Online Games: Adding Full Attributes Every Second

Chapter 16: Difficult Leveling (Seeking Flowers)

Chapter 16: Difficult leveling (seeking flowers)


After walking out of Xinshou Village and confirming that there is no one behind, Leng Chen came to Cuoshan, the highest peak, surrounded by wild monsters of level 6-8, and they are red names, and will actively attack players.

With the overall strength of the current players, no one will come here.

"System, open the attribute list for me."

【Player: Chenyou】

【Level: 5】

【Development Direction: Freedom】

【Power: 310】

【Intelligence: 295】

【Constitution: 300】

【Endurance: 295】

【Agility: 310】

[Talent: Body Forbidden by God (Level R) (Primary)]

【Skill Points: 16】

The average attribute has reached 300, and looking at the entire first dimension, it is impossible for a second player to catch up with his own attribute.

Leng Chen remembers the talents of every S-level player, at least the S-level players who stepped into the second dimension back then, he knows.

No one's talent can compete with oneself at all.


Stepping into the territory of the red-named wild monster, a wolf call came to his ears, and when he looked up, he saw a group of waves staring at him.

【Wild wolf】(wild monster living in packs)

Level: Level 5, black iron monster.

【Wild wolf head】(leader)

Level: Level 5, Bronze Monster

Bronze monsters can be regarded as relatively powerful existences among wild monsters, and they are generally dominated by black iron monsters.

Forest waves are the earliest wild monsters living in groups in "Holy Domain", and each small group has a bronze leader.

In the previous life, many players would rather fight level 6 wild monsters than level 5 wild wolves. The reason is that they live in groups. Normal players need to form a team of 10 people to beat a team of wolves.

And a small group of wolves must be pulled away, otherwise other wolves will be disturbed, and they will probably face all wild wolves within 30 meters.

Not to mention the slow efficiency of killing monsters, there is also the risk of death.

Being killed by wild monsters will reduce experience by 50%. If you are unlucky, you will be downgraded directly. No one wants to take that risk.

But in front of Leng Chen, these wolves can get together, saving the step of pulling monsters.

【Big Fireball】!





Crit - 1567!


A magic circle suddenly formed from under the feet of the wolves, and a fireball fell from the sky.

When the wolves realized the danger, the fireball had already fallen, and there was nowhere to avoid it. The four wild wolves and the wolf head were killed immediately.

The sound of the battle disturbed the other wild wolves, and they all looked at Leng Chen's position, and then launched a group attack.

"Good time, save me to find one by one! Die!"


The leading group of wild wolves were instantly killed, and the other attacking wolves were covered in frost, and their speed dropped significantly.

[Frost Halo]!

The speed of the wolves within the 5*5 range of Leng Chen plummeted, and they fell into a deceleration state after a while.

He, who already had the advantage of Agility, used his fighting skills to his heart's content as if entering no one's land, and quickly harvested the lives of wild wolves.

The damage is high, and every wolf that approaches is instantly killed.

The group skill cd improved, and another wave of wild wolves died.

Nearly 30 wild wolves were killed, and the experience bar finally made significant progress, but the experience was still too little.

If you want to upgrade to level 6 by spawning monsters, no matter how you look at it, it is nowhere in sight.

"Level 5 wild monsters can't give you much experience, so hurry up and go to the level 6 wild monster area..."

Leng Chen frowned, made up his mind, and continued to go deeper into the mountain, ready to fight hard.

Killing wild wolves continuously along the way, some black iron and bronze suits exploded, Leng Chen didn't bother to look too much, and continued with his own pace.

"It seems that avoiding the wild wolves is the right choice. There are too many wild wolves here..."

Looking at the 'blood road' covered with wild wolf corpses behind him, Leng Chen shook off the wolf blood from the sword and sighed softly.

Although instant kills can be achieved, as the mountain deepens, the number of wolves increases, and each battle will disturb the wild wolves 30 meters away from Fang Yuan.

Fighting together, you can't stop without killing forty or fifty wolves.

It's not that Leng Chen can't handle it, but it's troublesome to handle it, which slows down his progress.

Helpless, Xuandu chose this path, and it was impossible to turn back, so he could only continue to fight a bloody path.

After an unknown amount of time, a place name suddenly appeared in front of my eyes.

Wild Leopard Territory——

Leng Chen glanced at the wild monster not far away, and a brief information appeared in front of him.

【Wild Leopard】

Level: Level 6, Bronze Monster.

Wild leopards are all bronze, with fast movement and high damage, but low defense.

What is better than wild wolves is that wild leopards are not herd animals, so killing them is not too cumbersome, if you meet one, kill one.

Tread Tread!

The sound of footsteps came to the ear, and the wild leopard, which was about to fall asleep, raised its head suddenly, showing vigilant eyes.

But after a while, he realized that he flew up and saw a headless corpse lying on the ground.

"This body is so familiar...Wait, why is my body underneath?...Oh~ So I was decapitated."

Swinging a knife to understand a wild leopard, Leng Chen walked towards the top of the mountain along the current road, and all the wild monsters along the way were killed by him with a single knife.

As time goes by, the attributes get higher and higher, and the output damage also increases. The HP of the level 6 bronze monster is not worthy of his second attack at all.

The experience given by the wild leopard is not more than that of the wolves, and the efficiency is not high. Fortunately, the experience bar can still be seen shaking.

The territory is very large, and Leng Cheng has read 93% of the experience strips and has not yet left the territory.

At this moment, a cave that suddenly appeared attracted Leng Chen's attention.

Looking from the entrance of the cave, three relatively strong wild leopards are sleeping in the rompers, surrounded by the faint red streamer.

"Elite monster!"

Leng Chen recognized the three wild leopards as elite monsters second only to the boss at a glance.

Sure enough, after approaching, the feedback information proved the identities of the three wild leopards.

【Elite Wild Leopard】

Level: Level 7, elite bronze monster.

"Elite monsters, the experience given is multiplied. Killing these three is estimated to be level 6, and you can learn new skills."

"Since you sleep so soundly, let you die in your dreams."

【Big Fireball】!


-1008! -1010! -1007!

-1121! -1117! -1122!

Elite monsters! HP will be much higher than Common wild monsters, at least above 1000, and the simple [Big Fireball] cannot instantly kill the three elite monsters.

【Ding! ….]

................................................... ....... Ask for collection................................... ..........

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