Moonlight City Announcement:"Ding~ Moonlight City players please note that the 1-star national challenge task [Extreme Upgrade Challenge] has been opened: regardless of time, the first 1,000 players affiliated with Moonlight City who reach level 50 will receive generous rewards from the system, and the higher the ranking, the higher the reward!"

"Dear Moonlight City players, please work hard to upgrade for the rewards!"

National Challenge", the official had already released this event information before the Apocalypse server was launched, and the rewards announced by the system were also very attractive -

1st-10th place: 1000 gold coins, 1 orange skill book, 1 5-star treasure chest

11th-100th place: 500 gold coins, 1 purple skill book, 1 4-star treasure chest

101st-1000th place: 100 gold coins, 1 blue skill book, 1 3-star treasure chest

National participation award: 10 gold coins, 1 green skill book, 1 2-star treasure chest!

Note: Beastmaster players calculate their own average level with the highest-level monsters, and the challenge level is reduced to 45. Because demon players have a 20% experience bonus, the challenge level is increased to 52. (This level is calculated through system experience to ensure absolute fairness)

Once the system announcement and reward mechanism were released, the players became excited, and the main city chat channel was almost blown up.——

【Niu Niu] (Male, Level 31):"Wow, this reward is so generous! I really want to be in the top ten! (lustful) (lustful)"

【Sky, Lord God] (male, level 32 second-turn warrior):"Sky's brothers, charge! The top ten in the upgrade challenge must be our Sky's! (proud)"

【Jun Lin Tian Xia] (male, level 32 second-turn archer):"Don't dream, brother. With us [Jun Lin Team] here, at most we can leave you Sky with a second prize. The first prize is all ours! (squinting smile) (squinting smile)"

【sky, sandstorm] (male, level 31 second-turn assassin):"Who do you think Junlin is? Moonlight City is still our sky's world! (cool)"

The players in Moonlight City chatted enthusiastically, and only Zhang Yi, who was looking at the chat records, realized a problem.

With the completion of the second turn and breaking through the level cap, many players who have accumulated a lot of experience points have directly upgraded several levels. Only Zhang Yi, who had previously upgraded the extra experience to the Dragon Blood Knight, remained at level 30.

It seems that I have to work hard to upgrade. After all, the rewards for the 1st to 10th place in this challenge task are really...too tempting!

Zhang Yi can't stand it!

So after completing the second turn, Zhang Yi did not stay and left the mentor hall directly.

As for the skills that can be learned from the mentor in the second turn, Zhang Yi is not interested at all, because the professional skills learned from the mentor are all garbage, and they are white ones. It is better to use the 5 skill slots rewarded by the second turn to buy some practical high-level skills at the auction house.

I looked at the status.

Fatigue 34%, hunger 63%.

With this fatigue level, it's no problem to hold on for another four or five hours.

So, Zhang Yi, like other players, began to choose tasks from the various NPCs in the city.

Around Moonlight City, the wild area levels are distributed between level 30-100, so various tasks of varying difficulty can be seen everywhere. Many high-difficulty or rare tasks with limited number of requests have set level or reputation requirements.

In the city, countless players who have just arrived in the main city have no time to sleep, especially under the encouragement of the [Extreme Upgrade Challenge], with excitement, they team up to receive tasks and go outside the city to start brushing.

Zhang Yi, however, calmly came to an NPC in the city with a green question mark on his head!

In the world of Apocalypse, ordinary tasks are divided into two types: main tasks and ring tasks.

Generally, the NPCs who can normally receive tasks have yellow question marks on their heads, representing main tasks.

NPCs with green question marks can receive ring tasks.

The difference between these two tasks probably doesn't need to be introduced.

The threshold for the ring running task is low, and there is no need for alien reputation requirements. It is suitable for human players like Zhang Yi who have just arrived in the alien race to start from the bottom, and then slowly get involved in the main task after accumulating enough alien reputation.

The difficulty of the ring running task is very low, generally there is no danger, so the reward is also very low, which cannot be compared with the main task, and it is quite time-consuming.

Normally, there are very few players who do the ring running task. Those who can patiently do the ring running task must be to accumulate intimacy with NPCs, because the intimacy reward of the ring running task is much higher than that of the main task.

Of course, Zhang Yi chose to do the ring running task, in fact, not to accumulate the initial alien reputation.

No one knows the rules of this game better than Zhang Yi.

When the reputation does not meet the requirements for receiving the task, as long as you have twice the cross-race reputation, you can also receive the task.

Now most of the tasks in the city generally require alien reputation between 2000-5000. Zhang Yi's 27,000 human reputation is enough to meet the requirements for receiving all the tasks in the city!

But Zhang Yi did not do those main quests with rich rewards.

With the memory of his previous life, Zhang Yi came to the City Lord's Mansion of Moonlight City and walked in without hesitation. He was just seen by several alien players passing by the door of the City Lord's Mansion and whispered.

Player A:"What is this human player doing in the City Lord's Mansion?"

Player B:"What else can he do? Of course, he is going to curry favor with the City Lord! He doesn't have the reputation of our aliens, so he can't do the main quests in the city. He can only start with the ring quest. It's useless to curry favor with the City Lord. He is basically useless!"

In the City Lord's Mansion, Zhang Yi saw a blue-named NPC walking around in the hall, looking exhausted.

This alien NPC looks extremely ugly, just like the alien in a science fiction movie.

With an aristocratic temperament and dress, this NPC obviously looks different from ordinary NPCs. A line of blue ID is displayed on his head -

Moonlight City Lord Kalu!

At this moment, there was a green question mark above Kalu's head, and it could be seen that there were many alien players around him, all of whom were scrambling to receive the ring-running tasks from the city lord.

Because if the city lord's intimacy level was raised, the probability of triggering high-level or even hidden tasks would definitely be higher than that of ordinary NPCs in the city!

So Zhang Yi also approached the city lord

""My Lord, are you having any troubles?"

As Zhang Yi triggered the conversation, the city lord Kalu sighed and said,"I have a growing feeling that the seal of the Demon Suppression Tower is about to be broken by the ancient demon beasts of the demon clan!"

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