Online Games Barbarism and Civilization

Chapter 78, Ancient Tree of War

Now if someone asks Ning Yuan, what is the most precious thing to him?

Ning Yuan would definitely answer without hesitation: It is the army.

In this game of the weak and the strong, a strong army is the guarantee for a lord to live and work. If there is no strong army to support him, no matter how beautiful he builds his territory, it is nothing more than marrying others. Yi, one day, those greedy intruders will reach out to him.

And to have a strong army, it is useless to have people alone. The lords must let this army go through the baptism of war before they can become a steel division.

And war is always inseparable from death. No one can guarantee that he will be able to survive the battlefield, so if he wants to train a group of elite soldiers, sacrifice is inevitable.

In the era of cold weapons, due to limited medical conditions, the death rate of soldiers was very high.

Many soldiers obviously had a chance to survive after being injured, but in the end they still died of excessive blood loss or various infections. This is a very serious loss for a country and an army.

Because as long as those soldiers can survive, then they have experienced the test of life and death, and they all have great hopes of becoming elite soldiers in all battles.

Although Ning Yuan doesn't pay much attention to life, he still values ​​the eagle fighters under his command very much.

Whenever the battle is over, he will feel very worried when he sees the corpses of his soldiers who died in battle. If it is put into modern times, many of those soldiers who died in battle could actually survive, but in this era, Ning Yuan can only watch. Watching them die from blood loss.

Obviously, they can survive if they only need to stop the bleeding from the wound, but the backward medical level of the Condor Eagle Tribe can't even stop the bleeding from some deeper wounds.

In the end, many soldiers could only watch helplessly as the blood flowing from the wound took away the vitality of their bodies little by little. They saw the victory of the war, but they could no longer enjoy the fruits of victory.

For this result, although Ning Yuan was very unwilling, he was helpless, so every time he fought, he would frantically rush to the forefront. He hoped that by killing a few more enemies by himself, the Condor fighters under him would be less Lose some.

Although he doesn't know how effective it will be, this is the only thing he can do now.

The appearance of the Shengji Zhixue Powder formula once brought hope to Ning Yuan, but because the medicinal materials and the pharmacist who made alchemy have never been found, he can only let this formula be dusted at the bottom of the box.

It's all right now, the appearance of the old elves gave him hope again, because the medicine field of the elves not only has hemostatic grass, but also another main drug in the formula, Shengjihua.

As long as the old elf who is proficient in alchemy can successfully refine the birth muscle hemostatic powder according to the formula, then a large number of Condor warriors will survive after the war, which is of great significance to the development of the entire Condor tribe .

In fact, not only Shengji Zhixue Powder, but also many other pills can save the lives of many Condor warriors.

So for the sake of the safety of those Condor fighters who are fighting on the front line, Ning Yuan is going to give all the resources of the Condor tribe to the old elf pharmacist.

Regardless of whether the old elf wants people or anything, as long as there are some in the Condor Eagle Tribe, then he can come first. Anyway, the entire Condor Eagle Tribe is decided by Ning Yuan alone. Let him hold back first.

In addition to the refining of Shengji Zhixue Powder, the production of the Elven Short Bow and Force of Nature cannot be neglected.

Blueprint of Force of Nature: The blueprint of bow, gold level, according to the process on the blueprint, you can make a gold level bow - Force of Nature.

The blueprint of the force of nature was exploded by Ning Yuan from Murong Yan,

Although Murong Yan died by suicide, according to the rules of plane wars, after her death, all the special items on her body belonged to Ning Yuan, so during the Ning Yuan invasion period, no matter how she died, those special items on her body were all It belongs to Ning Yuan.

Murong Yan can be said to be Ning Yuan's goddess of luck, because she not only gave Ning Yuan an elf civilization, but also gave Ning Yuan three special props.

Ning Yuan has fought so many battles, and this is the first time that special props have been seized from the player lord. Compared with Murong Yan, the other player lords killed by him are simply a bunch of poor ghosts, so many people have even one There are no special props, and there is no comparison with other little girls.

In fact, those people can't be blamed entirely, after all, not everyone is as crazy as Ning Yuan.

