Online Games: Always Invincible Buff! at the Start

Chapter 102 Building a guild, crazy Jing wool! The power of the guild's income of 1200!!!!

Players' gold coin income increased by 20 times

This directly allows players to obtain a lot of gold coins.


This bonus may further depreciate the purchasing power of gold coins.

But there is no special impact on Qin Feng.

And the construction income is increased by 1200 times

At present, Qin Feng's guild building is profitable, and that is the Casino of Death.

The gold coin revenue of the death casino itself is very high, if it is increased by 1,200 times, it is simply a cash cow.

Qin Feng's demand for gold coins mainly stems from the ability to transform the realm.

If Qin Feng obtains enough realm in the future, he can completely transform it at will, transforming the realm into the style he likes.


The more Zijin coins, if there are some constant-star items for sale in the future, Qin Feng can also get angry and buy them directly.

Therefore, it is necessary to obtain enough Zijin coins.

at this time

After understanding this, Qin Feng looked directly at the architectural drawings he obtained.

After opening the gift box this time, Qin Feng obtained many architectural drawings.

Two architectural drawings of constant stars.

Four architectural drawings of planets.

These drawings can make up for the lack of a wave of guild buildings.

Forgot to provide some extra benefits to the guild.

Thinking of this, after Qin Feng opened the Inventory directly, he selected all the architectural drawings for the first time.

next moment

A golden light flashed.

"Reminder: You have used [Guild Trading Hall Architectural Drawings], [Pet Incubation Lair Architectural Drawings], [Knight Stables Architectural Drawings], [Guild Guardian Spirit Architectural Drawings], [Advanced Residence Architectural Drawings], [Chapel Architectural Drawings], Six new buildable buildings have been added to the guild, and players can consume the guild’s strategic resources for construction."

After using the drawings, Qin Feng can build the guild building.


The construction needs to consume the strategic resources of the guild.

Moreover, the guild buildings above the star rating are astronomical, not to mention the guild buildings with constant star ratings.

Not only that, after consuming the guild’s strategic resources to construct the building, it takes time to wait for the completion of the building.

If you don't want to wait, just like pet hatching, you can only spend purple gold coins and fluorine gold to speed up.

At this time, Qin Feng opened the building panel to be built.

After seeing six new buildings that could be constructed, Qin Feng directly chose to build them all!

After the battle of the chief guild, Qin Feng can be said to have all the strategic resources of the guild into his own pocket.

Although the six buildings consume a lot of strategic resources.

But for Qin Feng, it can still bear it.

At this time, after Qin Feng Fluorine Resources constructed the building, a series of architectural phantoms slowly appeared in front of Qin Feng.

"Reminder: You have consumed a lot of strategic resources and built buildings such as [Guild Trading Hall Building] [Broadcasting Building]. The current total construction time is 8759 hours, 59 minutes and 58 seconds. Players need to increase the speed of building construction. You can click to enter the building page Use purple gold coins to increase construction speed and reduce construction time."

After this system prompt, the progress bar floats slowly on it.

After seeing these progress bars, Qin Feng directly clicked into the building and started to accelerate gas money one by one!


"Hint: You have consumed 5000 purple gold coins, reducing the construction time of [Guild Trading Hall] by 100%.


"Hint: You have consumed 300 purple gold coins to reduce the construction time of [Arena Building] by 100%.

"Guild Reminder: Guild New Buildings [Guild Trading Hall], [Pet Incubation Lair], [Knight Stable], [Guild Guardian Spirit], [Advanced Residence], [Challenge Building], please pay attention to all guild players!"

Many guild players were attracted by these buildings after the voice fell."Good guy, add so many buildings at once? Is this the boss of Jiuyou finally starting to build a guild?"

"Invincible, I haven't heard of a lot of buildings before. These buildings should be awesome, right?,

"Hahahaha, brothers, hurry up and end the national war, and then we went back to the guild to have a show. We just don't know if the building this time is as pitted as the Death Casino."

"It shouldn't be that I have lost more than N money in the death casino, then the death casino is too f*ck pit, then go and bet on me directly!"

"Brother 07 upstairs, you can bet on experience. If you don’t have enough experience, you can do it again. Isn’t it beautiful? A small bet on pleasure and a big bet hurts your body!"

"Laughing to death, I originally made millions of gold coins in the death casino. Mom heard the master said that being a man is to stud, so I went straight back to the pre-liberation period."

Many players have a sense of expectation for the guild building.

After all, Qin Feng had hardly managed the guild before, and at the most he increased the guild buff.

