Bai Yi returned to the Novice Village full of joy.

Grab villagers passing by.

"Auntie, where is there a pharmacist in our village?"


Yumuraki has. Bai

Yi was speechless, isn't there a place to sell potions in the novice village?"

"Then who do you look for when you are sick and injured?!" "

We all go to the widow Wang at the west end of the village, she can cure all diseases

!" "This widow Wang is a really good person, when the villagers get sick, she treats us for free, much better than that shit village chief!"

Where exactly is she?" Bai Yi didn't want to listen to other people's common senses, and hurriedly interrupted his aunt's desire to tell.

"She's in..."

After more than ten minutes of going around in circles.

Bai Yi finally found Widow Wang's house.

"Hello, anyone?"


The door did not open, but the window next to it opened a small crack.

A woman poked her head out of it.

"You are?"

"I'm here to buy healing potions. Bai Yi said.

"Oh, come into the house!" Hearing

that Bai Yi was here to buy potions, Widow Wang quickly closed the window, walked quickly to the door and opened the door.

Only then was Bai Yi able to see the full picture of Widow Wang.

She also looked to be in her thirties, with a beautiful figure, loose clothes, and a taste that remained, a bit like a widow of a cow shop, but obviously this one in front of her was better.

"Do you want to buy a potion? "

I... I'm not going in.

Bai Yi waved his hand again and again, not daring to enter the house.

There are many rights and wrongs in front of the widow's door, and Bai Yi still knows this kind of thing.

Through the doorway, Bai Yi saw that there were various bottles and jars in the room, as well as many utensils like Western medieval alchemy.

"Haha, that's okay, what potion do you want to buy?"

Widow Wang looked at Bai Yi a little nervously, and couldn't help laughing.

"I want to be able to regain my vitality or blood volume. "

The potions that restore vitality in this world are high-level recovery potions, medium-level recovery potions, and low-level ones..." widow Wang snapped her fingers and introduced them one by one.

"Let's be high-grade!" Bai

Yi interrupted her, making it clear that she wanted the most expensive one.

After all, he has a long blood streak, so he doesn't have to worry about treatment overflow.

"Advanced no. Widow Wang shook her head.

"What about the intermediate ones?"


I was just introducing you to the potion varieties of this world, I didn't say I had."

Widow Wang playfully stuck out her tongue.

"That's whatever, it's going to be low-level. "

Since there is none, Bai Yi does not force it, and the low-grade ones buy a few more bottles to use the same."

"Okay, I'll get it for you.

Widow Wang turned around and went back to the house, took out a bottle filled with red liquid and handed it to Bai Yi.

This bottle is about the size of a can cola.

Bai Yi opened the bottle.

Gulp poured down.

His HP instantly returned to 100 points.


has a taste similar to iced tea.

Bai Yigang wanted to take out three hundred copper coins and buy a few more bottles.

"A gold coin. Widow Wang stretched out her hand.

Bai Yi was stunned.

"A bottle of gold coins?"

confirmed incredulously.


!" "Well, what potion is so expensive?" "

Of course it's a low-level recovery potion, 10 gold coins for the intermediate level, and a hundred gold coins for the high-level one!"

Widow Wang said truthfully.

"In addition to gold, there are many rare medicinal herbs in the potion, and you have to sell them for two gold coins in a big city!" Bai

Yi was stunned at the door, his embarrassed head breaking out in cold sweat.

One hundred copper coins are exchanged for one silver coin.

One hundred silver coins can be exchanged for one gold coin!

I originally thought that the 300 copper coins in my hand was already a huge amount, but I didn't think that the price in this world was so expensive!


What is a mortgage?"

widow Wang looked up suspiciously.

When he saw Bai Yi's embarrassed expression, he understood it at once.

I have money, but I went out in a hurry today, I didn't bring enough, I can pay you back next time." "

Hear Bai Yi confess.

The corners of Widow Wang's mouth turned up slightly.

With an indescribable expression on his face, he looked Bai Yi up and down.


" "The young man is quite handsome

~" "It's not okay to eat overlord meals all the time~"


~" "I can give you an idea if I don't have money~"

After widow Wang finished speaking, she pulled Bai Yi into the house.


The door slammed shut.

"Huh?! What are you going to do!"


Don't talk nonsense! Do you take it off or do I take it off?


I..." ( ) minutes later.

Bai Yi covered his face and ran out of Widow Wang's house!

Only a bitter tea seed for shaming remains.

Widow Wang stood at the door and waved to Bai Yi.

"Come often in the future~

" Bai Yi didn't speak, covered his face and ran outside the village!

"Shame! It's a shame


Bai Yi wanted to find a hole to drill into on the spot.

He had lived for twenty-five years, and he had never been so embarrassed today!

That initial equipment can only be worth 1 gold coin

! What a black-hearted businessman!


The village is full of players.

Bai Yi came out of the NPC's house naked and happened to be seen by several players.

Go in with your clothes on and come out naked.

You don't have to use your brain to think of a certain scene.

Suddenly shocked beyond words!

"Lie down, this brother is really a god and man!" "

I... "

My God, someone has already started to act

?!" "Look, the NPC still sends him away with affection

!" "'Hedgehog pickpocket'

with bare hands?! "I used to admire three men, one is Xu Xian, the second is Dong Yong, and the third is Ning Caichen! But they are not as good as my hedgehog brother NB!"


Big brother! How did you do it? I have money! I'll give you a million! Please show your brother a clear way!" This

world has an NPC protection system, as long as you hurt NPCs, then think of Yu entering the blacklist, unable to enter the novice village, unable to enter the city, and being killed by other players after bursting all equipment.

And the player in front of him who was only wearing bitter tea.

It was done on day one.

And not punished by the system

! What an NB!

This society is so wonderful.

Some people can't get on fire all their lives.

Doing something is inexplicably on fire.

Bai Yi's deeds were spread by the players ten, ten and hundred.

It didn't take long for even the other novice villages to know Bai Yi's prestige.

And the more it is spread, the more outrageous

! What players have appeared in a color demon

! Pick a widow to attack

! Some people say that some players found a system vulnerability and subdued ten NPCs in one day!

"On how to deal with the relationship between players and NPCs

", "Is it ethical to have a relationship with NPCs in the game world", "Should a married player and NPC be convicted of bigamy if they marry again",

"Should a child born with an NPC call the player's father or a brave adult

?", "Is

it good to buy a house in the game world? How to solve the problem of children's household registration and schooling?"

are noted under each article:

Based on the legendary deeds of the player's 'unarmed hedgehog' in the game world.

At this time, Bai Yi is completely famous in the game world and reality.


Bai Yi didn't know anything about all this.

Inside the Hare Valley.

A white figure was chasing the rabbit with his bare hands.

Become a beautiful landscape.

Tap the screen to use advanced tools Tip: You can use left and right keyboard keys to browse between chapters.

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