Online Games: Adding Full Attributes Every Second

Chapter 17: Ten Times Critical Strike!

Chapter 17: Ten Times Critical Strike!

The poor elite wild leopard, who didn't know what happened, was directly turned into a barbecue under Leng Chen's group skill combo.

[Congratulations to the player 'Chenyou' for being promoted to level 6, all attributes +1, skill points +5]

【Ding! Congratulations to the player 'Chenyou' for advancing to level 6. Unlock a new skill tree, players can open the skill bar to view it. 】

"Fuck! Finally level 6, I'd better do missions and fight bosses to level up faster, otherwise it's like a snail climbing a tree..."

Leng Chen clicked on the skill bar, first upgraded all the skills he could improve, and the reminder sounded repeatedly from his mind.

【Ding! Congratulations on raising the 'Spur' to 'Level 5']

Trigger a crit! x4

【Ding! Congratulations on raising your thrust to level 8.]

(Level 8) [Thrust: Forward a certain distance, causing 190% physical damage, consuming 30mp, cooling time: 8 seconds. 】

【Ding! Congratulations on raising the sweep to 'Level 4']

Trigger critical strike x5!

【Ding! Congratulations on raising the sweep to 'level 8']

(Level 8) [Sweeping: Swing the weapon forward to attack, causing 170% physical damage to targets within the umbrella area, consuming 50 MP, and cooling time 10 seconds. 】


The effect of triggering a critical strike is abnormal. Not to mention saving a lot of skill points and materials, you can also experience the power of leapfrog skills.

There is no way to continue to upgrade other skills. The level 5 fireball and the level 8 magic ball cannot be improved until level 8. Let's take a look at the new skills first.

Three new skills appear at level 6, one of which is Passive Skill.

Without hesitation, Leng Chen directly sent

【Ding! Congratulations to the player for learning the ‘Cross Slash’]

Trigger a crit! x6

【Ding! Congratulations to the player for upgrading the 'Cross Cut' to level 6! 】

(Level 6) [Cross Slash: Slash a cross sword aura 3 meters ahead, causing 200% damage, and has a 10% chance to cause bleeding state, consumes 80mp, cooldown time is 6 seconds]

【Ding! Congratulations to the player for learning to 'walk quickly']

Trigger a crit! x3!

(Level 3) [Swift Step: After opening, the movement speed increases by 9%, and consumes 1% mp per second. 】

【Ding! Congratulations to the player for learning the ‘Magic Combo’]

Trigger a crit! x10!

(max) [Magic Combo, Passive Skill, shortens the cooling time of magic skills by 50%, no consumption, no cd. 】

"Fuck! Ten times critical strike! This equipment is so cool! The magic combo is directly at full level!"

In the basic skill tree, 'magic combo' is a skill that must be fully leveled for magic professions, even if the level is higher and the job is changed, because of the effect of CD reduction, the combat power of magic professions can be directly doubled.

Under normal circumstances, it would take level 15 to level up the 'Magic Combo', and it would delay the improvement of a lot of skills. Generally, magic players would only consider leveling up at level 30 or above.

Leng Chen is only at level 6 and has fully stacked his skills. The release time of the magic ball has been directly reduced to 1 second, and the CD of the big fire ball has also been reduced from the original 10 seconds to 5 seconds.

Compared with the full-level 'magic combo', the other two skills seem a bit eclipsed.

The damage of the cross cut is good, and it belongs to the group attack skill. With Leng Chen's current katana and attributes, he can easily deal explosive damage.

As for the sprinting step, it is a relatively weak skill. The effect of the full level is to increase the movement speed by 30%, and it consumes 1% of mp per second.

Players are unwilling to learn it, except for an Assassin class that pursues movement speed once, it is basically unused in the later stage.

But Leng Chen has [Lilia's Tears], 1% MP consumption is nothing at all, not to mention so many skill points, if you don't learn it, you won't learn it for nothing.

Level 6! Leng Chen doubled his strength.

【Fast Walk】Open!

With the wind under his feet, his body is obviously a little more relaxed, but the 9% movement speed bonus is not too much, and it will be obvious after the skill level is high.

Feeling the increase in strength, Leng Chen turned off the skill bar, and swung the sword at the wild monster not far away.

[Cross Cut]!


Pale White's cross sword energy rushed forward, and the wild leopard, which was still drinking water, instantly split into four sections and died on the spot.

The damage from the explosion is floating in the sky. Now, which player can withstand my knife.

Withdraw the knife and continue to move towards the mountain peak, killing wild monsters along the way.

The mountain is a bit high, Leng Chen walked slowly from the beginning, and climbed the mountain by running at the end, the level of wild monsters is getting higher and higher, snakes, bears, ghouls...

As he approached the mountain peak, there was another upgrade sound in Leng Chen's mind.

[Congratulations to the player 'Chenyou' who has been promoted to level 7, all attributes +1, skill points +5]

"Damn! I've already reached level 7, and I just climbed it. How did this birdman think of coming here at that see the scenery."

Looking at the stone tablet that was triggered not far away, Leng Cheng couldn't help complaining in his heart.

Fortunately, you can kill monsters and upgrade along the way, otherwise, during the time of climbing the mountain, your level will definitely be chased by others.

[Da Yuan]: Brother You, I finally finished the task, and rewarded me with a Vajra King transfer order, what's the use?

Just when Leng Chen was about to trigger the ruins, the message of 'Great Abyss' popped up in the friend column.

[Chenyou]: "Keep it. I used it when I was at the tenth level. It can be changed to hide the professional Vajra King. It is very useful for you."

I remember that the profession of 'Dayuan' in the previous life was a giant shield messenger, which was a meat shield profession just like the king of King Kong, but the giant shield messenger was more extreme, and his single-person ability was very poor, except for meat.

Although King Kong mainly focuses on meat, but the profession comes with 100% damage and a lot of control skills. The meat is also very effective, and the cost performance is higher.

Hidden professions are powerful, but in the second dimension, it depends more on one's own talent, and the reaction to professional strength is not obvious.

Didn't expect Da Yuan to have such an opportunity, could it be that the fools in Legendary have foolish blessings?

Hidden professions are unique, and they are hard to come by. Like Leng Chen, who went to the second dimension in his previous life, he was still a swordsman, not a hidden profession.

【Chenyou】: "Dayuan, you can check if there are any other tasks to trigger in Novice Village. If someone wants to kill you, run immediately and you will be resurrected. Don't leave the village."

【Chenyou】: "Don't run around, wait for me to come back and take you to level up."

Leng Chen suddenly remembered that he had offended 'Wu Dinggu'.

In "Holy Domain", there is no real safe zone except the resurrection point. As long as you dare to fight, you can fight anywhere.

Since the other party can recognize him as Chenyou, he must have seen Da Yuan leveling with him, and it will be troublesome if he besieges Da Yuan.

[Da Yuan]: Huh? All right

................................................... ....... Ask for collection................................... ..........

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