。 It may be because there are too few heirs of the sacred dragon, which led to such a tragic situation. However, he did not have time to pay attention to this matter, and the most important thing now was to solve the group of dragons and snakes in front of him first. "Roar!" A large black dragon with a length of more than ten meters opened its blood basin and spit out tongues of fire, and rushed towards Bai Yi. It is the descendant of the Black Dragon King, the top powerhouse in the Black Dragon Clan, and has extraordinary strength. Bai Yi didn't look at it, and punched out. The fist collided with the dragon's teeth, bursting out dazzling sparks that scorched the surrounding air. Bai Yi's flesh is so strong, even a dragon's tooth is difficult to hurt in the slightest, let alone a dragon's tooth? "Bang~!" Bai Yi forced the Black Dragon King back a few steps, and then smashed out another punch, knocking another black dragon out, struggling for a moment after landing, and then there was no sound, obviously dead. "Roar, roar!" the other three black dragons roared one after another, constantly rushing towards Bai Yi. The descendants of the Black Dragon King died, making them unacceptable. "Hmph!" Bai Yi snorted coldly, stepping on mysterious steps, flashing a trace of strange light, instantly dodging the attack of three black dragons, and then swung his fist again, directly shattering the head of a black dragon. "Whoosh~!" The remaining black dragon roared angrily, flapped its wings, turned into a streamer and rushed towards Bai Yi, while opening its mouth to spit out two huge dragon balls. "Hmph!" Bai Yi snorted coldly, raised his hand and slashed down with a palm, directly bursting the two dragon balls spit out by the Black Dragon King, and grabbed the dragon's head and squeezed it hard. "Click!" The black dragon's skull broke, making a crisp bone breaking sound, and then Bai Yi's arm suddenly forced, and suddenly broke the black dragon's skull, and then threw it away, turned around and continued to attack the other four black dragons. The other four black dragons howled angrily, but they were always pressed and beaten by Bai Yi. They all know that the human being in front of them is a very terrifying existence, but unfortunately they can't get out of trouble now, they can only be constantly killed, and then reborn. In Bai Yi's hands, there was nothing that he could not kill, not even those terrifying existences that had surpassed the realm of true immortals, let alone just the descendants of the Dragon King. At this time, a deafening roar suddenly came from a distance. "Not good!" Bai Yi's face changed, and his figure retreated sharply, wanting to leave the place. But as soon as he flew back, a strong threat descended on him. "Boom~!" The whole heaven and earth trembled, as if they were about to collapse, and mountain stones continued to roll down from the air. "Roar!" At this moment, another terrifying roar came, and the voice was even more terrifying than that of the black dragon. Bai Yi looked up and saw a huge mountain moving rapidly, as if it was about to crush it. "Damn it!" Bai Yi cursed lowly, he didn't expect to encounter such a strong enemy, looking at the direction of the mountain peak, it should be where the lair of these black dragons that he destroyed just now is. "Boom!" The huge mountain quickly pressed over, and in the blink of an eye, he arrived at Bai Yi, and he was about to crush Bai Yi under the mountain. "Roar~!" Bai Yi let out a roar, his muscles swelled, and green tendons emerged, full of explosive power, and cyan arcs emerged from the surface of the skin, flashing with blue light. "Boom!" Bai Yi's legs were forced, and the whole person jumped directly to the top of the mountain, and then a heavy punch was struck, hitting a brilliant and dazzling thunder, breaking the mountain through a hole, revealing the space in the belly of the mountain. Seeing this, the black dragons in the cave fled in fear and did not dare to stay. They are dragons, a proud race, no matter how strong Bai Yi is, they will never allow other creatures to insult their dignity, so they would rather choose to escape. In the cave, only a huge pothole was left, and Bai Yi also stood in the pit with a solemn face. He could feel the power of his punch just now, and if it was an ordinary person, it was estimated that he would have been buried alive by his punch. "Whew~!" Bai Yi breathed a breath of relief, almost scared him into peeing just now. This huge mountain, like a big mountain, is ten thousand feet high, and it contains terrifying oppressive force, if he reacts a little slower just now, he will definitely be crushed to death below. "Is this the power of the dragon, such a powerful power, no wonder it can devour the dragon clan!" Bai Yi was secretly shocked, he was worthy of being the king of the dragon clan, and his strength was so strong, he was worthy of being a natural divine beast. However, no matter how powerful the dragon race is, it is impossible to be stronger than the Terran race, after all, the cultivation resources of the Terran race are far better than the dragon race, and the martial arts of the human race, as well as the combat skills of the human race, are stronger than the dragon race, not to mention the existence of artifacts, let alone the dragon race can be compared. "Huh?" Suddenly, Bai Yi found a problem. Before, his spiritual power scanned the bodies of those black dragons, but now he couldn't find any traces, as if the black dragons he had just seen were illusions. Bai Yi frowned, just now he killed all the black dragons, but now, he didn't see a single black dragon shadow, which was really a little strange. "Forget it, let's study it later, find a safe place to hide first, if you are caught up by the descendant of that shit black dragon king, it will be bad!" Bai Yi muttered secretly, and then turned around and fled out of the cave. "Boom~!" As soon as Bai Yi stepped out of the cave, he heard a sound of water, and then a huge body appeared in his line of sight, it was the Black Dragon King. The Black Dragon King looked at Bai Yi, who was standing not far away, and his eyes were full of cold meaning: "Humans, dare to provoke the majesty of the dragon clan, you deserve to die!" Bai Yi sneered, not afraid of the threat of the Black Dragon King at all, and said coldly: "Did I provoke your majesty? You are insulting our dragon clan!" the Black Dragon King smiled angrily, his eyes full of ridicule. "You're wrong, I'm not an ant, I'm just a powerful demon cultivator, aren't you dragon clans also ants? "Presumptuous, you dare to say that about my dragon clan, I will tear your stinky mouth!" The Black Dragon King was furious, and he swung his teeth and claws towards Bai Yi. Although the strength of the Black Dragon King is very strong, he is a strong person at the peak of the Void Realm, and his strength is comparable to Bai Yi, but in his eyes, Bai Yi is still just an ant, and he is not seen by him at all, he can crush all living beings at will. The Black Dragon King slaughtered, Bai Yi's figure shook, and he exhibited "Nine Palace Bagua", leaving an afterimage in place, and at the same time, he clenched his right hand into a fist and smashed the dragon's head fiercely. "Bang!" The Black Dragon King's body stopped instantly, motionless, and seemed to have been stunned by Bai Yi's punch, and it was sluggish for a long time before it recovered. It's just that the force of this punch is too strong, and it actually smashes its head, looking miserable, and blood is spraying wildly. "Hiss~!" When Bai Yi saw such a scene, he couldn't help but gasp, the punch just now, he used seven points of strength, if he killed with all his strength, that guy would definitely die. "Damn it!

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