Seeing Han Yarou's suspicious expression, Zhang Yi asked,"What equipment did you get as a reward for the mission?"

After receiving the mission reward, Han Yarou, who had already reached level 24, looked at the equipment in her backpack and said happily,"Level 24 2-star Priest Undead Ring!"

""Okay, don't change it yet. Just use the 1-star one. When you have a complete 2-star suit, change it. Otherwise, it will take too much time to strengthen it." Zhang Yi took out a 2-star priest undead suit that he had found today and handed it to Han Yarou.

Han Yarou nodded,"Okay."

Then, the two of them crushed the scroll back to the city and returned to Hope Town.

Hope Town at this time was extremely lively. The streets and alleys were full of people. It seemed that Zhang Yi had never seen so many people in the safe zone at the same time since the server was launched!

Obviously, these people were killed out of the Energy City not long ago...

Because if you die in the dungeon, if you don't use gold coins to revive on the spot, you will have a 1-hour cooldown before you can enter the dungeon again. It costs 10 gold coins to buy back to life in the dungeon, and basically no one will waste this money to buy back to life.

So, Zhang Yi just returned to the safe zone and heard the players around him discussing the dungeon.

Player A:"This dungeon is a slaughterhouse! Every time I entered, I was killed before I could even spawn a few monsters. The beasts in area 885 are so ferocious! Is it necessary to fight so hard for a copy?……"

Player B:"What do you think? Didn't you read the dungeon introduction? The top three in personal energy ranking will be rewarded with a set of level 30 2-star undead suits!"

Player C:"Fuck! Is this true? Let me see... My god, the top three really get a full set of level 30 2-star undead suits!!! No wonder those crazy people in area 885 kill everyone they see. Are the ranking rewards so fierce?"

Player D:"And the rewards are calculated according to energy at the end of the dungeon. Even if it is a participation award, the winner area can get a lot of good things! Brothers, go ahead and kill those bastards in area 885. We in area 886 must not lose to them in area 885!"

So, those players who completed the cooling rushed to enter the dungeon through the teleportation array.

At this stage when 2-star ordinary equipment is still relatively rare, a full set of 2-star level 30 undead suits is indeed full of temptation.

At the same time, many players in the dungeon are also broadcasting live while it is hot. There are dozens of live broadcast rooms on the live broadcast interface, and almost every one of them is full of popularity.

Those players who hung out had nothing to do during the one-hour cooldown period, so they entered the live broadcast room to watch other players who were still challenging in the dungeon.

It can be seen that according to the popularity ranking, the popularity of the first-ranked [Storm Angel Live Broadcast Room] has reached 450,000! The live broadcast room has more than 300 viewers!

The players were enthusiastic. While watching the Storm Angel who was madly killing enemies in the live broadcast room, they sent barrages to cheer for the Storm Angel, and there were many who gave gifts.

Because they themselves were killed out of the dungeon by players in Area 885, they naturally felt very excited and relieved when they saw the Storm Angel madly killing players in Area 885.

Zhang Yi asked Han Yarou to go to the restaurant first, and he went to the blacksmith shop to repair his equipment, and then went to the pharmacy to replenish a large bag of potions to prepare for tonight's all-nighter. Then he went to the restaurant and had dinner with Han Yarou.

Zhang Yi is now a rich man, so he still picked the best food and went directly with Han Yarou to have a beef hot pot for 5 gold coins!

While eating hot pot, Zhang Yi saw other players eating in the restaurant watching the live broadcast with great enthusiasm. He also opened the live broadcast interface and entered the most popular Storm Angel live broadcast room.

As soon as he entered, he saw the third-person live broadcast screen centered on the Storm Angel. He saw the Storm Angel shooting two hostile players in the same screen!


As two white lights lit up in the screen, the dungeon announcement came down.——

"Ding~ Player [Storm Angel] from area 886 killed [Six Six Six] from area 885, energy points 142!"

"Ding~ The player from area 886 [Storm Angel] killed the player from area 885 [Eternal Diamond], energy points 226!"

"Ding~ The player [Storm Angel] in zone 886 is killing a lot, and has reached an astonishing 228 kills in a row. Who can stop him?"

In the live broadcast room, the players who were watching the battle of Storm Angel exploded.——

【Little pig run】:"Storm Angel is awesome, he is worthy of being the former number one on the Heavenly Ranking of our District 886. He easily slaughtered those trash in District 885 without any pressure!"

【Beef Pie】:"Awesome, awesome! It makes my blood boil. I want to go in and kill too. Goodbye, brothers!"

Niupi left the live broadcast room...

One minute later.

The copy announcement:"885 area player [Ao Shi Tian Wang] killed 886 area [Niupi], energy points 88!"

Niupi joined the live broadcast room……

【Beef Pie】:"Brothers, I'm back! Come on Storm Angels, accumulate more energy for our zone! I'll give you gifts!"

"Player [Niupi] sent a gift of flowers x99!"

"Player [Niupi] sent a gift of rocket x1!"

"Player [Fengxue] gave a gift of chocolate x52!"


Storm Angel is only level 23, but he can completely defeat many high-level players in area 885. Zhang Yi, who was somewhat surprised, found the answer in the golden longbow in his hand.

Golden Bow of the Dead!

It turned out that it was relying on this level 22 3-star weapon on his body. No wonder Storm Angel's damage is so high. In the picture, any enemy that Storm Angel encounters almost has no chance to get close to him and is shot to death directly.

Zhang Yi casually opened the energy list and took a look. He was shocked to find that Storm Angel had accumulated 17,538 points of energy, ranking second in the dungeon!

The first place is the arrogant hero in area 885, with an energy of 25,200 points!

The kill list is also ranked first by the arrogant hero, and Storm Angel is ranked second.

At the same time, the dungeon announcement interface is also constantly refreshing the battle record of the other side.——

"Ding~ The player from area 885 [Awesomeness of the Crowd] killed the [King of Warriors] from area 886, energy points 155!"

"Ding~ [Awesomeness of the crowd] double kills [King's Sword], energy points 328!"

"Ding~【Awesomeness】312 kills in a row!"

"Ding~【Awesomeness of the crowd】Kill a lot!"

"Ding~ [Awesomeness of the crowd] Super god killing, no one can stop him, who will stop him!"


The current situation is too polarized. Both sides have a leading master who is influencing their respective areas, that is, Storm Angel and Proud of the Group.

Whether it is energy or kills, they are more than ten times ahead of other players in the same area!

And it has only been a day and a half since the dungeon was opened.

Players on both sides have placed their greatest hopes on their respective"leaders" and are looking forward to them meeting in the dungeon and having a showdown to see who is more powerful!

Just when the players were thinking this, a new enemy appeared on Storm Angel's live broadcast screen -

Proud of the Group!

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