Moreover, after they get any special props, they must use them directly on the spot. If they can't use them, they either sell them off or hand them over to the guild. After all, they are not alone like Ning Yuan. As members of the guild, they also have due obligations.

Even Murong Yan is the same, but the little girl is unlucky. Before she handed over the things to the custodian of the guild, she met Ning Yuan, so except that she used up a piece of exempt gold medal, everything else was cheaper Ningyuan.

Murong Yan contributed three special props to Ning Yuan, the most precious of which was this blueprint of the power of nature.

The Force of Nature is a gold-ranked bow. Although the drawing doesn't say how powerful it is, isn't that what bows are all about? It is nothing more than more powerful, longer range, higher accuracy, and more durable.

After all, barbarism and civilization is a war game in the era of cold weapons. Although there will be some fantasy things in it, there will never be any weapons with their own skills. People are still playing a fart.

Therefore, the weapons in barbarism and civilization do not have any attribute descriptions. Even if there are, they are stronger, more wear-resistant, and sharper.

The so-called weapon making blueprints only teach people how to make these weapons. As for whether people can make them and what quality they make, it all depends on their personal level.

According to the old elf who developed the elf short bow, the elf short bow is only a semi-finished product, and there are still many areas for improvement, while the force of nature has a complete process, as long as it can be made, it is a piece of art. There is no need for an improved finished product.

Compared with the elf shortbow, the force of nature has higher requirements on the user's strength, so it is stronger than the elf shortbow in terms of power and range, and is more suitable for male elves to use.

Although the short elf bow is not comparable to the power of nature in terms of power and range, it is superior in its small size and lightness. When the short elf bow shoots ten arrows in a row, the power of nature can shoot seven or eight arrows at most. The short elf bow is his Specially developed for elves to fight in the forest terrain, suitable for all elves.

After answering Ning Yuan's questions, the old elf refused Ning Yuan's request to create a force of nature on the grounds that he needed to continue researching and improving the elf short bow and did not want to be distracted.

That's right, this old elf has such a personality. Although he surrendered to Ningyuan together with his tribe, he still has his own persistence in personal pursuits.

Ning Yuan couldn't force these precious lumps in the tribe, so he found another old elf who liked to make furniture. After promising the old elf that he could use iron and iron at will, the old elf reluctantly agreed to help him develop the natural furniture. force.

Since the force of nature and the elf short bow are very good, Ning Yuan planned to make the two bows together. Anyway, there is plenty of high-quality wood around the camp, and the beast tendons and eagle tribes of various beasts have also stocked up a lot, which is enough for these two bows. The old elf went to tinker.

As for him, a layman who knows nothing, just wait and use the ready-made ones.

As long as Ning Yuan is willing to invest resources in Shengji Zhixue Powder and bows and arrows, he can basically have as much as he wants, but the other thing is that Ning Yuan can't control it even if he wants to.

Ancient War Tree: Ancient War Tree is an ancient tree species that can move by itself. It can absorb a large amount of nutrients in a short period of time to accelerate growth, and it can also extend its life by letting itself fall into a long dormant period.

The ancient tree of war has the special ability of freely rooting and rooting. It can pull out the roots from the soil, and then slowly move to other places. After arriving at the destination, it can let the roots that have been pulled out re-root into the soil Inside, every time rooting and rooting will consume a lot of energy in the body of the ancient war tree.

The ancient war tree has the hardest body and the most powerful self-healing ability in the world, and because the trunk stores a lot of water, it is not afraid of flames.

The Ancient War Trees are asleep most of the time, they only obey the call of the tree shepherd, and others cannot command the Ancient War Trees.

The ancient war tree hates any higher creatures except the elves approaching it. If it approached a waking ancient war tree rashly, it would use its roots suddenly drilled out of the soil to entangle the intruder, and then kill the intruder. Pulled deep into the soil to become its nourishment.

Tree Shepherd: The elves, favored by the Goddess of Nature, have the ability to communicate with the Ancient War Tree from birth. They can plant an Ancient War Tree by themselves, or domesticate an Ancient War Tree through communication in the wild Follow your own command, each tree shepherd can only command one ancient war tree.

If it weren't for the fact that the number is too rare and the cultivation conditions are too harsh, the ancient war tree should be the best thing Ningyuan has harvested in this invasion.

