Server-wide announcement:"Ding~ Attention, all players: The third-level main city has been opened, and all safe zone teleportation arrays will be opened in three days. After players reach level 30, they can go to the main city through the teleportation array!


Zhang Yi was a little surprised when he heard the sudden server-wide announcement from the system: Someone has reached level 30 so quickly?

You know, since the opening of the server in this life, Zhang Yi has been doing tasks and leveling up almost day and night, and all the tasks and monsters he killed, the difficulty and level are far ahead of other players. Starting with god-level talent and dragon bloodline, during which time he also completed two hidden tasks, got the first kill of Skeleton King in the server, and got the highest profit, Zhang Yi's leveling speed is not as fast as that"Diewu"!

Not only Zhang Yi, the cross-region chat channel of the eighth region also exploded because of these server-wide announcements.——

【[Research 3] (Player from District 452):"Oh my god, this guy is a monster! The top player in our district is only level 27, how did he reach level 30 so quickly? He must be cheating!""

【Astro Boy (Area 118 player):"It's from the demon clan! The demon clan has a 20% experience bonus, so it's faster to level up."

【Meteor Shower (A player in Zone 99):"I feel the same way. And judging from the ID, it seems to be a girl!"

The level 30 achievement was snatched away by this player named [Diewu]. For Zhang Yi, it was a big loss. Now that things have come to this, the next step is to reach level 30 before the teleportation array opens, and then enter the main city as soon as possible.

Entering the main city one day later is a huge loss for players who pursue the ultimate, because the highest level monsters in the safe zone are only level 30, and the tasks are all low-level tasks with small rewards. Compared with the high-level tasks and high-level monsters around the main city, the benefits of players are greatly limited.

Zhang Yi himself is naturally no problem, but helping Han Yarou reach level 30 within three days may be a bit difficult.

So, as before, Zhang Yi was in the front as both output and tank, and Han Yarou was in the back in a safe position to assist, and the two of them cooperated to start the leveling mode.

Together with the reward from the Level 7 difficulty [Reincarnation of the Undead] mission, by four o'clock in the afternoon, with golden light shining, Zhang Yi finally got his wish and reached Level 30!

"Ding~ You have obtained the qualification to enter the main city. When the teleportation array opens in three days, you can go to the main city through the teleportation array!"

"Ding~ Your level has reached the upper limit. You will start to accumulate experience from now on. You can break through the upper limit after completing the second job!"

As the pleasant reminder sound of the system fell, Zhang Yi, who had been in the City of the Dead for a day, couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

Looking at Han Yarou, 26th level 50%, a little worse than expected, if you add the night, it should be no problem to reach level 27.

So, Zhang Yi couldn't wait to open his backpack, took out and used the [Skill Scroll】

"Ding~ You used the [Skill Scroll] (rare magic scroll), congratulations on getting skill slot 5!"

With the accumulated upgrades, Zhang Yi now has nine skill slots in idle state.

He immediately took out the blue [Lightning Chain], purple [Freeze] and purple [Undead Storm] skill books to cover and study them. A series of pleasant prompt sounds came one after another.……

"Ding~ Congratulations on learning a new skill [Freezing] (purple)!"

"Ding~ Congratulations on using skill overwrite to learn a new skill [Lightning Chain] (blue). Your skill [Lightning Chain] (green) has been lost!"

"Ding~ Congratulations on learning a new skill [Undead Storm] (Purple)!"

Zhang Yi was about to take out the Undead suit to strengthen his equipment when he heard a"cuckoo" sound.

Turning around, he saw Han Yarou holding her flat belly and lowering her head in embarrassment.

I almost forgot that I hadn't eaten since I came to the Undead City in the morning.

"Are you hungry?"

"Um……"Han Yarou nodded shyly.

Zhang Yi smiled and said,"Then let's go back to eat."

After that, the two of them crushed their return scrolls and disappeared into the city of the dead in white light.

Arriving at the restaurant, they ordered a grilled fish. Just as Han Yarou, who had been hungry for a day, couldn't help but eat, Zhang Yi took out a full set of undead suits from his bag and began to strengthen them using the level 2 strengthening stone.

However, just as Zhang Yi was using the level 2 strengthening stone to strengthen the [Undead Wand], the system suddenly sent a prompt——

"Ding~ Enhancement failed, low-level enhancement stones cannot be used to enhance high-star equipment!"

Isn't this a 2-star Undead Suit?

Zhang Yi looked at the Undead Suit Staff in his hand, which he had never carefully examined before, with some surprise.——

【[Undead Wand] (One of the equipment of the Mage Undead Set):

Quality: 3 stars

Attack power: 120

Additional attributes: Intelligence 14, Agility 14

Durability: 16/16

Occupational restrictions: Magician, Beastmaster

Description: The magic wand condensed with the power of the undead has extremely strong lethality. If you can put together a complete set of undead suits, it will bring you unexpected effects...

It's actually 3 stars!

Could it be that there is a bug in the system and it rewarded me with a set of 3-star undead suits! ?

Zhang Yi was stunned.

He quickly looked at the equipment of the other six parts of the undead suit in his backpack, but found that he had thought too much. Except for the weapon, the other six parts were all level 30 and 2 stars.

It seems that the reward for this hidden task is like this. Zhang Yi is already very satisfied to be rewarded with a 3-star weapon.

So, he took out some level 3 strengthening stones from the bag and strengthened them.

"Ding~ Strengthening is successful, congratulations! Your equipment [Undead Wand] has reached the strengthening level of 1!"



"Ding~ Enhancement successful. Congratulations! Your equipment [Undead Wand] has reached enhancement level 25, and the exclusive talent [Splash Attack] has been unlocked.】!"

When Zhang Yi saw the talent of level 25 Undead Wand, he was stunned again.

Splash Attack: Passive.���When attacking, there is a 1% chance to cause 20% of the attack power to all enemies within the attack range without triggering hatred.

This talent is simply too strong, and the attack range is wider than the magician's level 50 ultimate skill [Ice and Snow]! It's just that the damage is a bit low, and you must have a high enough attack power to play its effect.

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