"Everyone, come with me, I've found the head of the novice village!" a

shout interrupted Bai Yi's cranky thoughts.

A player with a staff in his hand came running from a distance and excitedly shouted:

"Hurry up and take the mission!

One by one, the players seem to have beaten chicken blood.

Bai Yi also took a step to catch up!

Anyone who has played online games knows that the novice village chief is one of the most important NPCs in the game.

When players are newbies, the main source of experience is the various missions issued by the village chief.

Now that the missions are limited, players are naturally anxious.

A few minutes later.

The army walked into the center of the village.

A large courtyard surrounded by elaborate low walls greets players.

Unlike other villagers' dilapidated wooden houses, this courtyard is the work of a senior designer.

"Is this really the village chief's house?"

"We're not in the wrong place, are we?"

Walk through a red-painted gate.

The green bricks at your feet run through the courtyard.

Wooden villa leading all the way to the center of the yard.

The yard is luxurious.

There are rockeries, ponds, pavilions and gardens, just like the famous family yard in the north.

In the gazebo is a table of eight immortals.

An old man was sitting there leisurely drinking tea.

There were also two guards behind him who were fanning him.

"Are we in the wrong place? Is he

the village chief?" "Nonsense! Can you be the village chief so rich?" "

Village chief! We're going to take the task

!" "Find us some work! I can do anything!" The

old man smiled kindly.

"You are the brave men in the mouth of the Creator God!" (referring to the world's detached people)

"Respected braves, I am the village chief, thank you for coming to this world to save us, I have been waiting for you here for a long time!" "

Our world is being invaded by evil forces, and recently the surrounding area of the village has become more and more unpeaceful, some wild beasts have inexplicably begun to go crazy, and my villagers have also been attacked..."

The old man pulled a lot.

The butt was never lifted from the chair.

"Can you help our village?" is

finally getting to the point, and players can't wait.

"Yes!" "

Stop grinding.


up and give us

the mission!" the other players cheered as they waited to take the mission.

Bai Yi happened to catch a glimpse of the village chief's expression a little strange.

Uh, how to say it.

That looking at the player's eyes is like looking at the big wrong.

"Haha, good!" In

just a moment, the village chief's demeanor returned to normal.

Bai Yi didn't know if it was an illusion just now.

"Don't worry, line up and take your time! All of them!" The

village chief once again had a kind smile on his face.

Unhurriedly, he took out a pile of task lists from under the table.

The two guards behind him stepped forward to maintain order at the scene.

The line lined up from the village chief's gate to the Novice Square.

Bai Yi is in the middle.

The village chief handed the task sheet in his hand to the player in turn.

Waited a few minutes.

Finally, it was Bai Yi's turn.

"Young man, what profession are you?"

asked the village chief without lifting his head.

"I am a warrior!" Bai Yi was full of pride.

"Oh, warrior, great strength, go and cut down 100 trees!

"Well, Grandpa Village Chief, I'm a warrior, I can fight monsters, and when we clean up the crazy beasts around us, the villagers can cut down trees and rebuild their homes by themselves."

"Besides, I can't fit 100 trees in my storage space, so I can only carry them back one by one."

Bai Yi was very unconvinced.

Why are other people's tasks all very simple monster fighting tasks, but they have to cut down trees?

"Oh, you're not satisfied

?" "Aren't you brave enough to help us rebuild our home?" "

It took only a hundred trees to be cut down in a few days."

"You don't cut a warrior, who will cut it?

The words are full of righteousness.

"Just this task, love can't take it!" "

Lying groove

? I'm a brave man? I'm here to help you!

How can you NPC

have this attitude? Can't you talk well? Do you have to use this tone?!

Bai Yi was embarrassed, a little unable to get off the stage.

If it weren't for the LV10 on the head of this village chief.

He really wanted to pump him a mouthful

! "It's over! Hurry up!" "Yes, don't waste time

!" "Although the mission is quite difficult, but maybe it's a hidden task! Haha

!", "You can't pick it up! There are so many people behind

!" "It's

good to have a mission! How much experience is it to fight monsters!" The

players in the queue behind kept urging.

Bai Yi was originally afraid of society, and after such a urging.

Wait for him to come to his senses.

Already holding the task list and walking down the road to cut down trees.

Your task has not yet clicked Accept.

(After the world gets the task list, click to confirm, the task list will disappear and appear in the panel, which is considered to accept the task.)

(If it's a verbal task, you can accept it on the spot.)


Mission content: Go and cut down a hundred big trees and give them to the village chief. 【

Mission difficulty: C】 (easy)

[Mission reward: 10 experience. 【


"Ten points of experience?!" "

You sent the food to eat!! "

Baiyi Bengbu stopped!

He wanted to endure it and passed.

Unexpectedly, this task only has 10 experience.

Recalling the domineering appearance of the village chief, the more Bai Yi thought about it, the more angry he became

! Pick up the task list and tear it to pieces!

"You old thing is too much of a bully

!" "If this task is simple, then you can cut it yourself

!" "I won't take the task!" "I'm

going to fight monsters!"