When Ning Yuan attacked the third elven tribe, he found a very special tree species in the camp of the tribe. This is an ancient tree full of vicissitudes. But the skin is full of traces of time like the skin of the elderly in their twilight years.

The ancient war tree that Ning Yuan discovered was as thick as a person and more than five meters high. Although it already had a certain lethality, the lethality was very limited. Ning Yuan estimated that with its current ability, it could kill some small animals such as rabbits and mice, but it could not pose any threat to human fighters.

The reason why this ancient war tree is so weak is entirely because the tree shepherd who cultivated it is just an underage girl.

Alice Whisperwind is already twenty-four years old this year, but the elves only come of age at thirty, so she is still a minor now.

As a female elf favored by the goddess of nature, Alice's life as a tree shepherd has just begun.

Because of her young age, the little girl could not leave the safe elf camp to go hunting with the ancient war tree.

And the resources that her elven tribe can provide to the ancient tree of war are very limited, so even if the ancient tree of war has a powerful ability against the sky, because it does not get enough nutrients, it can only accompany Ellie Silk was a good baby in the elf camp.

At the same time, it is precisely because this ancient war tree has not yet grown up that Ning Yuan can take down this elf tribe. Otherwise, facing a war fortress that is invulnerable to weapons, water and fire, Ning Yuan may be the one who is captured.

Alice Yufeng existed like a baby bump in the original elf tribe. After she came under Ning Yuan's hands, Ning Yuan even regarded the little girl as a little ancestor. In order to ensure the absolute safety of Alice, Ning Yuan gave the little girl The girl is equipped with a luxurious bodyguard team to protect the little girl's safety 24 hours a day.

This luxurious bodyguard group is composed of humans and elves. As for humans, Ning Yuan selected fifty condor fighters from his own bodyguard group. These fifty condor fighters are absolute elites who have experienced many battles. If the little girl is unfavorable, she must pass their level first.

There are also fifty warriors on the elf side. Although the little girl is still young, she is a woman after all, so thirty of the fifty elf warriors are female elves.

These female elves are elf archers with elf shortbows on their backs. They are mainly responsible for protecting the little girl's safety and providing long-range fire support to the soldiers in front at any time.

Among the more than 6,000 elves, there was such an elf with the talent of a tree shepherd, so Ning Yuan couldn't help but not pay attention to the little girl. If it wasn't because of the current limited conditions, Ning Yuan even wanted to configure an exclusive army for the little girl Well, a single seedling like Alice really cannot be overprotected.

Of course, it is useless to protect Alice. The reason why the tree shepherd is so precious is because she can cultivate and command the ancient tree of war. Without the ancient tree of war, the tree shepherd is worthless, so In order to use the tree shepherd's ability, one must also have a real ancient war tree.

The reason why the ancient war tree is precious is not because its number is too rare, but because many wild adult ancient war trees spend most of their lives sleeping.

Except for the tree shepherd, no one can wake them up. Of course, no one except the tree shepherd dares to wake up an adult ancient war tree casually.

Ancient war trees have almost endless lives. After they grow up, they spend most of their time sleeping, so they usually only give birth to offspring once when they are young.

And after that, unless there are some special circumstances, they will not easily give birth to offspring, because that will consume most of the energy in their bodies.

An ancient war tree can give birth to fifty seeds at a time. These seeds are very powerful. Even after being placed for thousands of years, as long as they are buried under the soil, they will be able to take root and sprout.

However, in the wild, it is difficult for many juvenile ancient war trees to survive to adulthood, because they need too many nutrients to grow to adulthood.

In nature, it is very difficult to obtain enough nutrients. After all, animals are not fools, and they will not rush to sacrifice their lives for the ancient war tree.

If they cannot absorb enough nutrients to sustain life, some juvenile ancient war trees will also die, because only adult ancient war trees have the ability to dormant indefinitely. Although juvenile ancient war trees are also very tenacious in vitality, compared to adult From the Ancient War Trees, they are really far behind.

Compared with higher creatures such as human beings, the adult mark of the ancient war tree does not have age as the limit.

