"Ding~ The player from area 885 killed the player from area 886 [Storm Angel] and looted 1754 energy points!"

"Ding~ Player [Ao Shi Qun Xiong] ended the super god of [Storm Angel]. The strongest of the two regions, this is an unprecedented strong duel!"

As these two dungeon announcements sounded, all the players who were watching the battle outside the dungeon in Area 886 suddenly became quiet, looking at the Storm Angel who fell in front of Ao Shi Qun Xiong on the live broadcast interface in disbelief! Unexpectedly

, 10 seconds later, the defeated Storm Angel was resurrected with full health!

"He bought his life back!"

Someone was talking in the live broadcast room.

Storm Angel, who had spent gold coins to buy his life back on the spot, started a second duel with the Proud Heroes.

A few seconds later, Storm Angel was killed again!

Considering that if he died a few more times, not only would he lose his level, but his energy would also be snatched away by the Proud Heroes, Storm Angel did not buy his life back again until 10 seconds later, when his body was refreshed.

One second before the live broadcast screen closed with the death of Storm Angel, the Proud Heroes in the screen raised their middle fingers to this side.

"Oh my god!"

In the town of Hope, countless players who had just been watching the battle of Storm Angel gathered on the street and were caught in a discussion.

Player A:"Damn! Even Storm Angel can't beat him, how come the Proud of the Heroes in District 885 is so powerful?"

Player B:"Didn't you notice that his attack speed is super fast? It's over, that guy is even more arrogant now. The strongest in our district can only be killed in seconds. Who can beat him?"

Player C:"Hey, Storm Angel is strong, but not the strongest. It would be great if Yinuo Qingcheng was here. By the way, why didn't Yinuo Qingcheng enter the dungeon all day today?"

Player D:"Yeah, with the strength of Yinuo Qingcheng, the god of the sky list in our district, it must be easy to kill that Proud of the Heroes in seconds! Where did he go?"

At this moment, in the cross-district chat channel between Districts 885 and 886, Proud of the Heroes sent a message——

【Stand out from the crowd】:"You are the strongest person in District 886, is this all?"

【Stand out from the crowd】:"I have killed so many people in your zone, but so far no one has survived more than 5 seconds in my hands. I finally met the number one player, and I thought he was a master, but he turned out to be a rookie."

【Stand out from the crowd】:"Is this the level of your 886 zone? Is there anyone else who can fight? (Disdain)"

The provocative messages instantly ignited the players in the 886 zone.

【Storm Dragon King (District 886, male, level 23 warrior):"Why are you so arrogant? If our captain's level had not been lowered a few days ago and he hasn't caught up yet, would you have been able to beat our captain in a one-on-one duel? You won because of the level difference!"

【Little Lolita (District 886, Female, Level 23 Priest):"Humph, the person you just killed was not the strongest person in our district. If it was the strongest person in our district, you wouldn't even have a chance to touch him and would be killed instantly. Do you believe it? (Angry) (Angry)"

【Stand out from the crowd】:"Oh? There is such a master in your area? Where is he and why hasn't he come out yet?"

【Proud and bloodthirsty】:"In my opinion, the strongest person in your district is probably so scared by our Xiongda that he dares not show his head and hides in a corner to grow up in a shabby way, right? Hahaha!"

In the restaurant of Hope Town, Zhang Yi, who was eating hot pot and reading these messages in the chat channel, looked calm and composed.

Even Han Yarou, who was sitting opposite Zhang Yi, couldn't stand it anymore.

"Zhang Yi, aren’t you angry when they say this to you?"

"Did you see that they were talking about me?" Zhang Yi said indifferently,"I'm not the best player in our district."

Han Yarou frowned,"Aren't you? Aren't you the best player in our district?""

"I'm not an expert." Zhang Yi picked up a piece of beef, put it in his mouth and said,"I'm just a rookie."

Han Yarou was silent for a while, and said,"Okay, you have a really good attitude!"

Zhang Yi smiled and said,"If you don't eat it, I'll eat all the beef."

"I don't believe you can eat so much." Han Yarou glanced at the hot pot and was immediately surprised:"Ah! It's really gone... You ate all the beef.……"

Seeing Han Yarou with a tangled face, Zhang Yi couldn't help but chuckle:"It's okay, add some more later, eat well and sleep well."

After a pause, Han Yarou said:"But Zhang Yi, are we really not going to enter the dungeon?"

"It seems like we can get a lot of good things in this copy," Han Yarou looked around, then leaned her little head close to Zhang Yi and whispered,"We won't kill anyone, we can just kill some monsters in there, collect some energy and then come out, how about that?"

"What's the point of fighting for energy if we don't kill people?"

Zhang Yi asked Han Yarou casually,"Do you want to go in?"

Han Yarou asked Zhang Yi with a hint of expectation,"What about you? Are you going? If you go, I'll go!"

Zhang Yi shrugged,"Even if we go in together, we won't be assigned to the same birth point."

Han Yarou thought for a moment, and said seriously,"Then you go in and start live streaming, I'll watch your live streaming, and I'll give you gifts!"

"I have money. I got a lot of silver coins as a reward for today's mission. I can send you flowers!" Han Yarou said seriously.

Zhang Yi smiled and said,"Eat quickly and go to bed after dinner."

Han Yarou curled her lips and stopped"encouraging" Zhang Yi.

After dinner, Zhang Yi and Han Yarou left the restaurant and entered the Hope Hotel, which was directly opposite the restaurant.

Many passers-by who were eating in the restaurant saw Yinuo Qingcheng take his girlfriend to get a room after dinner, and they immediately fell into a discussion.

"I was wondering why Yinuo Qingcheng wasn’t in the dungeon the whole day, it turns out he went to accompany his girlfriend!"

"Although I am very envious, it is a bit of a pity. If Yinuo Qingcheng was in the dungeon, how could she have the chance to be so arrogant and domineering in Area 885?"

"Forget about it. It's not mandatory for everyone to enter the dungeon. It's a personal freedom. If Yinuo Qingcheng doesn't want to play this dungeon, can we force her to do so?" They still opened two rooms. Zhang Yi was about to leave after settling Han Yarou down when Han Yarou suddenly said,"Are you going out to level up later?""

"Yeah." Zhang Yi was a little surprised:"How do you know?"

"Because you haven't been in the room these two nights and came back in the morning, you must have been out leveling up all night alone!"Han Yarou blinked and said,"Can you take me out to level up tonight?"

Zhang Yi hesitated.

Considering that his efficiency is much lower than that with Han Yarou's assistance when he is alone on the third floor of the City of the Undead, Zhang Yi agreed:"Okay, sleep for a few hours to recover from fatigue. I'll call you around ten o'clock."

Back in the room, Zhang Yi lay on the bed, looking at the top of the Energy City's energy list: Arrogant, and suddenly showed a weird smile:"Come on, Xiongda, Oli Ge."

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