Online Games: Always Invincible Buff! at the Start

Chapter 101 Upgrade the guild! New buff! The strength of China soars!!!

When Qin Xiaolan heard Lin Qingyun's words, she was also bewildered.

But she still said to Lin Qingyun, "Bah, should it be the cry of a sheep?"

"Then is there any other special meaning?" Lin Qingyun asked tentatively.

"Well... Qin Xiaolan was lost in thought.

After thinking for a long time, Qin Xiaolan didn't think of any other meanings, so she said to Lin Qingyun: "I don't know any special meanings."

"Okay." Lin Qingyun nodded.


I saw Lin Qingyun directly opened the friends panel and sent a message to Nie Wushuang.

As a simple and unpretentious rich woman, Lin Qingyun is also the vice-chairman of the China Chief Guild. Naturally, she has many good friends.

Nie Wushuang

She happens to have a friend.

After sending the message, Lin Qingyun ignored the matter and said directly to Qin Xiaolan: "I'm going to complete the job transfer task."

"I'll go too, first help you finish the job transfer task." Qin Xiaolan said directly.

After hearing Qin Xiaolan's words, Lin Qingyun nodded and immediately started the job transfer task.

And the other end.

Inside a main city in the Goryeo region.

Nie Wushuang slashed directly, instantly slicing a ninety-five-level Goryeo powerhouse in half.

"Come on, I'll kill as many as you come!" Nie Wushuang looked at the countless Goryeo experts around him and roared.

Amid his roar, a large group of strong Goryeos came.

But Nie Wushuang picked up the long knife and killed him directly.

After he once again hacked and killed a large number of strong men, a system prompt sounded suddenly in his ears.

"Reminder: You have received the friend information of the player [Qingyun (China Region)], please open the information panel to view it.

Hearing this prompt, Nie Wushuang was taken aback.

He knows the ID of Qingyun.

The vice president of Jiuyou Guild.


Now she is almost the most enviable goddess player in China.

After receiving Qing Yun's message, Nie Wushuang was a little curious. She asked what she could do.

Thinking of this, Nie Wushuang instantly beheaded a player in the Goryeo region, and then opened the message panel to look at it.

After he opened the message panel and saw Qing Yun's news, Nie Wushuang's face suddenly went dark.

Good guy

Want to hand over 99% of the income by yourself, leaving only 1% for yourself?

This damn African black slave is not so dark, right?

And at the end there are still three words "Baa Baa"???

What the hell are you talking about?

Turn me into a sheep again if you don't obey?

At this time, Nie Wushuang's forehead blue veins burst.

But only a moment later, Nie Wushuang sighed "Zero Four Three".

He doesn't want to be a sheep

So the 99% of the income seems to be handed over.

But for Nie Wushuang, it would be difficult to destroy the main city without Qin Feng's buff.

It doesn't matter if all the benefits are given to Qin Feng, because this gold medalist, he is quite cool!

After thinking about it, he directly responded to Lin Qingyun with a good word.

After replying, Nie Wushuang looked at the strong Goryeo who was aside.

next moment

I saw him quickly kill with a long knife in his hand, and began to fight close to these strong Goryeos.

A few moments later, more than a dozen strong Goryeos all fell to the ground, turning into a white light and completely killed.

And Nie Wushuang quickly walked towards the core area of ​​the main city

The other end.

The resident of Jiuyou Guild.

A white light fell.

Then a figure slowly appeared.

At this time, Qin Feng raised his head and looked at the guild residence in front of him.

There are basically no people in the guild resident.

Although the world copy is over, the national war against Korea and Britain is still going on.

So these players are basically fighting abroad, and no one in the guild in front of them seems normal.

After coming to the guild, Qin Feng directly clicked on his task panel.

At this time, Qin Feng's gaze fell on the transfer task of the Lord of Halo.

