Before, Zhang Yi was still thinking that in order to complete the Undead Set, he would have to give up the 3-star Staff of Streamer. This 3-star Staff of Undead just made up for Zhang Yi's regret.

Another regret was the Boots of Death.

But it doesn't matter, the boots can be changed back at any time, but Zhang Yi thinks that a full set of dark Undead Set will look more beautiful, otherwise it will look out of place, and the bonus of the set is more complete.

Then, continue to use the level 2 reinforcement stones to strengthen the remaining Undead Set.

As countless prompt sounds continued to echo in his ears, 150 level 2 reinforcement stones were smashed down, plus the 3-star Staff of Undead, a level 30 2-star 25 mage Undead Set was perfectly presented in front of Zhang Yi.

【Wand of the Dead】( 25): 420 attack, 49 intelligence, 49 agility (all the above attributes include enhanced bonus). Talent splash attack (passive, attack has a 1% chance to cause 20% of the attack power damage to all enemies within the attack range without triggering hatred)

【Ring of the Dead】( 25): 280 attack, 35 intelligence, 35 intelligence. Talent top level severe injury (passive, 120 damage)

【Robe of the Dead】( 25): HP 630, 35 stamina, 35 endurance. Talent top damage reduction (passive, 100 damage reduction)

【Undead Hat】( 25): HP 595, 35 stamina, 35 stamina. Talent Life Conversion (passive, converts 12% of the wearer's maximum attack power into health)

【Undead Pants】( 25): Defense 192, 35 Stamina, 35 Agility. Talent: Slow down when attacked (passive, reduces the attacker's attack speed and movement speed by 5% when attacked, lasts for 3 seconds, can be stacked up to 2 times)

【Undead Boots】( 25): Defense 175, Agility 35, Stamina 35. Talent Speed Up (Passive, 4% of the movement speed when taking damage lasts for 3 seconds, up to 3 layers)

【Necklace of the Dead】( 25): Energy 350, 35 Agility, 35 Agility. Talent Advanced Energy Attack (Passive, 10% of the maximum energy value of each attack)

Immediately put on this dark undead suit, Zhang Yi opened the status bar and looked at it——

【[Yinuo Qingcheng] (Level 30, First-turn Beast Tamer):

Race: Human Race

Number of resurrections: 5

Talent: God-level enhancement (God-level talent)

Intelligence: 294

Endurance: 105

Agility: 189

Stamina: 105

Magic attack power: 1112

Physical defense power: 493

Magic defense power: 450

Health: 2620 Energy

: 840

Experience value: 1230/1250000 (Cannot be upgraded, experience accumulation up to ten times the upper limit)

Money: 1190 gold coins 35 silver coins 25 copper coins

Life skills: Primary exploration

Reputation: 21812

Special status: Dragon bloodline Lv1

Description: The beast tamer who is about to undergo the second turn is gradually becoming stronger...

The attack power breaks through four digits!

This attribute is invincible!

At the same time, two system prompts came to my ears.——

"Ding~ Congratulations on activating the seven-piece [Undead Set] (2-star, Mage) and gaining the set attribute: Casting Speed 55%! (2-star Mage full set 50%, 3-star weapons provide an additional 5% bonus)"

"Ding~ Congratulations on completing this week's survival mission [Gear Master] (Ordinary). Since you have accumulated up to 5 resurrection opportunities, you will get 1 chance to draw a prize of equal value on the big wheel! Your survival mission has been upgraded to elite level. You can view the mission details on the mission interface!"

So, Zhang Yi opened the big wheel and used the level 1 prize for completing the ordinary survival mission to draw a prize.

The pleasant system prompt sounded in his ears.——

"Ding~ Congratulations on getting 50 gold coins! 1 experience point for the turntable, and 1 more experience point is needed to upgrade the big turntable to level 2!"

I wasn't so lucky this time. I didn't get the blue skill book like last time, but 50 gold coins are not bad.

After completing another survival mission and drawing a lottery, the turntable reward will be greatly increased.

Then, Zhang Yi looked at the survival missions upgraded to the elite level.

Elite Hunting: Kill at least three elite monsters whose level is not lower than your own within this week.

This task is not difficult. If you use gold coins to offer a reward in the area, you can easily find a few elite monsters.

So, Zhang Yi began to eat with peace of mind. After eating, he opened the regional chat channel and saw that it was full of the powerless sighs of the players in area 886.……

【My brother is awesome!】:"The guy in their district who is so awesome is too powerful. He relies on his legendary talent and is simply invincible. Anyone in our district who meets him will die. We can't beat him at all!"

【Momo】:"The instance will end in just over 5 hours. The energy gap between our zone and theirs is so huge that it seems there is no way to save the situation. We are doomed to lose this energy battle."

【Honor of Kings】:"I have not only not leveled up in the Energy City these past two days, but I have also dropped two levels without saying anything. I am still fighting hard until now. Can you guys be more ambitious?"

While I was talking, the dungeon announcement sounded.——

"Ding~ The player from area 885 [Ao Shi Zhu Zai] killed the player from area 886 [King of Glory], energy points 356!"

【Honor of Kings】:"Damn! I died again... How come the Ao Shi family is so awesome? They are like they took stimulants! I'm scared, I won't fight anymore, I'm going to sleep.……"

After closing the chat interface, Zhang Yi and Han Yarou went back to the hotel to get a room and sleep.

In the Energy City, a great killing spree has been done. The 27th-level archer, who ranked first in the energy list of the two regions with 180,000 energy points, shot and killed a warrior player from the 886th district who was trying to escape in front of the street.

Dungeon announcement:"Ding~ The 885th district player [Ao Shi Qun Xiong] reached 782 consecutive kills! No one can stop it!"

"How lonely it is to be invincible~~"

The arrogant hero, who had already expanded to the extreme, sang in the dual-region cross-region channel. Although he was tone-deaf, there were also a bunch of girls from District 885 bragging about it.

The players in District 886 no longer had the energy to fight against District 885. They let them mock and provoke in the cross-region channel. Except for King of Glory, no one refuted them.

The chat channel gradually became quiet. No one spoke anymore. Even King of Glory said that he was tired.

Until around six o'clock in the evening, a dungeon announcement quietly arrived.——

"Ding~Please note: The player ranked first on the 886th District Heavenly Ranking [Yinuo Qingcheng] has entered the dungeon!"

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