If they do not absorb enough nutrients, they may not be able to grow up for the rest of their lives. If the surrounding nutrients are rich, it may only take one or two years for them to grow into a real ancient war tree. The main reason why tree people can appear.

Although wild ancient war trees hate other high-level creatures except elves approaching them, they don't restrict those wild animals from approaching, and they never actively attack those approaching wild animals.

Contrary to the attitude towards other higher creatures, they will actively attract some small animals to settle on them. In order to attract these small animals, the ancient war tree will bear a sweet and juicy fruit on the crown to attract those small animals. Animals who like to eat fruit come to settle here for themselves.

Because this kind of fruit can only be picked by elves except animals, so people are used to calling this kind of fruit elf fruit.

Elf fruit is rich in nutrition and can bear fruit all year round. It is deeply loved by animals and elves. Elf fruit has attracted many creatures to settle on the ancient war tree. Every wild ancient war tree is a small zoo.

The ancient war tree will actively bear elf fruit to provide food for animals. Although this behavior seems very selfless, it is actually a symbiotic win-win relationship.

It is difficult for ancient war trees to grow to adulthood only by the nutrients they absorb from the soil, so they came up with such a symbiotic win-win method.

Although the Ancient War Tree would consume part of its own energy due to the elf fruit, the small animals that were attracted to it and settled there could provide it with more energy.

Animal feces are the best gift they can give back to the ancient tree of war, and after many creatures settle on the ancient tree of war, they will leave their corpses to the ancient tree of war after they die.

Although the ancient war tree will not attack the living small animals, it will never let go of the dead animal corpses. Once an animal dies and falls to the ground, the ancient war tree will use its roots to send the animal corpses to the ground. Purify it, and this purification is the way the ancient tree of war eats.

Compared with the elven fruits that were paid, the Ancient War Tree undoubtedly got more. To sum it up in a simple sentence, the little animals don’t lose money, but the Ancient War Tree earns blood. That’s why it is said that this is a win-win symbiotic relationship. .

If a young ancient war tree can grow to the stage where it can produce elf fruit, then it has basically passed the most dangerous juvenile stage.

If there is no unexpected situation in the future, then it will definitely grow into a real ancient war tree, but the time is hard to say, it may be decades, it may be hundreds of years, or even a few years. Ten thousand years, no one can tell anyway.

There is a mysterious protrusion on the top of the trunk of the ancient war tree. This protrusion is the place where it breeds seeds. The scientific name is called the breeding room.

After the ancient war tree has given birth to the tree species, it will not directly sprinkle the seeds on the ground, because it already exists here, and its descendants are difficult to grow in this area.

So unless it is willing to actively migrate to other places, it will not release the seeds. At this time, the ancient war tree needs the help of other creatures.

Although the ancient war tree itself is a small ecosystem, its canopy space is limited after all, so the number of creatures that an ancient war tree can support is also limited. When the offspring of those creatures become adults, they must Leave the ancient tree of war to find a new territory.

At this time, the ancient tree of war will open the breeding room and release the tree seeds.

There is a thin layer of sugar-coated substance on the surface of the tree species, which can attract animals that are about to leave to come and eat it. As long as the tree species is successfully eaten by the animals, then they have the opportunity to go to distant places with those animals. So far, no creature has been able to successfully digest the tree species of the ancient war tree.

Of course, the tree species of the ancient war tree may also be eaten by the animals that settled on the ancient tree. If they do not leave the sphere of influence of the ancient tree, then even if the seed successfully lands, it will not be able to grow in the end, because it It can't compete with its mother at all.

Therefore, in order to avoid this risk as much as possible, the ancient war tree will only release one seed at a time, and one seed will be released every year for fifty seeds, which will be released in fifty years. In this way, even if some seeds are lost, eventually There are still quite a few seeds that can be carried far away by animals.

However, in another situation, the Ancient War Tree will release all the seeds at once, that is when there are tree herders visiting.

When the tree shepherds encounter the ancient tree of war, they will take the initiative to communicate with the ancient tree, and then the ancient tree will hand over all the tree seeds to the tree shepherd, entrusting him to spread the tree seeds far away.

Alice Whisperwind's ancient war tree was cultivated by visiting an adult ancient tree to obtain seeds.

