Online Games Barbarism and Civilization

Chapter 77, If there is an old man in the family, if there is a treasure

In addition to harvesting the elf civilization and a large elf population this time, Ning Yuan also obtained several coveted resources.

The hemostatic powder that Murong Yan gave him before was much more effective than the hemostatic potion in his tribe, so after arriving at the elf plane, Ning Yuan asked a few old elves about the situation of the hemostatic powder. The elves directly gave Ning Yuan a big surprise.

Zhixue powder is a powder medicine obtained by mashing, filtering, and drying Hemorrhoids. Its main raw material is Hemorrhoids.

As the darlings of nature, the elves are very good at growing all kinds of medicinal herbs, and the hemostatic herb is just a kind of medicinal herb in their medicine field.

Every elf tribe has its own medicine field. The elves will transplant the herbs found in the forest into the medicine field. As time goes by, the scale of the elves' medicine fields is getting bigger and bigger. And more and more.

At this time, we have to mention the long lifespan of the elves. When many elves enter middle-aged and old age, they will stay in the tribe and tinker with all kinds of gadgets.

Some old elves like to mix various medicinal materials together to develop various potions; some like to make all kinds of weapons; some like to raise some small animals; A small field, in addition to medicinal herbs, there are other kinds of plants.

If they were replaced by human beings, they would pass away in a few years or ten years.

The elves are different. Even in the middle-aged and old age, they can live for hundreds of years. It is said that in the elf plane, the longest-lived elf has lived for thousands of years, and his body is still very strong. There will be no problem in living for hundreds of years.

The long lifespan of the elves allows them enough time to study all kinds of new things, so even if they progress very slowly, there is too much time to hold them back.

They can trade time for success, not to mention, elves, as the darlings of nature, how could they not be smart?

Although Nuwa kept all civilizations in their most primitive state, Murongyan's elf tribe still successfully developed the hemostatic powder and elf short bow.

After Murong Yan transformed into an elf clan, several old elves appeared in her tribe directly. These old elves were transformed based on the population structure of her previous tribe.

Because of the little girl's kind heart, all the old people in her tribe survived, and when they transformed into elves, Nu Wa transformed these old people into old elves, which can also be regarded as good intentions are rewarded.

On the other hand, in the Condor Eagle tribe in Ningyuan, the elderly basically do not exist.

Because of the shortage of food resources, in many tribes, the old people often died early due to malnutrition, so when Ning Yuan conquered those tribes, except for young and middle-aged fighters, the rest of the tribes were women and children. nothing.

And when Ning Yuan came, the tribe that belonged to him was long gone. Ning Yuan couldn't even remember how many men and women there were in that tribe at that time. It's gone.

Although the old people are not as vigorous as young people in terms of physical strength and energy, they have decades of life experience. Although some experiences may not seem very good, they are actually priceless treasures. It is never possible to understand how precious that experience is.

Because most of the Shenying tribe are young and middle-aged people, they are not afraid of pure physical work such as fighting, but they can't do some technical work in production.

In addition, they have a patriarch like Ning Yuan who can't, learn, and practice. They also have more than enough energy but not enough energy. Everything can only start from scratch.

As the patriarch of the tribe, he should spare no effort to work hard for the development of the tribe.

In order to make the tribe develop faster, other lord players usually go to various training courses in person to learn some ancient skills, and then teach those talented tribesmen what they have learned in the game.

In this way, even if they don't use scientific research points to research the technology tree, they can let the people in the tribe master various skills.

On the other hand, Ning Yuan, except for learning a skill of weaving bamboo baskets at the beginning, he has never learned other skills.

Sometimes he clearly knows that as long as he learns a certain skill in reality, his clansmen will be able to master it quickly, but he just refuses to learn it because he finds it troublesome.

He would rather spend a lot of scientific research points to study these technologies, and then wait for the people of the tribe to explore slowly, rather than learn in reality.

Although the scientific research value can light up the technology tree, it is not a package of education or a meeting. It is up to the tribesmen to explore it by themselves, and whether it can be found out depends entirely on God's will.

The most obvious example is that he clearly knows that if coal cannot be found, he can temporarily replace coal with homemade charcoal, but he just doesn't want to learn it. Instead, Wang Ziwen, who didn't think of this method, immediately got the information. I went to study and study, and it turned out that Wang Ziwen finally succeeded in firing charcoal.

Of course, Ning Yuan still has advantages, that is, he doesn't know it himself, but he can grab those who know it.

Isn’t there a song that goes like this, the enemy made us without guns and cannons. As long as he can defeat those capable player lords, and then take the results of their development as his own.

Anyway, barbarism and civilization are a world where the weak prey on the strong. As long as he is strong enough, those who are robbed can't do anything to him except scold him.

And being scolded for a few words is also indispensable for him, as long as he has a thicker skin, he can completely ignore those insults.

As for revenge in reality, Ning Yuan doesn't have to worry. Under the perfect legal system, no one dares to touch the red line, because no one can afford the price after touching it.

After a person touches the red line, not only himself will be affected, but his relatives will also be implicated in various ways. No one can escape the severe punishment of the law, so players strictly abide by the fact that the game is a game, and the reality It is a realistic game rule, and they will not bring the grievances in the game to reality.

In the game, as long as you have the strength, you can do whatever you want, and now Ning Yuan is enjoying the pleasure of robbing the fruits of other people's labor.

In addition to making elf short bows and hemostatic powder, those old elves can also make tables, chairs and other miscellaneous gadgets.

In short, despite the fact that both the Elf tribe and the Condor tribe are in the most primitive barbaric stage, the quality of life of the elves is infinitely higher than that of the Condor tribe.

When the Condor Tribe was still complacent about being able to eat delicious stew every meal, the Elf Tribe had already eaten a nutritious set meal with a complete mix of meat and vegetables, and there were even more kinds of fruits for dessert.

When the Condor Tribe, including Ning Yuan, still slept on animal skins on the ground, the Elf Tribe already had homemade wooden beds.

Anyway, except for force, the Condor Tribe can't compare to the Elf Tribe in anything.

But it’s okay now, these old elves have now become members of the Condor Tribe, and what they have now will soon be popularized in the Condor Tribe, which is much faster than Ning Yuan’s own research, so It is the most practical to say that doctrine is used.

In fact, apart from the elf civilization itself, these old elves are Ning Yuan's most valuable gain this time, because they have mastered many skills that Ning Yuan urgently needs.

And even though they are all very old now, if they really live longer than anyone else, I am afraid that all the humans in the Condor Eagle Tribe will be given for nothing.

Those old elves can live at least hundreds of years without illness or disaster, and some may even live for thousands of years, so it is very likely that the great-grandsons of Bai Ze and others are dead, and they are still alive. Elves can be regarded as living fossils.

Although human beings cannot compare with elves in terms of lifespan, don't forget that their greatest strength is that they are good at learning. They can learn from the old elves as teachers, so as to learn various skills mastered by the old elves.

And as the years go by, the skills of those old elves may become more exquisite. In this way, the Condor Tribe is equivalent to having a batch of craft research systems that can evolve independently, which will bring new benefits to the entire Condor Tribe. Come to earth-shaking changes.

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