of similar items can be sensed within a certain range.

For the two fairly good passive and aura, the main thing is to increase the effect of the magic immunity so that you are not afraid of arbitrary control skills, the other two attributes are dispensable, anyway, now they are invincible, and it is useless to add a little attack.

After putting the medal away, Tatsumze no longer stayed, and directly gathered and summoned objects back to the [Source Universe].


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