Although the tree shepherd can domesticate the ancient war tree in the wild, Alice is still too young after all. Although her people very much hope that she can domesticate the adult war ancient tree for use by the tribe, she is also working hard for it. Tried my best, but failed in the end.

Because the ancient war tree is unwilling to waste too much energy and migrate to the elf tribe. After all, what the elf tribe can give it is far less than what it loses, so although it likes the tree shepherd in front of it very much, But still rejected her request.

Although the Ancient War Tree rejected Alice, it still handed over all the tree species in the breeding room to the little girl, and it hoped that she could spread these tree species far away.

Alice got a total of 17 ancient tree seeds. Except for the ancient war tree that she cultivated herself, the remaining 16 seeds are all placed in the little girl's backpack, but unfortunately, the little girl has already Licking off the sugar coating on all the tree species, Ning Yuan's desire to try something new was directly defeated.

Although he couldn't taste the sugar-coated taste of the tree species, Ning Yuan still had to help the little girl cultivate her ancient war tree.

Although this ancient war tree only obeys the orders of the young girl, the little girl also has to obey Ning Yuan's orders, so this ancient war tree actually belongs to Ning Yuan, and of course he will be willing to spend money on cultivating his own things.

Animal dung is a precious nutrient for plants, but if you want to rely on fertilization to cultivate an ancient war tree, I am afraid that Ningyuan's great-great-great-great-great-great-grandson will never see that day.

The main reason why the wild ancient war trees came up with such a symbiotic win-win solution is to survive. If there is a better way, they are not willing to wait tens of thousands of years to become adults, so Ning Yuan wants to cultivate the ancient war trees to adulthood as soon as possible, so he has to spend a lot of money.

According to the elves, in order for the ancient war tree to grow rapidly to an adult state, it must be provided with some nutritious "food", and what kind of food contains the most nutritious substances? Of course it is the body of a higher being.

The flesh and bones of higher creatures are the favorite "food" of the ancient war tree. If you want to quickly cultivate an ancient war tree to an adult state, you need to provide it with a large amount of such food.

Because it likes to eat the corpses of higher creatures, the ancient war tree is also called the man-eating tree. Although this is not the wish of the ancient war tree itself, some tree shepherds still choose this shortcut for their own benefit.

Obviously, Ning Yuan is also this kind of person. It is impossible for him to passively wait for the ancient tree of war to grow into an adult by itself. He does not have the time and cannot afford to wait, so he will definitely choose to take the shortcut of the man-eating tree. .

Although the name man-eating tree sounds evil, whether it is really evil depends entirely on what the tree shepherd does.

As a human lord, Ning Yuan would definitely not sacrifice human beings to the ancient war tree, not even human corpses, because as a human being, he couldn't get over the hurdle in his heart.

However, in barbarism and civilization, humans are not the only kind of advanced creatures, elves, dwarves and orcs are also a kind of higher creatures.

Elves and dwarves look similar to humans, so they can't do it either, but the orcs are different. As the only civilization that Ningyuan doesn't want to plunder, the orcs are the best to sacrifice to the ancient tree of war, because Their flesh and blood cannot be eaten, and it is better to use it as nourishment for the ancient war tree than to throw it away in vain.

Of course, Ning Yuan only wants to sacrifice the corpses of the orcs who died in battle to the ancient tree of war. He is not crazy enough to use the orcs as living sacrifices.

In fact, as long as it is not the corpse of one's own tribe, it can be used as a sacrifice to the ancient war tree. After all, those corpses must be disposed of in time, otherwise it may cause an epidemic.

The ancient tree of war is undoubtedly a master at dealing with these corpses. It can dispose of all the corpses in a short period of time, which is much better than humans in terms of efficiency and safety. The corpse should be a good way to kill two birds with one stone.

Thinking of this, Ning Yuan was a little shaken again, because whether human corpses were buried or cremated, in essence, there was not much difference from being disposed of by the ancient war tree.

Those corpses will eventually decompose slowly and decompose into various primitive substances, so instead of spending a lot of manpower and material resources to dispose of the corpses, it is better to just cheapen the ancient war tree. It seems that he has to think of a There is a way, a way that can be accepted by myself and everyone else.

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