A few minutes later.

"Hey, man, where are you going?" Bai

Yi stopped a player on the way.

"I went to Hare Valley at the east end of the village, and the village chief told me to kill 10 hares. Then

we have a good relationship, I will go there too, let's go together!" said Bai Yi.

"Okay, let's go!" "

You please first~" Bai Yi let him lead the way in front.

No way.

Without the guidance of the mission, he had no idea where the wild monsters were.

Because he was afraid of entering the territory of high-level monsters, he never dared to leave the village.

Hare Valley is not far away.

After a few minutes out of the village, you can see the valley.

"Wow, there are so many people in this place!" It

should be that many people received the same task.

At this time, the valley was crowded with people.

Players squeeze shoulder to shoulder, more spectacular than the tourist attractions of the May Day holiday.

"Can you grab a monster here?" Bai

Yi squeezed to the front, and the worry in his heart disappeared.

The valley is full of hares

! Dense, endless! If

you don't look closely, you think the whole mountain is made of rabbits

! There are holes dug by rabbits everywhere! The

meadows on the mountains are bare by rabbits.

"Don't people in this world like to eat rabbits?"

"If this can be introduced into the real world, you will be rich

!" "Braised rabbit meat, spicy rabbit head I like the most!" Bai

Yi wiped the crystal saliva at the corner of his mouth.


I don't know if the rabbits in this world are good or not." "

There is still a difference between this world and online games, that is, wild monsters cannot be refreshed and reborn.

However, the world of "Genesis Game" is huge, 4/5 of the land is forest, and the overall base of wild monsters is large.

Moreover, the breeding period of low-level monsters is extremely short, and they can grow up within a few days of birth, which is fiercer than feeding hormones!

"Brothers, kill!" I

don't know who shouted,

and the army began to charge from the entrance of the village and poured into the valley like bulldozers.

These rabbits are also weird.

Seeing so many people not running, staring at the red eyes and rushing towards the player!

There are those who slash indiscriminately with long swords.

There are those who use the staff as a hammer.

There are those who take daggers and draw blindly.

Mages and priests have no attack skills at the first level and can only fight monsters through hand-to-hand combat.


Bai Yi was still watching, and suddenly a red damage value appeared on his head.

Looking down, a rabbit bit on his foot.

"Lying groove, it hurts!"

he realized and kicked the rabbit away!

Now it's not a novice plot, there is no invincible BUFF, and you can feel pain when you get hurt.

"This rabbit won't have rabies, right? How to bite people!"

[Takes five damage, increases the maximum health of 2.5.5..]

"Only 2.5?

Bai Yi rubbed his feet and looked at the rabbit just now.

[The identification technique is opened, and it can be used after concentration. 【

Name: Hare


】【HP:20】【Attack:10】【Physical Defense/Magic Defense:0





Novice Village Common wild monsters, fast reproduction, timid personality, but for some reason suddenly become crazy, bite when you see people.

"Poor bunny, it's not right to bite.

Bai Yi drew his long sword from the storage space, intending to teach it a lesson.

A sword splits the air.

The rabbit took the opportunity to bite Bai Yi again.


Increase the maximum amount of HP by 2.5.5.】【Increase the maximum amount of health.】

"Good fellow, so fast?" "

Then don't blame me for being shameless!" Bai

Yi gave up the martial arts sword technique in his mind.

Dragging a long sword, it is like an old lady sweeping the street and pulling on the ground.



damage prompts float from the rabbit's head.

Then he fell to the ground and died.

[Gain 2 experience points.] 【

The collection function is turned on. 【Players

can take effect by touching the corpse of wild monsters.】 【

Collecting will randomly obtain materials, equipment, currency, skill books, etc.】

Bai Yi squatted down and touched the hare's body.


】【Get copper coins*10, rabbit meat*1, rabbit skin*1.】

"A rabbit only has two experiences.

"There are no missions, and there are too few experience points for fighting monsters

!" "Alas~

" "Take your time!"

[Get 2 experience points. 【

Gain 2 experience points.】 】


In the process of killing rabbits non-stop.

Bai Yi's proficiency in using the long sword also increased.

But there are still rabbits that can sneak up on him from behind.

After killing more than 30 hares.

Bai Yi suddenly realized that something was going to be a big problem.


his HP cap is 50,000, the HP bar is almost empty, only 100 True HP.

Only when leveling up, HP and Blue will be restored.

"If this continues, I will be grinded to death by wild monsters before I can upgrade!" This

is the difference between taking a task and not taking a task.

Others only need to hunt 10 hares to hand over tasks to the village chief to upgrade.

If he wants to upgrade, he has to kill 50 hares!"

"Is it the setting that novices can't upgrade without taking the task?" Bai

Yi didn't dare to be hurt anymore and sat on the outskirts of Hare Valley.

Watching the other players fight monsters with a lonely expression.

"I know that, I'll choose a pastor!"

Bai Yi patted his head

, "Oh, I can go buy recovery potions!" "

As long as there are enough potions, I am not afraid of being beaten!

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