In addition, it is a death casino that specializes in pit money.


It's really nothing.

And now, Qin Feng directly raised the guild to two major levels in one go, and added a lot of new buildings to the guild.

The guild players only think that the big brothers have finally started to build the guild.

After a lot of other guilds' buildings, my own guild was crazy to dig money. Although it was the chief guild, it was still a little shabby.

But it's all right now. After a wave of upgrades, and another guild building, the entire guild will be completely healed.

at this time

After Qin Feng completed all the guild buildings, he walked directly to the guild trading floor and took a look.

The guild trading hall, as the name suggests, is the place where guild players can trade supplies.

It can be said to be an alternative auction house.

But only limited to guild players to buy and sell supplies.

At this time, Qin Feng glanced at the supplies on the guild trading floor

The trading floor of the current guild was empty, with no items.

Although there are no items, but

With the development of the guild in the future, the auction house will gradually increase its items.

Qin Feng also didn't put things up for auction, but instead opened the auction house's settings panel and looked at it.

[Set transaction commission] (please enter the transaction ratio commission).

[Amount of goods that can be put on the shelves by an individual] (Please enter the upper limit of the goods on the shelves).

[Maximum auction duration] (please enter the highest auction duration).

After seeing the settings in front of you.

Qin Feng directly sets the transaction commission to the highest 5%.


The system can only charge 5%.


The auction house in front of him can be regarded as a guild building, and Qin Feng happens to have a 1,200-fold increase in the guild’s income.

For a trading item of 100 gold coins, Qin Feng can collect 5 gold coins, and Qin Feng can earn 6,000 gold coins with a 1200 times increase in the guild income!

This gain is simply outrageous!

But this is also caused by the power of Qin Feng.

It is basically impossible for ordinary people to get so many guild revenue scrolls.

After all, killing the Titan Gods has a chance to drop, and if Qin Feng gets so many scrolls, then you must have the strength to crush the Titan Gods. Yes.

In terms of the current top strength of Eternal Continent players, no one can reach the level of Qin Feng's strength at all.


It is normal for Qin Feng to have such a terrifying income.

After setting the commission, Qin Feng directly set the listed products to unlimited.

Naturally, the more commodities, the better, otherwise how does Qin Feng earn commissions?

As for the length of the auction, this is about the rules of the merchandise on the trading floor.

Shops generally have two sales models, one is a buy-in price, and the other is auction.However, auctions require bidding, and naturally need to set the upper limit of the auction duration.

Qin Feng pondered for a moment, and soon set the duration to one day.

Not too long, not too short, one day is enough.

After Qin Feng was set up, a guild reminder sounded in the ears of all guild players.

"Guild Reminder: The president [Jiuyou (China Region)] successfully completed the permission setting of [Guild Trading Floor]. The current building has been opened to all players. Players can click on the guild panel building function page to view."

After hearing this system prompt, all players opened the guild panel one after another.

In the past, if players wanted to use the guild building, they had to go back to the guild and enter the building.

But after the guild is upgraded to a constant star rating, guild players can directly use various building functions on the guild panel.

In other words, players can remotely use guild buildings such as the Death Casino.

This function

For the players, it is obviously a good thing, saving them time to run back and forth.

at this time

Many players looked at the newly opened guild trading floor.

And seeing the sale and purchase pages in front of them, many players tentatively placed the items they had just obtained.

next moment

Many reasonably priced items appeared in the trade hall of the guild.

At this time, many players just chose to take pictures as long as they saw what suits them.

As the transaction progressed, players only felt that this guild trading floor was simply too convenient!

In the past, if players wanted to buy and sell items, they had to go to various businesses in the city, and then they could sell them.

But now, you can directly open the guild panel and click on the guild trading floor to directly sell or buy items. This convenient way is almost like a treasure.

What's more, the things you buy are all using the space teleportation array and directly transmitted to the player's inventory.Is this not a billion times faster than the wind?

at this time..

Many players directly began to hang up the large number of items they had just obtained.

Other players quickly look for suitable products from these products.

Someone who just lacks the blue-back potion, they buy the blue-back potion directly, and some people just want to buy some equipment, and they can buy it directly.

It can be said that in just a few minutes, the trading volume on the trading floor of the Association began to soar.

As the transaction volume climbed, Qin Feng also heard a series of guild reminders.

"Guild Reminder: Your [Guild Trading Floor] has received a commission [Gold Coins] *36 (+43200).

