

The heavy door slowly opens.

Bai Yi get ready.

Take a deep breath, straighten your chest and walk in.

Behind the door is a passage.

As in the scene on the first floor, torches are inserted into the walls.

After walking forward for more than ten meters, Bai Yi heard a scream in front of him.

Walk quickly out of the aisle.

As soon as he entered the second layer, Bai Yi saw two skeleton soldiers beating an old ghoul.

This ghoul was beaten miserably, lying on the ground and screaming!


soldiers, isn't this a ghoul's lair

? How can there be skeleton soldiers?


Bai Yi roared.

A big jump jumped in front of the two skeletons.

Took out his sword and slashed it!

The skeletons turned into bones all over the ground in an instant.

After the skeleton soldier died, Bai Yi gently helped the old ghoul up.

The moment he saw Bai Yi, the old ghoul was suddenly stunned.

Suddenly burst into tears, and his lips couldn't stop trembling!

"Old... Boss, is that you?" "

Yes, I'm back! You have suffered during this time!" Bai

Yi pretended to touch his tears.

'Hehe, it's really successful!'

It's a legendary prop, even the language can be automatically translated. He

looks exactly like the fake village chief after he transformed.

After knowing that this was the ghoul's lair, Bai Yi thought of such an idea.

So he took out the legendary props that had exploded before.

Name: Kamen of God

Quality: Legend (Breakage)

Classification: Special

Wear Class: All

Use Level: LV10

Durability: 500/500

Equipment Attributes: No Equipment


: Disguise: Can transform into any human or monster you have seen, lasts 10 minutes, cools down for 24 hours, and the remaining number of transformations is 5.

Description: The props of the God of the Dead were given to the Ghoul Lord to lurk in the human world to collect information, but unfortunately they were destroyed by a special appearance potion, and there were only five transformations left.


Everyone, come soon!" the

old ghoul called out to his companions.

"Woo hoo, really boss!" "

We're saved!" After

a while, all the ghouls in the lair gathered here, cheering.

Bai Yi glanced at it, and estimated that there should be two or three hundred, I don't know what the reason is, most of them have injuries on their bodies.


he cleared his throat and pointed to the side watching the lively skeleton.


How come there are so many abominable skeletons in our territory?!"

the old ghoul who had just been beaten hurried forward to cry.

"The boss doesn't know something, since you went to the human world to carry out secret missions, our second layer has often been suppressed by the skeleton soldiers on the first floor.

"After yesterday's battle failed, I don't know who said that you have died in battle, so those damn skeletons came

to us to grab territory!" "Many ghouls have been killed

!" "Boss, you have to decide for us!" Bai

Yi's brows furrowed, hating iron and steel and scolding:

"It's really waste, don't you all know to fight back?"

"Boss, we don't fight back, we can't beat it!"

"A ruthless character was born in their skeletons, he alone killed dozens of our ghouls, if we resisted, we would kill them all!"

Bai Yi pretended to be angry after hearing this.

"Hmph! I don't think they want to live

!" "I'd rather see what kind of ruthless character he is

!" "Brothers listen to my command!" "I'll

crush you! You go and kill all the skeletons in the lair!"

"Boss, we'll wait for your words

!" "Brothers rush! crush all those rotten bones

!" "Rush rush!" "

Boss come back, they have the backbone."

One by one, the ghouls seemed to have been beaten with chicken blood, took up weapons and rushed towards the skeletons.

Bai Yi sat on the stone throne on the side.

Cheer up the ghouls underneath.

"Yes, smash his head

!" "Rip off his legs, don't let him run!" "

Come on, come on! You are the best!" Watching

the two sides of the dog eat the dog, Bai Yi's heart was happy.

As necromancers, they are not good people.

Ghouls love to eat people.

After eating the bones left by the person, it becomes a medium for summoning skeletons.

After the birth of the skeleton soldier, it will kill all living creatures, and the dead corpses will be taken away and eaten by ghouls, and the cycle continues.

With Bai Yi's crushing array, the skeleton soldiers were defeated one after another.

Ghouls and Skeleton Soldiers have the same level and equal strength.

But the number of skeleton soldiers in the second layer is small, most of them are in the first layer, but the skeleton soldiers on the first layer have been killed by Bai Yi, and they have no source of troops to replenish.

It didn't take long for there were few skeleton soldiers left.

There was no time to celebrate the victory.


Suddenly there was a loud bang.

The ghouls were swept away in large swaths.

Bai Yi cheered up, it seems that the ruthless character in the mouth of the ghoul has come.

A two-meter-on, armored skeleton rampaged through the horde of ghouls.

The big sword in his hand will knock away more than a dozen ghouls with each sweep.

"Don't be afraid, listen to my command and besiege him together!" Bai

Yi continued to command the ghoul, silently reciting the identification in his heart.

[Name: Death Knight

] [Grade: BOSS] [Level: LV10

] [HP: 20000

] [Mana: 500] [Attack: 400] [Law Strength: 100

] [Physical Defense: 80

] [Magic Defense: 40

] [Agility: 7


Skills: Sweeping Thousands of Armies, Charge, Death Resistance]

[Note: A young warrior was ordered to destroy the necromancy, but he did not expect that the village chief colluded with the ghoul to lay a trap in advance, and after death, he was infected by the breath of the dead and turned into an unconscious skeleton. As

described by the ghouls, this guy is really a ruthless character.

"Come on! Don't be afraid, we have a lot of people, we will definitely be able to grind him to death

!" "If you can't stand me again!" Bai

Yi cheered for the ghoul on the side, his voice hoarse.

But a boss is a boss.

In front of the tall death knight, these ghouls are like children who have just learned to walk, and they are fanned by him with a big sword!

It didn't take long for the only survivors of the Death Knight himself to be alive.

The old ghoul was the last to die.

He climbed to Bai Yi's feet with difficulty.

"Old... Boss, you want to avenge us!" At

this time, the ten-minute transformation effect of the Kamen of God had just ended.

Seeing that the boss didn't react, the old looked up.


Who are you

!!" "What about our boss!!" Without

waiting for Bai Yi to respond, the death knight slashed at him with a sword and sent him to meet his real boss.

Your boss is waiting for you below!"

This death knight was only half of his HP consumed by the ghoul, and now is the time for the fisherman to profit.

Bai Yi rolled over and dodged the Death Knight's great sword.

Draw your weapon and sneak up on his ass.

The Death Knight turned and charged, and when he saw Bai Yi's weapon, his charging rhythm was obvious.

Don't...... He knows....

Bai Yi probably guessed his identity.

This death knight is probably the warrior of the village before.

However, since the village chief is also a ghoul, he fell into a trap and died here.


this is a great man and a pitiful person.

During his lifetime, he worked hard to protect the villagers from necromancy.

After death, he became the most hated necromancer.

If you are conscious, it must be very painful.

Let him

kill the best ghoul with his own hands and make up for his regrets.

Although this death knight only has half blood left, it will not be solved in a while.

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