The Hall of Affairs of Stormwind City is an institution that handles various affairs throughout Stormwind City, a bit like a real-world office.

The purpose of Chenfeng coming here this time is to see what the price of real estate in Stormwind City is now, since he has the right to buy all the real estate in Stormwind City at a 5% discount, why not use it, and he can also prepare for the future development of the guild.

Not long after, Chenfeng came to the Hall of Things in Stormwind City, and at this time there were some NPCs entering and leaving here, and no players entered and exited this place, because the current players were not qualified to deal with things here, but Chenfeng already had.

Walk directly towards the interior of the Hall of Things.

When the guard at the door saw the person coming, he originally wanted to intercept and inquire, but when he saw the dazzling title above Chen Feng's head, his face suddenly changed drastically, and he directly knelt on one knee.

"Meet the Honorary General!"

Seeing the guards on the ground, he nodded and walked in.

"This is, what a situation! When did we Stormwind City produce an honorary general!

"Seems to be an adventurer!"

"Shh, whisper, such a big person is not something we can afford to mess with, if you don't want to lose your job, just stand well."

The guards at the two gates returned to their solemnity just now, and their standing posture became more standard.

Chen Feng, as soon as he came to the inside of the Hall of Things, the official in charge of things in the hall ran over in a fart.

"Lord General, I am the archdeacon of the Great Hall, what can I do for you!" At this time, a middle-aged fat man with an ID of Moore respectfully ran to Chen Feng and said respectfully.

Chenfeng smiled and said, "I want to buy shops in Stormwind City.

"Please follow me, my lord." Moore continued to laugh.

Immediately, he took Chen Feng to a very large room, and at this time there was a huge sandbox in the room. Above it is a mock-up of the entire Stormwind City.

"Adults, the above is the distribution map of our entire Stormwind City, and the green houses are the properties that can not be sold, and adults can buy them now."

Chenfeng looked at the entire real estate in Stormwind City, there are still a lot of vacant properties, and the reputation value of all players at this stage is not enough to qualify for buying real estate, and only a small number of properties are purchased by game NPCs.

"So many houses, not enough money! Forum paid posts to see how much income you earned. Chenfeng

logged into the game forum to check out his posts.

When he saw the number of views of his post, he was stunned.

At this time, the number of views of his post was as high as more than one billion views, and the amount of cash coins that can be withdrawn from this post has reached 100 million gold coins! Excluding the 30% handling fee, you may get more than 70 million gold coins, if you convert it into Blue Star Coins now, it will be 7 billion, and you will become rich in an instant.

"Hahaha! Now there is no shortage of money in the game!

Chen Feng laughed happily and withdrew all the gold coins in the forum.

Looking at the price of the house grabbing shops and real estate, it is basically the price of hundreds of thousands of gold coins, but Chenfeng knows that this is the cheapest time in the game, because the real estate in the early stage of the game is not useful for any force, and the level of the life players of their various forces is not high.

However, after a large number of players have entered the city, the player's level rises one stage, and in the following period, both weapons, equipment, materials, medicines, etc. will skyrocket.

At this point, some powerful life guilds will start buying properties.

Even, some big guilds try their best to monopolize the real estate industry in the entire game.

By that time, the entire city of housing, shops, and restaurants will soar, and the price of a shop in the later stages of the game will have to be at least a few million, and some places with good locations will even exceed tens of millions.

At this time, Chenfeng wants to be the first person to eat crabs, buy all the properties that can be purchased in advance, and then earn more gold coins.

Wait until you earn enough gold coins and go to other main cities to buy all the properties you can buy.

Then wait until a large number of players enter the major main cities, whether the real estate in their game is rented or sold, they can make a lot of money in the game.

Thinking of this, Chen Chenfeng said to Moore: "I want to buy all the real estate that Stormwind City can buy, and you can see how many gold coins you need."

Moore was stunned when he heard Chen Feng's words, and he wondered if he had heard it wrong.

You must know that the entire Stormwind City is a large city that can accommodate tens of millions of players and NPCs, and the real estate value in it is an astronomical amount even now, and the honorary general in front of him is so rich?

"My lord! You mean all the properties in Stormwind? Moore couldn't help but continue to make sure.

"Yes! How many gold coins do you count in total!

Moore, who heard this, gasped, how rich this honorary general must be!

But he did not dare to slack, and quickly arranged for his subordinates to start calculating.

A few minutes later, his men came up with a thick stack of reports.

"Sir, calculate it, Stormwind City has a total of 130 remaining housing land deeds, 230 shops along the street, fifteen restaurants, and the rest of the houses with commercial value, 130 buildings, a total of 120,000 gold coins!" You are an honorary general of Stormwind City and can enjoy a five-fold discount, a total of 60 million gold coins!

Chen Feng then took the report sheet and looked at it casually.

"Dingdong, do you spend 60 million gold coins to buy all the commercial real estate in [Stormwind City]."

Chenfeng was stunned when he saw that he only needed 60 million yuan, and he thought that the gold coins might not be enough, but he didn't expect that it was so cheap now, and he could still give himself ten million gold coins.

"It's really cheap!" Chenfeng sighed.

In the future, the real estate in this may not be able to be bought even if you have money, and your own wave is simply bloody!

Chenfeng chose the OK button without hesitation.

"Dingdong, you have obtained all the housing title deeds of [Stormwind City], two hundred and thirty shops along the street, fifteen restaurants, and the rest of the houses with commercial value, one hundred and thirty."

As the system prompt fell, Chenfeng's backpack had a large number of land deeds, directly filling the entire backpack, and the extra directly entered Chenfeng's space ring.

All the shops and houses still need to be named, which is very troublesome.

Directly spent half a million gold coins at Moore to create the [New Era] Chamber of Commerce.

All Stormwind City properties belong to the [New Era] Chamber of Commerce, so that all stores such as weapons shops will be directly named [New Era] weapon stores, those selling medicinal materials will be directly named [New Era] pharmacies, materials and other messy things will be directly named [New Era] grocery stores, and so on.

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