"Guild Reminder: Your [Guild Trading Floor] received a commission [Gold Coins] *78(+93600)

"Guild Reminder: Your [Guild Trading Floor] received a commission [Gold Coins] *15000(+1800W)

In an instant, Qin Feng obtained a large number of gold coins.

And this is just the beginning.

Qin Feng saw the bonus of the guild’s income buff, but felt something.

In the future, it is estimated that the guild trading hall alone will make money much higher than the death casino.

After all, this is only the first day.

After players get used to buying and selling items on the guild trading hall in the future, the daily trading commissions are estimated to earn Qin Feng hundreds of thousands, or even millions of purple gold coins.

Thinking of this, Qin Feng directly closed the trading floor panel in front of him.


Qin Feng looked directly at the six pet incubation nest building.

This building, like the guild trading hall, is a permanent star building.

It is a special building that is one level higher than other buildings.

Its function must be stronger than other buildings.

Thinking of this, Qin Feng directly clicked on the building panel.

[Pet Gene] (Hint: Put the pet egg into it, you can directly obtain the pet gene sequence, and the pet egg will disappear completely after obtaining the pet gene.)

[Making pets] (Hint: After obtaining the pet gene sequence, you can consume gold coins to make pet eggs in large quantities.)

[Hatching pets] (Hint: After obtaining pet eggs, you can incubate pet eggs in large quantities here, and the incubation time is reduced by 90%.)[Open permissions] (Hint: You can set the permissions of the building to the guild players.)

The pet hatching nest building in front of you is a bit outrageous!

Each of the functions of the three buildings is extremely powerful.

The pet gene function can only extract the gene sequence of the pet?

Then use the function of making pet eggs to make pets in batches.

You know, if you want to get pet eggs, you basically need to go to the instance to brush or drop by monsters, or it is rewarded by the task reward system.

High-level pets are extremely rare.

And now

Can you make pet eggs in batches?

If Qin Feng puts his own Xiao Hei into it, wouldn't he be able to mass produce this pet directly?

No matter how bad it is, it's not bad to put in the giant dragons of the dead souls and breed holy-rank pets in batches.

Although Qin Feng is not needed, is it not necessary to sell it to guild players?

And one of the most important functions of this building is to reduce 90% of the incubation time for incubating pets.

What does this mean?

In the future, when incubating pets, ordinary players don't need gas money, just throw them in and incubate them, which can reduce the incubation time by 90%.


However, players do not need gas money, which does not mean that they do not need to use the building incubation function.

After thinking about it, Qin Feng decided to establish a complete cycle ecology first.

First of all, Qin Feng thinks it is possible to turn on rewards to encourage players to put pet eggs in, and then get the gene sequence.

In this way, other players can use the known genetic sequence to find a pet that suits them in the pet production list.

For example, ice magicians need ice pets.

Assassins need high explosive pets

In short, if you want to output the output, you can make up for the output type pet. If you want to make up for the defense, you can hatch a pet with a high degree of stability.

The selection of pets costs gold coins, and the price of gold coins is set a little lower than the market price.

After all, Qin Feng has 1,200 times the bonus of guild construction income, how can it be blood earned?

Even if it is lower than 1%, players will choose to make in the Guild Pet Nest VI instead of buying them at the auction house.

As for incubation

This must be paid for. According to the price of the pet, and the rarity level, different price grades are set.


This price doesn't need to be set too high, it can shorten the incubation time less than the normal krypton gold.

Thinking of this, Qin Feng directly started to set it up.

Less than a minute.

"Guild Tip: President [Jiuyou (China Region)] successfully completed the permission setting of [Pet Incubation Nest Building]. The current building has been opened to all players. Players can click on the guild panel building function page to view.

After hearing this system prompt, the players were slightly stunned.

Just opened a guild trading hall, and opened a pet incubation nest building?


This pet building seems to be specially used for incubating pets.

At this time, many players thought of this, and they all clicked on the building panel and looked at it.

And when they saw the role of this building, many players began to discuss it on the guild channel.

"Good guy, this gene sequence extraction is something, but as long as you put in a pet egg, there is a reward? Pets of a single category and rank can only get a reward? That's too little, right."

"Hahahaha, brothers, I just put a few black iron grade pet eggs in, and I directly received a reward of hundreds of thousands of gold coins. This is really bloody!"

"Fuck, don't say it, I'll go and extract the pet eggs from the warehouse now!"

"Hahahaha, I just prepared to incubate my pets, and as a result, this can directly reduce the incubation time of pets by 90%. I compared the price and it is much cheaper than incubating my own. It's really comfortable and saves gold coins!"

