As Ao Shi Qun Xiong was defeated twice in a row, the players in Area 885 were all furious.

"Holy shit! That guy's damage is too abnormal! He can deal more than 2000 damage?"

"Both times, Xiongda was killed in two moves, and Xiongda's attacks barely broke his defense. That guy is a beastmaster with the lowest attribute growth in the whole Apocalypse! He didn't even fight the Warcraft.……"

Zhang Yi was annoyed.

Did he think that with the help of god-level talents, the 7 powerful talents brought by his level 25 undead suit were a joke?

Talents are not so easy to open. Apparently, only half of Ao Shi Qun Xiong's equipment has reached level 25 and has opened talents. The rest are between levels 20-25 and have no talent bonus because he does not have enough resources. There is a world of difference between having a talent and not having a talent for an equipment.

Ao Shi Qun Xiong, who had been killed twice in a row, did not give up and kept using gold coins to buy his life.


Copy announcement:"Ding~ [Yinuo Qingcheng] killed [Ao Shi Qun Xiong], energy points 21241!���

Dungeon announcement:"Ding~ [Yinuo Qingcheng] killed [Ao Shi Qun Xiong], energy points 19238!"

Dungeon announcement:"Ding……"

After more than a dozen announcements, Ao Shi Qun Xiong, who had been killed from level 27 to level 26, finally gave up. After dying at Zhang Yi's hands for the 12th time, he did not buy back to life. His body turned into a white light and disappeared in the Energy City.

Zhang Yi opened the energy list and found that the 110,000 energy points contributed by Ao Shi Qun Xiong alone put him in the top ten of the list!

Zhang Yi had just entered the dungeon, and the time he had spent searching for the ultimate treasure was less than half an hour.

Ao Shi Qun Xiong fell from the first place to more than a hundred places away.

After killing Ao Shi Qun Xiong and forcing him to exit the dungeon, Zhang Yi's goal was to lock on the first place on the updated energy list - Ao Shi Shen Jian, with 140,000 energy.

Using the teleportation scroll, Zhang Yi appeared in front of Ao Shi Shen Jian, a level 27 black armor warrior player, in a blink of an eye.

Ao Shi Shen Jian, the deputy captain of the Ao Shi family, is said to be second only to Ao Shi Qun Xiong in terms of status and strength in the Ao Shi family. He was also a professional player that Ao Shi Qun Xiong had spent millions of dollars to recruit from a high-end game studio. He is a rare high-end player with good operation skills.

Although he had just learned from the dungeon announcement that his captain had been killed 12 times in a row by the man in front of him, he was not panicked when he saw Yinuo Qingcheng coming to him, because he believed that Ao Shi Qun Xiong lost because of his weak skin, and the warrior was a balanced profession with both offensive and defensive capabilities.

Relying on the powerful attribute bonus brought by the 2-star 25-enhanced warrior undead suit like Ao Shi Qun Xiong, Ao Shi Shen Jian cheered up:"Come on, let me punish you!"

As soon as he finished speaking, Ao Shi Shen Jian rushed towards Zhang Yifei, holding the black undead giant sword in his hand.

The undead wand flashed coldly.

5 seconds later

"Ding~ [Yinuo Qingcheng] kills [Ao Shi Shen Jian], energy points 21586! Ended his killing streak and super god!"

Ao Shi Shen Jian was more rational. After buying life once and still failing miserably, in order to reduce losses, he did not continue to buy life and exited the dungeon.

Zhang Yi opened the energy list and continued to lock on the next target at the top.

The target chosen by Zhang Yi this time, the level 26 assassin Ao Shi Xueshi, seemed to have expected that Zhang Yi would find him. Before Zhang Yi came to find him, he made preparations in advance...


White light fell, and Zhang Yi was just teleported to a crossroads. In addition to Ao Shi Xueshi who was locked in front, more than a dozen players from the Ao Shi family were on the verge of killing from all directions!

Ao Shi Xueshi snorted coldly:"I want to see how good you are at fighting! If you have the guts, come and fight me!"

Zhang Yi frowned slightly:"This is the first time I've heard such a cheap request."

After saying that, the Undead Wand swung.




The two skills dealt 1345 1132 points of damage, instantly killing Ao Shi Bloodthirsty. At the same time, the Undead Wand's talent [Splash Attack] was triggered. With the addition of the two talents [Top Severe Injury] and [Advanced Energy Attack], all the players of the Ao Shi family within a radius of 50 meters around Zhang Yi all had a 300-400 point damage jump on their heads. At the same time, a fierce dragon roar came from the air.

Hell Dragon Flame!


The scorching flames poured down from the sky, instantly covering the more than a dozen players of the Ao Shi family around them, and once again used 1951 points of real damage jumped up above their heads, accompanied by 452 points of burning damage every second. A few seconds later, more than a dozen white lights lit up in all directions, and all 15 players of the Ao Shi family were killed.

Zhang Yi frowned slightly. He didn't even have a chance to use the purple group skill Undead Storm that he had just learned. He ended the battle with a splash attack and Hell Dragon Flame.

Without daring to buy life, the group of Ao Shi Qun Xiong players who were killed instantly all exited the dungeon directly.

A series of prompt sounds kept ringing in Zhang Yi's ears.——

"Ding~ You killed the player [Ao Shi Niu Bai], energy points 6352!"

"Ding~ You killed the player [Ao Shi Tian Di], energy points 5379!"


"Ding~ The player from zone 886 [Yinuo Qingcheng] is killing people!"

"Ding~ The player from Zone 886 [Yinuo Qingcheng] is a dreamy super god who has achieved 100 consecutive kills. Who can stop him?"


The players in Area 885 were all speechless when they saw the constantly updated kill information in the dungeon announcement.

The arrogant players who had been so arrogant before dared not say a word now.

With the dungeon sealed, the players in Area 885 could not exit the dungeon. One by one, they ran away when they saw Zhang Yi from a distance, just like mice playing hide-and-seek. Even if they were in groups of three or five, they did not dare to confront Zhang Yi head-on.

The massacre lasted until 9:58 p.m., and there were only two minutes left before the dungeon ended. The

100 teleportation scrolls in Zhang Yi's bag had already been used up, and there was no enemy anywhere. It was as if Zhang Yi was the only one left in the dungeon.

Looking at his 997,000 energy points, Zhang Yi frowned.

There were still 3,000 points left. What should he do...

1 million energy points, a number that all players participating in the Energy City dungeon dared not even think about. However, Zhang Yi knew that as long as a player could obtain so much energy, he could get a super treasure from this dungeon.

This is what the history of the previous life told Zhang Yi, because in the previous life, there was a perverted player in the Apocalypse World who collected 1 million energy points and got the unique super treasure in each server!

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