[Halo Lord Three Job Transfer Mission (SSS)] (Reminder: The mission has been completed, you can submit the job transfer mission)

After clearing the dungeon of Battle of the Gods, Qin Feng completed this job transfer task.

And now

Qin Feng did not hesitate to choose to submit the task!

The moment Qin Feng submitted the task, a golden beam of light fell from the sky and landed on Qin Feng.

At the same time, several system notification sounds kept ringing.

"Reminder: You have successfully completed three job transfer tasks! Your professional talent-[Lv30 Eternal Aura (Passive)] successfully advanced, the current professional talent Level is: Lv60!"

"Dingdong~ Your second main occupation level has been improved, and the current level is: lv61.

"Dingdong~ Your second main occupation level has been improved, and the current level is: lv62.

"Dingdong~ Your Level has been improved, and the current Level is: lv90.""Ding Dong~ You have gained 5000 free attribute points."

"Reminder: You have reached the level 90 threshold and successfully obtained the [Fourth Transfer Mission of the Lord of Halo (sss)]."

The experience in Qin Feng's experience pool instantly raised the Level of the Lord of Halo to 90.

After the successful transfer, Qin Feng added all the free attribute points to intelligence, and then directly opened the personal panel, looking at the advanced professional talents.

[Lv60 Eternal Aura (Passive)] (Effect: All buff-type gain effects, the effect is automatically increased by 6000%, the range is automatically increased by 6000%, and the buff can be shared with 60,000 players, and the shared buff can be recovered at any time.)


The improvement of multiple levels is still very strong.

Under this halo increase, all the buffs of Qin Feng have gained a lot of increase.

at this time

After reading the advanced professional talents, Qin Feng turned off the personal panel and looked at the newly acquired job transfer task in the taskbar.

[The Lord of Halo's four transfer missions (SSS)]


Task content: Kill a master of the realm, obtain a heart of the realm, and use the power of the heart of the realm to complete the fourth step of the master of the halo career.

mission target:

1. Kill a master of the realm.

2. Get a heart of the realm. (0/10)

Mission completion rewards:

1. Advanced professional talents.

2. Free attribute points +3000.

Mission failure penalty: none

Mission limit: None

Introduction: Get in touch with the extraordinary and become the extraordinary!


Kill the lord of the realm to get the heart of the realm?


This task does not seem to be difficult.

After thinking about it, Qin Feng wrote down the task directly.

When you are free, go to the necromancy realm and take a walk, take the lord of the realm first, and then slowly find the heart of the realm.

After planning, Qin Feng directly turned off the task panel in front of him.

Then... I saw Qin Feng open the guild panel.

【Jiuyou Guild (Holy Level)】 [China Chief Guild]

Class: Holy Class

Current guild members: 1.26 billion / 3 billion

Current guild residence: Void Fortress (156,121)

[Guild Management)

[Guild Warehouse]

【Guild Building】

[Guild buff]

[Guild Mission]

[Guild copy]

【Privileges of the Chief Guild】

Introduction: The Chief Guild of China Region

The current Jiuyou Guild has 1.26 billion players joined.

Almost 90% of the players in China have joined the Jiuyou Guild.

As for the rest who are unwilling to join the Qin Feng Guild, Qin Feng does not force it.

At this time, Qin Feng thought for a while and took out two items directly from his Inventory.

[Guild Advanced Token (Star)]

[Guild Advanced Token (constant star)]

After taking out these two tokens, Qin Feng directly used the advanced token of the planetary star.

"Hint: Do you use [Guild Advance Token (Star Star)] to upgrade [Jiuyou Guild]’s guild level?"

"Yes!" Qin Feng chose to use it without hesitation!


The token shattered in an instant.

In an instant

The token in front of me instantly turned into countless golden lights, dissipating in the air.

After these golden rays of light dissipated, a terrifying golden beam of light fell from the sky and instantly landed on the guild core in the guild hall.

After this beam of light fell, world announcements immediately resounded through the sky.