"Hurry up and put the pet eggs in, I want to pick a suitable pet to hatch a wave now."

"Fuck as long as you put a pet in it, you can get the qualification to make a pet of the same level for free, and you can get a 50% discount on hatching pets, it's so fragrant!!!"

"What I said upstairs is true. I'm already hatching. In this wave, I can only say that Jiuyou is really awesome!!! It is really good for guild members to think about it everywhere!!!"

"Hahaha, this wave of blood earning, everyone quickly put the pet eggs in, it is better to hatch by the guild! Save a wave of gold coins, is it not a good thing?"

Many players have discovered that as long as their pet eggs have been genetically sequenced, they can get a free pet production qualification of the same level, and incubate pets can also get a 50% discount.

In other words, it did not lose money but saved ー and a half of the gold coins needed for incubation.

After realizing this, many players have put their pet eggs into the pet incubation nest one after another.

Numerous pet genes have been extracted.

Just a moment

Many players have begun to incubate gas money.

At the same time.

Qin Feng's ear also sounded a series of system prompts.

"Guild Tip: Your [Pet Hatching Nest Six] has obtained the incubation income [Gold Coins]*31111 (+3733.32W).

"Guild Tip: Your [Pet Incubation Lair] has obtained the incubation income [Gold Coins] *12000 (+1440W).

In an instant, Qin Feng obtained a large amount of incubation income.

Most players would not spend gold coins for pet gas money.


Under the temptation of Qin Feng's 50% discount, many players still couldn't help but brake their hands.

At this time, Qin Feng can be said to have made a lot of money.


For him, the most important core of the pet incubation nest building in front of him is to have enough pet categories.

It is best to extract all the pet gene sequences.

In this case..

There will be many types of pets that players can choose in the future.

After thinking about it, Qin Feng opened the Inventory and took out the giant dragon pet egg he had obtained before.

Then I saw Qin Feng click on the pet gene panel and put the pet egg in it.

At the next moment, an image of the extracted gene sequence appeared in front of Qin Feng.

Then, a system prompt sounded suddenly.

"Reminder: At present, you have successfully extracted the gene sequence of the [Necromancer (God-level)] pet. You can make a pet egg of the same level for free in the [Making Pet] panel, and enjoy 50% when you hatch your pet Fee reduction.

After Qin Feng extracted the pet gene of this dead bone dragon, many players have seen an image of a bone dragon appear in the pet production panel.

And this skeletal dragon is a god-level pet.

Pets of this level are difficult for ordinary players to obtain.


After Qin Feng extracts its genetic sequence, players can spend gold coins in the pet incubation nest building to make it.


In general, if you have money, you can buy a wave of God-level pets directly with gas money.

And the price is cheaper than buying pets at other auction houses, which is still very cost-effective.

As long as there is a demand for this pet, it is bound to be purchased.

At this time, many experts saw this pet, and they all chose gas gold to make it.

"Guild Reminder: Your [Pet Hatching Nest 6] obtained the production income [Purple Gold Coin] *30 (+36000).

"Guild Reminder: Your [Pet Incubation Lair] has gained production income [Purple Gold Coin] *30 (+36000).

In just a few minutes, Qin Feng's Inventory once again added a large number of purple gold coins.

And the speed of obtaining these purple gold coins is much faster than Qin Feng's copy.

It has to be said that with the 1200 increase in guild income buff, the guild in front of him has completely become a cash cow for Qin Feng.

"It seems that we will have to find more profitable guild building drawings in the future." Qin Feng muttered.


I saw Qin Feng look at other buildings.

Except for the two star-rated buildings, the other four buildings are all constant-star buildings.

Qin Feng glanced a few times.

【Knight Stable】It is possible to breed horse mounts in batches.The positioning of the mount in the Eternal Continent is very clear. It is used to run the map. A powerful mount can increase some basic attributes and a lot of movement speed.


Qin Feng doesn't need a mount for the time being, because he has a teleportation buff, so he can teleport it directly wherever he wants to go.

And this knight stable...

Qin Feng feels that it is still the same as the pet incubation lair building, directly allowing players to buy mounts with gas money.

Of course, unlike the pet hatching lair, the knight stable in front of you can only breed flattery mounts. Simply put, some flying mounts cannot be cultivated.


For Qin Feng, it is obviously a bit tasteless.

After opening up this building authority, Qin Feng ignored it.

And then

Qin Feng looked at the guild guardian spirit building again.


With this building, every time a player dies in the guild, a guardian spirit will be born.

