The time was 59 minutes, and Zhang Yi, who had not found a target yet, was getting anxious as the copy was about to end in just one minute.

There were quite a few monsters on the street, but killing those monsters could only give him a few dozen energy points at most, which was far less than killing players.

Moreover, even if he killed monsters in the last minute, it would be impossible to collect the last 3,000 energy points.

Just when Zhang Yi was extremely anxious, a figure suddenly walked out of a small alley in front of him.

When he saw Zhang Yi, he was stunned for a moment, then turned around and ran away as if he had seen a ghost.

Zhang Yi immediately put on [Boots of Death] and turned on [Super Speed] to chase him madly.

The next moment……

"Ding~ You killed the player [Bears] in zone 885, energy points 4253!"

Just at this moment, a server-wide announcement came down from the air.——

"Ding~ Attention all players: The Energy City dungeon has ended, the Energy Mall has been opened, and will be closed in 1 hour. Players can redeem prizes in the Energy Mall with the energy obtained in the dungeon!"

At the last second, I caught up with 1 million!

As the system prompt fell, Zhang Yi excitedly opened the Energy Mall interface, and slid down the panel showing experience points, gold coins, 1-2 star equipment, 1-2 level strengthening stones, 1-2 star treasure chests and other props. He pulled the display screen to the bottom and saw what he was looking for at the bottom.——

【Dragon Clan Hidden Mission Scroll] (Legendary Magic Scroll): The only one in the 8th District, 1 million energy points are required to redeem it!

Zhang Yi spent 1 million energy points without hesitation to redeem it.

"Ding~ You have used 1 million energy points to exchange for [Hidden Mission Scroll] 1!"

Zhang Yi was relieved when he got this scroll.

Because in the previous life, this scroll was taken by a player in another safe zone. According to the progress of history, if Zhang Yi was one step later, this scroll would be exchanged by the player who got 1 million energy points in the dungeon again!

The purpose of Zhang Yi's trip to this dungeon was to get this legendary magic scroll.——

【[Dragon Clan Hidden Mission Scroll] (Legendary Magic Scroll):

Description: After using it, players can trigger an ultra-rare Dragon Clan hidden mission. If they can complete the mission, they can get incomparable rich rewards, and have the opportunity to get dragon treasures, gain the favor of the dragon clan, and join the dragon clan camp...

Use level: 50

One million energy can indeed be exchanged for a lot of priceless things, but compared to this legendary Dragon Clan hidden mission scroll, the prizes in the energy mall are not worth mentioning at all. There are

233 national servers in the Apocalypse World, and each national server's energy mall has only one [Dragon Clan Hidden Mission Scroll].

Zhang Yi remembered that in his previous life, according to the system's later statistics, only 75 of the 233 Dragon Clan hidden mission scrolls in the Apocalypse World were obtained by players from 75 countries, and among the 75 players from various countries who obtained this hidden mission, only 12 players completed the mission, and only one of them received the ultimate reward: joining the Dragon Clan camp!

This player seems to be the one who later mobilized the power of the dragon clan, summoned a group of dragon cavalry, and slaughtered a second-level main city of [Yundu] with 100,000 players. He is one of the only three players in the whole world of Apocalypse.

Because the system will not publish this specific information, and its source is the self-narration of the [Heavenly Kingdom] dragon clan player in the future.

Even if Zhang Yi, who has been reborn, now has the blood of the dragon clan, as long as the blood of the dragon clan is upgraded to level 10, there is a chance to join the dragon clan camp, but that is only a chance, not a certainty.

As long as there is any opportunity to join the dragon clan camp, Zhang Yi will not miss it.

Because the dragon clan is the supreme existence that billions of players in the world of Apocalypse yearn for!

And now, the opportunity to join the dragon clan camp is once again in Zhang Yi's hands.

In addition to excitement and excitement, Zhang Yi put this [Dragon Clan Hidden Mission Scroll] into his backpack.

Because it can only be used at level 50, before that, Zhang Yi still has a lot of time to prepare. Whether he can join the dragon clan camp is another matter. This hidden task must be completed! Otherwise, Zhang Yi would not even have the chance to join the Dragon Clan!

After that, Zhang Yi received another reward message from the system.

The rewards of the Energy City dungeon are not only the Energy Mall. Otherwise, for those players who spent two or three days in the dungeon but did not get much energy, the loss would be too great.——

"Ding~ Player [Yinuo Qingcheng], based on your performance in this Energy City dungeon, the system has started to calculate rewards for you. Cumulative dungeon online time of 3 hours and 52 minutes Rewards: 295200 experience points, 142 silver coins! 358 reputation. Cumulative energy obtained 1000521 points Rewards: 3000000 experience points (reached the maximum limit), 100 gold coins (reached the maximum limit), 6000 reputation (reached the maximum limit)!"

The dungeon participation prize is indeed generous. You know, Zhang Yi worked hard to complete a level 7, 700 difficulty coefficient [Dead Soul Resurrection] task in the City of the Dead, but only got 250,000 experience points, and that was with the extra intimacy bonus.

As for the dungeon participation prize, you don't have to do anything, just stay in it for four hours, and you will get 3 million experience points!

This means that just after the Energy City dungeon ended, almost all the safe zones in the Apocalypse World were continuously covered by golden light. All the players who participated in the dungeon were upgraded with the generous experience rewards, and many players even upgraded two or three levels in a row!

If Zhang Yi had been in the dungeon since it opened, he would have gotten The rewards are definitely several times more than what he got in the City of the Dead these two days, but Zhang Yi does not regret it.

Because if he had not completed the task of [Obtain Rare Materials] in the City of the Dead these two days and got the reward of a full set of 2-star Undead suits, it would not have been so easy for Zhang Yi to slaughter the entire 885 area in the dungeon.

As the Energy City dungeon that lasted for three days and two nights finally came to an end, countless players began to exchange various prizes they needed in the Energy Mall.

And Zhang Yi, as a million energy winner, could only stare blankly.

However, he was not interested in the 2-star equipment and green skill books that could be exchanged in the Energy Mall.

Because in addition to this, Zhang Yi got an even rarer reward - a cross-area announcement between Area 885 and Area 886:"Ding~ Congratulations to the player [Yinuo Qingcheng】、【Proud Sword】、【As the first place in the energy ranking of the [Energy City] copy, the second and third place rewards will receive the [Undead Suit] (2-star seven-piece suit, profession to be determined) 1!"

"Ding~ This regional instance has ended, and the dual-region cross-region chat channel has been closed!"

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