"World Announcement: The Chief Guild of China [Jiuyou Guild (Faction Force)] successfully advanced to the [Xiong Guild]! As the first guild to be promoted to the travel star, a special reward for all Jiuyou Guild players Level+5 , And get a 200% experience bonus buff for 7 days."

"World Announcement: Star guilds appear in China region. As the first region to appear star guilds, we will specially reward China region air luck +500%!"

At the moment when these world announcements sounded, all players were fried.

Especially the players in the China region, feel that they are earning blood at this time!

Of course, some people are happy and some are worried. Those players in the hostile area are now very worried, why is it not their area that first appeared in this level of guild.

In addition, there are some players who have not joined the Jiuyou Guild, and they regret it very much.

After all, this time rewarded all guild players with Level+5, and there is a 200% experience bonus for 7 days.

This reward may be nothing for low-level players.

But for advanced players, this is simply a blood loss!!!

"Big guy is awesome! Mingmingming, I'm just level ninety-five, and this wave of directing me to level 99 is full of experience, so comfortable!"

"A level ninety-nine titled Douluo appeared upstairs! The big guy is awesome!!!"

"Ming woo woo, Laozi wants to die now, why didn't he join the Jiuyou Guild because of the trouble, but now it is really blood loss?"

"Brothers, I was a fifth-level prostitute for nothing, how about you?"

"It's a big brother!!! The benefits given to us are really awesome. This time the guild is advanced, the more advanced people are, the more benefits, but we are not the low-level ones.

"Hahahaha, what is no loss? This is blood earning!!! Brothers, hurry up and finish the national war, and then go to the monsters to upgrade!!"

At this time, the Chinese players who joined the Jiuyou Guild were as if they had been beaten in blood, and they swiftly moved towards the Goryeo region and the British region.

And those players who had not joined the Jiuyou Guild have also started to join the Jiuyou Guild.

In just a short moment, the members of the Qin Feng Guild soared to more than 1.3 billion

When these players joined the club madly, Qin Feng also heard a string of system prompts.

"Ding Dong~ Your Level has reached the bottleneck, and you have obtained [Level Up Scroll (1-150)]*5, [Experience buff (7 days)].

"Guild Tip: Player [Wei Zheng] has joined the guild."

"Guild Tip: Player [Luan Junming] has joined the guild.

After hearing a series of system prompts, Qin Feng ignored the guild prompts and quickly looked at the level promotion scroll he had obtained.

【Level Promotion Scroll (1-150)】


Level: God level

Effect: After use, players within level 1-150 can be upgraded by 1 level, and cannot break through level 100. Players at level 100 can only gain the experience required to upgrade by level one. (Can be extracted)

Restrictions: Only available to players of level 1-150.

Cooling down: 48 hours

Introduction: The extremely rare Level scroll.

This type of Level promotion scroll, Qin Feng has obtained before.

But this kind of scroll is really rare.

It can only be obtained by the system.

Qin Feng has obtained a lot of Level promotion scrolls before, and his Level promotion buff can increase a player by 5 levels every 24 hours.

However, it is limited to level 100 or less.

And the scroll in front of me

It is universal for levels 1-150.

Seeing this extractable effect, Qin Feng chose to extract without hesitation.

At the moment of choosing to extract, the scroll turned into a golden light and slowly poured into Qin Feng's body.


After extracting all the five Level scrolls, Qin Feng clicked on the Level extraction buff and looked at it.

[Level up buff] (Effect: Every 22 hours, a player within level 1-150 can be upgraded by 10 levels, unable to break through level 100, and level 100 players can only gain the experience required to level up by using it.)

The time has been reduced by two hours, and the promotion level has become a promotion of 10, and the function level has also been expanded from the threshold of the 90-100 range to the 1-150 level.


The effect of this increase in buff is already very outrageous.

You know, Qin Feng has the experience bonus buff. With 20,000 times the experience bonus, his level will increase quickly like a train.

