Online Games Barbarism and Civilization

Chapter 79, Natural Teachings

When human beings are born in this world, they come naked. Similarly, when they die, they can’t take anything with them. This sentence can be said to be the most appropriate description of human life. .

Elves are the darlings of nature. They believe in the goddess of nature and worship nature. When an elf dies, other elves will cremate his body and scatter the ashes in every corner of the forest.

This means that the dead elves have returned to the embrace of the goddess of nature. He is omnipresent. He will watch his people in every corner and bless them with happiness and peace.

Judging from the tradition of the elves, they still believe in the naturalism of dust to dust and dust to dust, but their approach is relatively mild.

But what Ning Yuan wants to do now is to sacrifice all the corpses to the ancient war tree.

Although the two have the same end result in essence, they both let the corpse decompose and return to nature, but compared with the gentle approach of the elves, the ancient war tree is basically a master who eats people without spitting out bones.

There will be nothing left of the corpses processed by it, so there will be no ashes.

It is also returning to nature and feeding back to nature, but the latter is obviously not easy to be accepted by people, because no matter how you look at it, the latter will appear more ruthless.

But in fact, as long as you think about it carefully, the end result of the two treatment methods is actually not any different, it's just that people can't convince their fragile self-esteem.

Therefore, if Ning Yuan wants people to accept this result, he must come up with a reasonable explanation to convince their fragile self-esteem, otherwise it will inevitably arouse strong resistance.

After thinking about it all night, Ning Yuan realized that in order to meet these harsh conditions at the same time, at present, the only way to go is religion.

Just as the elves believed in the goddess of nature and admired nature, Ning Yuan directly added something he thought of to the natural teachings of the elves, and then a new natural teaching was born.

Since Ning Yuan doesn't understand the natural teachings of the elves, he doesn't dare to change too much, but he doesn't need to change so many things at the moment, he just needs to let people realize that the ancient tree of war is sent by the goddess of nature to guide The messenger of the dead will do.

Ning Yuan claimed to have received an oracle from the goddess of nature, which mentioned that the world would soon usher in endless wars.

These wars will bring various disasters to the world. In order to prevent various epidemics in the world, the goddess of nature will appoint the ancient war tree as the messenger of death in the world.

After people die, as long as they bury their bodies under the ancient war tree, they can return to the embrace of the goddess of nature.

The elven fruit on the ancient tree indicates that the dead have been reborn, and every elven fruit produced on the ancient tree means that a dead person has returned to the embrace of the goddess of nature.

Since it is already planned to use a large number of corpses to quickly cultivate the ancient war tree, Ning Yuan will naturally not have any unreasonable thoughts about the elf fruit.

As a modern person, although he knew what was going on in his heart, as long as he thought of the densely packed corpses under the ancient war tree, he would not dare to eat those elf fruits no matter what.

I believe those elves will not eat those elf fruits again in the future. Hey, anyway, there are plenty of delicious fruits in this world, and if you don’t drink elf fruits, you can’t die.

The Condor Tribe is now Ning Yuan's voice, and all human beings obey Ning Yuan's words, so now as long as the elves can accept this newly added natural teaching, Ning Yuan can let go and cultivate the ancient tree of war.

Ning Yuan originally thought that the elves would have some resistance to this new teaching, after all, it is different from the natural teaching they have believed in for many years.

However, he obviously underestimated the influence of the four words "Goddess of Nature" on the elves.

After hearing the so-called oracle of the so-called goddess of nature that Ning Yuan made up, several old elves nodded frequently in agreement, and then without waiting for Ning Yuan to make a further explanation, they came up with an idea for everyone to understand. Very convincing reason.

"Her Majesty is really far-sighted. No wonder only our elves can give birth to tree shepherds. It turns out that Her Majesty has long predicted the coming troubled times."

An old elf spoke with praise while stroking his beard.

"Praise the Goddess of Nature, Her Majesty the Goddess has worked so hard for the sake of nature and the common people, and the Ancient War Tree as a messenger to guide the dead is simply making the best use of everything, it is really suitable.

Fortunately, we used to think that cremation for the tribe would be more in line with Her Majesty's wishes. We wasted too much wood when we held the cremation. Hey, we have disappointed Her Majesty. "

An old elf became more and more excited as he spoke, and finally gave a deep salute to the Ancient War Tree with his hands on his chest.


Looking at a group of old elves who were talking endlessly, Ning Yuan realized that the reasons he thought about last night were too pale.

It's better for these old elves to come up with a better reason. If he didn't know that the oracle was made up by himself, he would really doubt whether these old elves had colluded with others to deceive him.

After all, what they said was so logical that he couldn't refute it at all, and they had completely convinced him.

After Ning Yuan was persuaded by the old elves, the identity of the dead guide of the Ancient War Tree was confirmed in the Condor Tribe.

After the ancient war tree was established in the Shenying tribe to guide the dead, all the corpses of the dead in the tribe would be sent to the ancient war tree and purified by the ancient war tree. Then people want to express their condolences to their loved ones, as long as they come here Just take a look at the tree full of elf fruits.

After the name of the ancient war tree was settled, Ning Yuan found an open space, and then sent someone to dig a big hole in the open space.

A thick tree trunk was used as a beam on the top of the big pit, and some branches and dry grass were spread on the tree trunk, and a layer of loess was sprinkled on the dry grass, so a very strong cover was completed.

Except for one opening for throwing corpses, the entire pit was sealed.

Although everyone has recognized this new teaching of nature, precautionary measures must be taken. After all, no one knows what the ancient tree of war looks like when it is activated.

So in order to avoid the scene from being too bloody, let Ancient War Tree eat quietly by himself, so that other people don't have to watch.

After finishing all this, Ning Yuan asked Alice to direct the ancient war tree to "slowly" migrate over. Seeing that the speed of the ancient war tree was not much different from that of a tortoise, Ning Yuan finally knew why it was so NB, but it had been sleeping all its life up.

With this speed, let alone leftovers, even shit doesn't have its share.

For such a short distance, the ancient war tree took a long time to walk, and judging from its appearance, it seemed that it was still exhausted and urgently needed to supplement nutrition. If it had known this, Ning Yuan would not have dug the pit so far.

Since the latest invader was Murong Yan's elf army, the corpses sacrificed to the Ancient War Tree this time were the corpses of one hundred and fifty elf warriors.

In order to show respect for the goddess of nature, Ning Yuan personally presided over the sacrifice, oh, no, it was a return ceremony.

After an old elf finished an incomprehensible eulogy, all the guests present bowed deeply three times to the Ancient War Tree.

After all, it is now the messenger of the dead and the representative of the goddess of nature, so even Ning Yuan must maintain a certain amount of respect for it.

Looking at the "uncle" he made with his own hands, Ning Yuan can only hope that it will be more powerful in the future, otherwise he will be so full that he will be full for no reason.

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