"Before, the village also sent warriors to wipe out these evil creatures, just... They never came back. Widow Wang's tone was full of sadness.   "Now are you willing to wipe out the remaining necromancy?" Widow Wang raised her head and looked at Wang Hu. Wang Hu nodded: "Well, I'm willing to go." "Well, since that's the case, let's go, let's go." Widow Wang turned and walked out the door. The outside of the village has been surrounded by a group of evil creatures oppressed by black. In this black-pressed biological group, there are also many corpses, their bodies are full of blood holes, and their eyes are also open, as if to tell everyone that they are not dead. Seeing the widow Wang come out, these creatures immediately rushed towards them. "Kill, eliminate harm for the people." "Protect the Wang clan. A group of people rushed into the biota and began the fight. Armed with knives, guns and clubs in their hands, they fought bravely to kill their enemies, and although their combat skills were not as strong as those of evil creatures, they had an absolute superiority in number than them. "We're going to get out of here quickly, these creatures are so ferocious. "I also think so, they're not afraid of us at all, and we're going to get out of here quickly." "However, once you escape from here, will these creatures catch up?" Hearing everyone's words, Widow Wang shook her head: "Don't worry, this creature will not chase us, we can only get rid of them if we leave here, so everyone get out of here quickly." As soon as they heard that they were not pursuing, Wang Hu and the others immediately relaxed their vigilance, and then accelerated the speed of escape, leaving Widow Wang standing in place alone. Widow Wang did not leave. She looked at the corpse that fell to the ground, looked at those bloody eyes, and an inexplicable emotion rose in her heart, and she didn't know why she felt a feeling of reluctance in her heart. "I don't know why, when I saw their corpses, I felt a little sad in my heart, which is really a strange feeling. "I should have forgotten them a long time ago, how could I still have this strange feeling?" "No, I can't keep thinking about it, I have to leave as soon as possible. Widow Wang snorted, immediately shook her head, dispelled all these emotions from her mind, and she turned and left the cottage. "Sister Wang, why do these things still attack the cottage? Along the way, Wang Hu and others' doubts continued to be asked, and Widow Wang patiently explained: "These creatures are because they are manipulated by people, so they will attack us, this kind of human is a very dangerous existence, so we still stay away, if he catches, it will definitely be very troublesome." What Widow Wang said was very reasonable. "Sister Wang, then let's get out of here quickly, it would be bad if we were caught by that kind of person. "That's right, it's better for us to get out of here quickly, lest we get caught by him when the time comes, and then there is no way to regret it." Hearing their suggestion, Widow Wang nodded approvingly. She looked ahead, her eyes shining with determination. "Since you also want to leave here, then I will lead you to leave, this time I will lead everyone to leave together, I will personally lead the team to find the person who manipulates this evil creature, I will arrest him and eliminate harm for the people!" "Yes!" Wang Hu and the others shouted in unison, with resolute expressions on their faces. "Go!" Widow Wang shouted loudly and led everyone to run forward. ...... "Everyone be careful, although these evil creatures can only attack simply, they have a very powerful attack technique, they have a spell called the evil curse technique, which can make people's vitality disappear in a short time, if they are hit, the vitality will quickly disappear until death. "The so-called evil curse technique is to cast this spell in an instant, so that the opponent falls into a coma, unable to move, and cannot recover his vitality in a short period of time, this curse technique can be said to be very terrifying. Hearing the narration of the man beside him, the other people couldn't help frowning. During this time, they had experienced many battles, but their vitality had not been lost, and the vitality of those evil creatures had not been affected in any way. What's going on here? They didn't suffer any serious injuries on their bodies, so why did those evil creatures have such an effect on them? They couldn't help but wonder in their hearts. "Okay, everyone, pay attention, we have to leave here as soon as possible, otherwise once our vitality is exhausted, we won't be able to leave at that time." They also knew how powerful these evil creatures were, so they were all very cautious. "Everyone come with me. Widow Wang rushed forward with everyone in the front, and everyone did not dare to be careless, and they were preoccupied, and ran forward after Widow Wang. Behind them, the eyes of those evil creatures shine with greed, and then they move forward, they want to catch up and eat them in one fell swoop. "Why are these evil creatures chasing after them?" "I don't know, is it because this is their territory, so they dare not leave casually? "Whatever the reason, we must get out of here as soon as possible anyway." Widow Wang silently observed the movements of these evil creatures on the side, and seeing that they were still running after them, she couldn't help but sigh: "Alas, what is going on with these evil creatures, why are they so desperately chasing, what mistakes have we made to make them hate us so much?" "Anyway, let's get out of here first, and if we really want to die, let's die together." Wang Hu and the others nodded after hearing her words. At this time, they are no longer entangled in these issues, and their fate is already predetermined. They are not gods and cannot control their destiny. So they have to accept fate. "Swoosh!" "Swoosh!" "Swoosh!" Just as they were about to charge, dozens of huge monsters suddenly emerged from all directions. These monsters look very hideous, some even open their bloody mouths, revealing their white teeth, and some have twisted bodies like centipedes, which looks terrifying. These monsters are all very tall, each of them is more than two meters in size. They wore armor, hats and turbans on their heads, and a black aura emanated from them, and a gloomy smell wafted from them. Seeing these creatures, Wang Hu and the others all changed their faces slightly, their bodies trembled, their eyes were full of fear, they did not expect that there would be so many monsters in this ghost place, or so powerful, this was simply their nightmare.

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