"Moonlight Slash!" Bai Yi roared and slashed at those little snakes with a wave of his magic staff. Poof, poof, poof! He hacked to death more than a dozen in one go, and the remaining little snakes all burrowed into the ground, and these little snakes died without reacting, and they didn't have time to dodge. Congratulations to the host, you upgraded to level 2!" You hear a system tone. Bai Yi breathed a long sigh of relief, and his mood finally relaxed. He almost thought he was going to hang up, but fortunately he discovered the weakness of this group of little snakes in time. If he hadn't found the little snake's weakness, he might have hung up. "It's so dangerous!" Bai Yi patted his chest, rejoicing and cursing secretly: "Damn, why didn't you find the weakness of these little snakes!" "System, can it still be updated!" He asked. "Yes. "Hurry up, I need a higher evaluation, I'm afraid that the number of snakes in this group is too small, and I can't kill it." "Host, wait a moment. The system began to adjust. Bai Yi stood aside and waited. Not long after, a voice came. Congratulations to the host, the system has been upgraded to level 3. "System !!!" This time Bai Yi did not control it, and directly shouted out. Congratulations to the host, the system has been upgraded to level 4. Congratulations to the host, the system has been upgraded to level 5. Congratulations to the host, the system has been upgraded to level 6. " ...... Why is this system so perverted? How can the upgrade speed be so fast!" Bai Yi was shocked. After the system is upgraded to level 6, it will even upgrade itself. And the efficiency of the upgrade is much stronger than when the previous upgrade was greater, it can be described as terrifying. "Congratulations host, your equipment has reached its limit and cannot be upgraded. Hearing the system's answer, Bai Yi was dumbfounded. "Ding, host, you are the first person to use equipment to reach the limit, but you can't continue to upgrade. What do you mean by that?" Hearing the explanation of the system, Bai Yi was completely stunned. He didn't know exactly what the system meant. Equipment reaching the limit means that the equipment has reached the limit, can not continue to upgrade, can not equip other equipment, can only equip their own equipment, but cannot use other equipment. Hearing the explanation of the system, Bai Yi felt that his brain could no longer keep up with the rhythm. He had never heard of a piece of equipment that could not be upgraded. "No wonder you said that equipment has limits, it turns out that equipment does have limits, this is my negligence." Bai Yi sighed helplessly. "Host, don't be discouraged, the equipment will be upgraded, although these equipment of yours has reached the limit, it has not been damaged, but it cannot be upgraded for the time being. So can these pieces of my equipment be restored?" "This... I can't recover it yet!" The system was silent, and it didn't know what was going on. "I'll wipe, you are a broken system, how did you do it? You can't even do this little thing, right? You are still embarrassed to say that what equipment cannot be repaired, what kind of rotten excuse is this, you also deserve to say this kind of thing, it is simply insulting this word!" Bai Yi was furious. He now finally understood why he had happened to him. It turns out that the limit of equipment is that it cannot be equipped with new equipment, and this sense of powerlessness is really bad. "System, why are you still stunned, hurry up and think of a way to restore these equipment to their previous state!" "Host, I tried my best, I really can't think of any way, I can only help you patch this equipment now. "Okay, hurry up, I'll dispose of these little snakes first, lest they run to me and bite me." "Good!" The system nodded, it also didn't want to watch these little snakes continue to attack Bai Yi. Bai Yi jumped into the air, holding the Wind and Thunder Blade, slashing madly, smashing these little snakes one after another. "Boom~!Boom~!Boom~!" The little snakes turned into powder and disappeared, but their bodies remained. However, these bodies have been reduced to powder and can no longer be reassembled. Even the corpse will not be reassembled again, what the hell is this?" Bai Yi was a little surprised. He had never encountered this situation and couldn't believe it. However, he will not give up easily, and he must do everything he can to kill these little snakes. Only by killing these little snakes can he feel at ease. This time he wasted no time and swung the Wind and Thunder Blade again. "Ding, congratulations to the host, kill a second-order Warcraft, get 500 experience points, and get 100 gold coins. This time he got a good harvest, earning 500 experience points. "Ding, congratulations to the host, kill a fifth-order Warcraft, get 500 experience points, get 50 gold coins, get a spirit stone; kill a sixth-order Warcraft, get 500 experience points, get 20 spirit stones, get a fire crystal; kill three seventh-order Warcraft, get 1000 experience points, get 30 gold coins, get 10 spirit stones. This time, the harvest can be described as rich, enough for him to upgrade. He did not stop, and continued to rush forward, slaying the monster while galloping. However, he also noticed that those little snakes were not the only ones attacking him, but one after another, a steady stream. And these small snakes will also change form, from ordinary small snakes to large snakes, the appearance of the big snake is different from the small snake just now, it looks like a human being, but this small snake has two horns on its head, and it is the kind with wings, and the body exudes a light blue light. These little snakes are all dragon snakes, no wonder they are so powerful!" Bai Yi exclaimed in his heart. These dragon snakes are very aggressive, he does not dare to resist, he can only dodge, once scratched, he will be seriously injured. "These dragon snakes are all cubs of divine dragons, and they are born in a litter, and this kind of thing can be touched, which is simply nonsense. Bai Yi secretly exclaimed in his heart. He knew what was going on, and it must have been something here that had happened before the heir of the divine dragon was born. It may be because there are too few heirs of the sacred dragon, which led to such a tragic situation.

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