But other players are different. Without Qin Feng's experience bonus, it is very difficult to increase Level.

With this buff, Qin Feng can directly promote a level 140 strong to level 150 instantly.

This improvement is outrageous.

But this buff Qin Feng is not going to be used for the time being, because there is no suitable candidate right now.

When I find a suitable candidate, it is not simple to use this buff to improve the opponent's Level.

After watching the boost effect of the buff, Qin Feng directly picked up another guild advance token.

As soon as I picked it up, a system prompt sounded.

"Hint: Do you want to use [Guild Advance Token (Constant Star)] to upgrade [Jiuyou Guild]’s guild level?"

"Yes!" Qin Feng chose to use it without hesitation!


The token shattered in an instant.

In an instant

The golden light overflowed, and the terrifying golden beam of light instantly fell on the place where the core of the guild was.

In the guild in front of them, the guardian four holy beasts suddenly roared loudly.

And at the same time

Several world announcements sounded again.

"World Announcement: The Chief Guild of China [Jiuyou Guild (Faction Force)] successfully advanced to [Permanent Star Guild]! As the first guild to advance to the Constant Star Guild, it will reward all Jiuyou Guild players with Level+10. , And get a 1000% experience bonus buff for 7 days.

"World Announcement: The permanent star guild appears in the China region. As the first region where the permanent star guild appears, a special reward is given to the China region's air luck +1000%!"

After the two world announcements sounded, the players in the guild fry the pot again.

In these two advancements of the Jiuyou Guild, the player's level instantly increased by 15

What does this mean?

There are currently more than one billion players in the Qin Feng Guild.

Occupies more than 90% of the players in China.

The level increase of these two system rewards is applied to all guild players.

In other words, more than one billion players have been upgraded to 15 levels at the same time.

This promotion

Simply heaven-defying!

Directly raise the combat power of all members of the guild to several levels.

At this moment, countless guild players are frantically swiping their screens in the guild channel.

"Fuck you!!! Big guys are awesome!!!"

"Shocked! I actually prostituted at level 15 for nothing!!! Good guy, this???"

"This is too strong, isn't it? Joining the Jiuyou Guild is too fragrant. This wave, my fucking spiral ascends directly to the sky!"

"The guild upgrade is really fragrant @九幽大佬, upgrade one more level! I want to get another 15 level!"

"Hahahaha, fortunately, I joined the guild just now, or else I lost level 10 again, this wave of earning money!"

"Laughing to death, me too, I have a friend who said not to join the Jiuyou Guild, but now he is crying to death, and he regrets that he slaps his thigh straight!"

Many players who have just joined the guild have received Level bonus benefits.And those players who did not join the guild are a little autistic at the moment.

Faced with the huge loss of Level 15, the remaining players cried and chose to join the Nine Nether Guild.

at this time

The other end.

After Qin Feng raised the rank of the guild, a system alert sounded slowly in his ear.

"Ding Dong~ Your Level has reached the bottleneck, you have obtained [Level Up Scroll (1-150)]*10, [Experience buff (7 days)]."


I had another 10 Level promotion scrolls for nothing.

After obtaining these few Level promotion scrolls, Qin Feng chose to extract them without hesitation.

One minute later.

Qin Feng looked at the increased buff.

[Level up buff] (Effect: Every 18 hours, a player within level 1-150 can be upgraded to level 10, unable to break through level 100, and level 100 players can only gain the experience required to level up.)

How does Qin Feng feel that this improvement effect is a bit like it hasn't improved.

The original 22 hours was reduced to 18 hours.


10 scrolls reduces the cooling by 4 hours?

And the level of promotion has not changed, still at level 10.

This simply promotes loneliness.

After watching the improved effect, Qin Feng directly turned off the buff panel.

Then Qin Feng quickly took out a lot of guild buff tokens from Inventory.

In this world-class copy, Qin Feng obtained a large number of buff tokens.

These tokens all allow the guild to add buffs.

