After Shu Shu finished eating, the two returned to the teleportation location and teleported back to Stormwind City.

It was also after placing the Stormwind City Lord first, and Chen Feng walked directly towards the direction of the Stormwind City Lord's Mansion.

Came to the gate of Storm City, this time the guard at the gate saw Chenfeng and brought Chenfeng in without even a column, which is the benefit of high prestige.

When I came to the inner courtyard, I saw the Stormwind City Lord who was dealing with official business.

At this time, the city lord saw Chen Feng coming, quickly put down the documents in his hand, and walked directly to Chen Feng and said with a smile:

"Brave adventurer!" You came back so soon, but you wiped out that hateful Terran traitor? "

Tatsumeze was in his backpack and handed Sugard's Intermediate Magic Medal and the Plague Potion to the City Lord of Stormwind.

"Yes, Lord City Lord! I have already killed Sugard! And I also got a sample of the plague potion that Sugard had developed!"

At this time, the Stormwind City Lord saw the items handed over to him, his face was full of shock, and then the magic power penetrated to check the medallion, and then checked the plague potion, and then his face was overjoyed!

"Great! Adventurer, your contribution to Stormwind City this time is too great! I don't even know how to reward you! "

Chenfeng was overjoyed when he heard it! High rewards are coming.

"In this way, as the Lord of Stormwind City of the Holy Dragon Empire, I will grant you the title of Honorary General of Stormwind City, and my status in Stormwind City is second only to me, and I can mobilize less than 10,000 city guards!" It is also possible to purchase real estate in Stormwind City at a very good price. "

Dingdong, the City Lord of Stormwind City has given you the title, and [Honorary General of Stormwind City] cannot increase your talent with this title."

"And these, are the rewards for completing the mission this time!"

"Dingtone, you have perfectly completed the mission [Kill the Necromancer-Sugard] to reward 10,000 experience points, trigger [100-fold reward increase] and you get 1,000,000 experience points. You get 10,000 gold coins, trigger [100 times reward increase], you get 1,000,000 gold coins, you get 1,000 reputation points, trigger [100 times reward increase], you get 100,000 reputation points. "

Dingdong, congratulations on your level increase to LV27, you get 5 free attribute points and 1 skill point, please distribute them reasonably."

"Dingdong, [Elf Girl-Xi Shuo] gains 50% of experience, and [Elf Girl-Xi Shuo] gains 500,000 experience points."

"Dingdong, the level of [Elf Girl - Xi Qiao] has been increased to LV23, +5 points for all attributes, and 1 point for all skills."

"Dingdong, you have obtained the [Space Ring] (Gold level), trigger the [Hundred Times Reward Increase], you have obtained the [Space Ring] (Diamond Level)"

As the system prompt stopped, Chenfeng was directly shocked, so many rewards simply took off in a wave, and there were several special items that could not be strengthened by talent.

Tatsumeze looked at all the items in his backpack.

【Stormwind City Honorary General】(Title)

Carrying Level: LV20

Wearing Effect 1: +500

points for all attributes.

Wearing effect 2: You can use any teleportation array

wearing effect for free3: Buy any item at the Stormwind NPC and automatically enjoy a 5% discount when you house it.

Wearing effect 4: Can command 10,000 Stormwind City Guards, but cannot leave the territory of Stormwind City.

Description:...... Omit

"worthy of being the only official title with the City Lord of Stormwind City!"

Directly added 500 points of full attributes, equivalent to the sum of Chenfeng's current attributes, much stronger than the title of the previous copy first pass reward, but the first pass title has the attribute of increasing the movement speed of 50% in a non-combat state, and it can still be used in the future.

The second one is not of much use to Chenfeng, but the third one is very awesome, you can buy any item and get a 5% discount! The main thing is to be eligible to purchase all the properties in Stormwind.

Although Stormwind City is not as good as the main city of the empire, its unique geographical location has a large number of players settled here even in the late game.

Seeing that he could buy all the Stormwind City real estate at 5% off, Chenfeng now had a very bold idea, but he needed a lot of gold coins, and he would find a way to collect gold coins when he left the city lord's mansion.

As for the fourth article, what is the concept that you can command 10,000 Stormwind City Guards, which is equivalent to Chenfeng now having 10,000 LV50-level NPC thugs! Who can be my enemy in Stormwind City at this stage?

Chenfeng directly put the title on, and saw the cool special effects appear, and the whole person's pressing frame suddenly came up.

"Awesome! This title" Chen Feng couldn't help but sigh and continued to look at the other items.

【Space Ring】(Diamond Level)

Demand Level: LV0

Wearing Part: Ring.

Additional effects: After wearing, you can get 50 cubic meters of storage space.

Description: Magical space storage ring.

"Great, it turned out to be a 50-square-meter space ring!"

Chenfeng was a little happy, a lot of equipment could not be picked up before, now with this space ring, there will be no trouble that the equipment cannot be put down, 50 square meters can at least tens of thousands of pieces of equipment is no problem.

Thinking of this, Chenfeng directly put the space ring on his other hand, and it did not conflict with the ring that increased his attributes.

After reading all the items, Chen Feng got up to say goodbye to the city lord.

"Thank you, Lord City Lord!" Chen Feng thanked the city lord.

"You helped the entire Stormwind City solve the plague, you are the benefactor of the entire Stormwind City, and you are now the honorary general of Stormwind City! In the future, you don't need the city lord to call me, I'm older than you, you can just call me Brother Uther!" As soon as

the words fell, the ID of the City Lord of Stormwind City also became [Lightbringer-Uther].

Lightbringer - Uther is one of several legendary NPCs in the [Source Universe], not only the city lord of the entire Stormwind City, but also the leader of the Imperial Holy Light Knights, with very strong combat effectiveness, in the previous life, led the entire Holy Light Knights to defeat several attacks of the Calamity Legion.

Chenfeng didn't expect that he had established a connection with this legendary NPC, which was really unexpected.

"Then thank you Brother Uther, I will leave first if there is nothing else."

After saying that, Chen Feng left the City Lord's Mansion and walked directly towards the Hall of Things in Stormwind City.

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