These guardian spirits will only play when the guild battle starts. Like the guardian altar of the four sacred beasts, they belong to the defensive building of the guild.

Qin Feng directly opened this guild guardian spirit building.

next moment

Many guild guardian spirits were born, these guardian spirits turned into phantoms, and then quickly condensed into entities, and began to patrol inside the guild.

After watching the guild guardian spirit building, Qin Feng glanced at the high-level residence and the ring.

These two buildings are quite special.

The high-class residence is a planet-star building, and its effect is only one, that is, after the player goes offline, he can enjoy 10 times the offline experience bonus.

This is much more than the experience bonus gained from offline in the guild hall.

Moreover, this high-level residence building can be built in batches, that is to say, as long as Qin Feng has more strategic materials, the entire guild can be fully built into this high-level residence.

Thought for a while

Qin Feng directly built 100 such high-class residences.

The high-end residences do not occupy a large area, even one hundred seats occupy only a small corner of the guild’s residence.

After all, after being upgraded to a permanent star guild, Qin Feng’s Jiuyou Guild’s residence area has already included the entire void fortress, and there are still many places where Qin Feng can build buildings.

at this time

After consuming a lot of materials, one hundred high-end residences appeared in front of Qin Feng.

"Hint: You have consumed a lot of strategic resources and successfully built [Superior Residence]*99."

99 high-end residences plus the previous one, it is exactly 100.

After the construction was completed, Qin Feng directly selected these 100 high-end residences, and then set the permissions.

The top 100 players in the guild leaderboard can spend 1000W gold coins to stay for 12 hours.


The top ten players in the standings are the top dog owners in China.

12 hours オ 10 million gold coins is simply too cheap for them.

One hundred players can earn Qin Feng 1,000 billion gold coins in 12 hours.

It doesn’t seem to make a lot of money.

But it doesn't matter, just set it up like this, just make a profit.

After setting these, Qin Feng directly chose to confirm.

At the next moment, a guild reminder suddenly sounded.

"Guild reminder: The president [Jiuyou (China Region)] successfully completed the permission setting of [Premium Residence]. The current building has been opened to all players. Players can click on the guild panel building function page to view."

After hearing this system prompt, many players clicked on the guild building page and looked at it.

After seeing the effects of high-end residences, many people were confused.

"??? Ten times offline experience? What the fuck? I'm going to try it!"

"Brother, don't try it. Only the top 100 in the guild ranking can use the premium residence, and you need 1000W gold coins to live for 12 hours. This is not something ordinary players can afford.

"Is this the luxury apartment in the game??? Shocked!!!"

"Is there really a local tyrant who will live in this high-class residence?""Do you have any misunderstandings about the local tyrants? But you will find out if you look at the top 100 players. They are not local tyrants, they are all sacred tyrants! Live this. Don't you just have a hand?"

"emmmm poverty limits my imagination"

"It's getting worse, what's the special situation? The company's welfare does not treat us ordinary players as human beings. It's too uncomfortable, I want to make money! I have to work hard! I can't lie down!"

"Brother, please work hard, I'm lying down now that the thief is comfortable."

Players in the entire guild were shocked by the cost of this high-level residence.


For the players standing in the top 100 of the ranking list, this can only be regarded as an extra buff to improve the leveling speed.

The experience bonus of 10 million per night is still very fragrant.

At this time, many local tyrants who are going to go offline have chosen to enter the high-level residence offline.

After these people went offline, Qin Feng's Inventory once again received a lot of purple gold coins.

Qin Feng didn't care about these tiny amounts of purple gold coins. After setting up the authority of the high-end residence, he immediately looked at the final broadcast station.

As soon as he opened the ring, Qin Feng saw two functions 043.

[Open 1v1 Competitive PK Tournament]

[Open 5V5 competitive PK competition]

[Open 100V100 competitive PK competition]

[Watch the PK game live]

[Betting area for live broadcast results]

[Open the ring cost setting]

See the broadcast station in front of me.

Qin Feng immediately understood that this is a place for players to PK.

However, this arena is a bit special, with a live broadcast and a bet.

This is simply a kind of gambling

Good guy, a properly profitable guild project.

Moreover, Qin Feng has a hunch that the profit effect of the arena building will definitely not be weaker than the death casino.

after all

In fact, the two are essentially the same.

Do you think I earn coins by playing PK? No, what I earn is the money you bet.

Do you think I'm on the first floor?

Actually I am in the atmosphere!