After Qin Feng took out these buff tokens, he did not hesitate to choose to use them!

next moment

A golden light fell in the guild.

Suddenly, a series of system prompts sounded one after another.

"Guild Reminder: The president [Jiuyou (China Region)] uses [Guild Blessing Token (Star)], and the Guild has added [Guild Blessing Buff]."

"Guild reminder: The guild leader [Jiuyou (China Region)] uses [guild attack power buff token (star)], and the guild has added [guild blessing buff]."

In less than a minute, all the tokens that increased the buff were used.

At this time, more than a dozen buffs were added to the guild.

After the buff was increased, many guild players looked at the buff they obtained.

These buffs are all guild group buffs, most of the bonus effects are not particularly strong, but there are very few buffs that are very good.

When these players saw the buff attribute, a guild prompt suddenly sounded.

"Guild Tip: All the guild buffs have been upgraded to full level, please pay attention to all players!"

Hear this system tone.

The guild players have chosen to refresh the status bar.

After many players refreshed the status bar, more than a dozen brand-new Lv100 full-level buffs appeared in front of everyone.

"Fuck, big guy is awesome!!!"

"This bonus is invincible! The blessing adds various attributes, defense, casting speed, attack speed, plus attack power buff, defense buff, and experience bonus buff, it's just ruthless!"

"But this burst rate buff bonus of 0.4 is too low, only 100%, which is a bit tasteless."

"Do you think the chicken ribs upstairs, don't open it? Is this buff good!"

"Love, love, what kind of killing buff adds 30% extra damage, it's a bit buggy, it's directly equivalent to an extra artifact, it's beautiful.

"It's too fragrant. After level 15, there are more buffs. The Nine Doctors Guild is invincible! Jiuyou Dao is invincible!!!"

Many players feel that they are simply too comfortable lying down.

You don't need to move it yourself, so you can send all Levelbuff to your door.

This level of welfare alone is unmatched by any guild.

It can be said

It was okay not to join Jiuyou Guild before, but if you don't join now, the gap between ordinary casual players and Jiuyou Guild players will be very large.

And this wave

Once again attracted many casual players to join the Jiuyou Guild.

In just a few waves of operations, the number of players in the Qin Feng Guild quickly broke through the 1.4 billion mark.

Qin Feng glanced at the number of people and found that almost 95% of Chinese players have joined the Jiuyou Guild.

As for the rest...

Estimated not online.

After thinking about it, Qin Feng directly opened Inventory and looked at several other guild props.

The rest is the guild building income promotion card, the guild player gold coin income bonus scroll, and the guild building blueprint gift box.

Qin Feng took out all these things directly.

After taking out these items, Qin Feng chose to use them instantly.

In an instant

The golden light kept emerging.

Immediately, system prompts sounded one after another.

"Ding Dong~ You have used the [Guild Construction Income Promotion Card (Star Rating)], and the Guild Construction Income has been increased by 120,000% (1200 times).

"Ding Dong~ You have used the [Guild Player Gold Coin Earning Scroll (Constant Star)] to increase the gold coin income of Guild players by 2000% (20 times).

"Ding Dong~ You opened the [Guild Architectural Drawing Gift Box (Permanent Star)]*2, and obtained [Guild Trading Hall Architectural Drawings] [Pet Hatching Lair Architectural Drawings]."

"Ding Dong~ You opened the [Guild Architectural Drawing Gift Box (Star Rating)]*4, and obtained [Knight Stables Architectural Drawings] [Guild Guardian Spirit Architectural Drawings] [Advanced Residence Architectural Drawings] [Chamber Architectural Drawings]."

After Qin Feng used everything, he obtained a lot of architectural drawings in an instant.

In addition, his guild also added two new buffs.

One is to increase the income of guild buildings by 1200 times, and the other is to increase the income of guild players by 20 times.

These two buffs are very strong!

(I wanted to write ten thousand, but found my hand speed was too slow).

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