After thinking about it, Qin Feng directly opened the ring cost setting in front of him.

If you start all kinds of competitions first, there are generally two modes.

One is the 1v1 competition opened by players in the guild, and the other is their personal competitive pk competition.

The second is that Qin Feng took the initiative to open it.

Qin Feng's competition is open to all members of the entire guild. Of course, Qin Feng will set the top ten rewards, and then the major players will comprehensively consider whether they want to participate in the PK based on the rewards.

The first is very general, and the most important is the second. This kind of event for the entire guild, Qin Feng can make a lot of money by relying on players' bets and live broadcasts.

Thought of this...

Qin Feng directly set the personal opening cost to 1 gold coin per person.

Although the money is very small, there is a threshold after all, and PK loses in the broadcast station is not punished by death, so many players are estimated to come here for PK practice.

You can go up to PK, but you can't let me lose your wool.

It also costs 1 gold coin to watch the live broadcast of individual matches.

in addition

After the event starts, Qin Feng will charge 5% commission for the player's bet.

No matter how you are, Qin Feng will never lose.

After setting up these, Qin Feng did not rush to open the building, but temporarily survived.

Players are now participating in the national war, and it’s not too late to start when the national war is over.

After fixing these buildings, the entire Jiuyou Guild completely transformed.There are many buildings among them, and countless guardian spirits are swiftly swimming around the guild. It seems that the whole guild is full of vitality.

Seeing this, Qin Feng is already very satisfied.

Then, Qin Feng looked into the distance and fell into contemplation.

Everything in the guild is done

There are only a few things that Qin Feng will do next.

The first is the transfer task.

This is a must-do, and the job transfer has greatly improved Qin Feng.

And second is the national war

The current national war has not yet ended, and the Goryeo region and the British region are still in the midst of war.

The third is to find a way to raise all of their buffs to the bottleneck.

For the time being, there are only a few things to do.

After thinking about it, Qin Feng decided to settle the Goryeo region and the British region first.

After solving these two areas, Qin Feng will do other things.

After planning, Qin Feng directly opened the world map and selected the coordinates of the main city of Britain.

After that, the teleport buff will be triggered instantly.

The white light fell and disappeared in place with Qin Feng wrapped in it.

Great Britain.

A peaceful view in the main city of Marseille.

The most majestic main city in the British region is located in the most central area of ​​the region.

Even if the front is at war with the China region, it will not have any impact on the main city of Marseille.

At this moment, a white beam of light instantly fell on the city center of the main city of Marseille.

At the moment when this white light appeared, countless attacks instantly fell like a tide.

The entire core area of ​​the main British city was instantly reduced to a place of death.

After the white light dissipated, Qin Feng's figure slowly appeared.

at this time

On the ground beside Qin Feng, the corpses of NPCs and players have been covered.

At this time, the world announcements rang one after another.

"World Announcement: Players [Jiuyou (China Region)] are coming to [Marseille Main City (British Region)]! [Marseille Main City] Has fallen! [Marseille Empire (Faction Force)] announced the country’s extinction! Because of [Marseille] Empire (Faction Force)] The country was completely destroyed, [Britain Region] Regional air transport -30%, [China Region] Regional air transport +30%!"

In an instant, the main city of Marseille fell into the hands of Qin Feng.

This speed

Simply outrageous!

At this moment, many players in the British Region began to yell at the World Channel.

"Jiuyou, you can only sneak attacks! What is it? Have the ability to come to the front!!

"Damn! Why are Chinese people so shameless? You don't have the spirit of being a knight at all! What if you win this kind of battle?'

"British players, are you stupid? Sun Tzu has never heard of the art of war? I secretly attacked by my skill. Why do you call me shameless? It's hilarious."

"China players, wait and see if I don't kill your main city!

"You? Forget it, hurry up and kneel and lick your American dad. Your American dad is happy. I'm probably going to give you a piece of dog food! Hahahaha.

"Ahhhhh! I'm going to kill this Jiuyou!!! The main city is gone, and the house I just bought in the main city is gone!!!"

"Damn!!! Keep me on the front line, the things in the rear are worried by the gods!"

"I'm not reconciled! Why can no one stop Jiuyou!? Why???"

"There is no reason, a big fist is the last word!"

Countless British players wailed in pain.

But they can only curse on the World Channel.

In the front-line war zone, the players in the China region have almost blown the heads of the British players.

At the back, Qin Feng directly stole the house.

Under the double blow, many British players are completely autistic.

(Set a small goal, write two chapters a day, one chapter 10,000 words!!!).

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