According to the game background of the Alien Moonlight City in the Apocalypse World.

In order to have the strength to fight against the demons, the aliens built a third-level main city with strong defensive capabilities in this area, Moonlight City. The

Demon Suppression Tower is a prison built by the aliens in Moonlight City to suppress the powerful monsters of the demons. Countless demon beasts are imprisoned in it, and it has a history of decades.

The city lord Kalu then said with a worried face:"Once those ancient monsters break through the seal and rush out of the Demon Suppression Tower, the consequences will be disastrous. I am afraid that our Moonlight City will soon face a bloody disaster!"

At this time, Zhang Yi asked:"Lord City Lord, is there anything I can help you with?"

Kalu hesitated for a moment, and said to Zhang Yi:"I want to confirm the authenticity of this news first. Please help me go to the Military Control Office to ask General Maha to confirm the truth of the news! He is the captain of the patrol team near the Demon Suppression Tower and should know about these situations!"

As Kalu's voice fell, a reminder sounded in Zhang Yi's ears——

"Ding~ Do you want to accept the task [Find out the news]? (The difficulty coefficient of this task is 0, but it is extremely time-consuming. If you don't have enough patience, the system recommends that you do not accept the task. You can give up the task at any time during the task, without any penalty)"

Zhang Yi accepted the task without hesitation.

After bidding farewell to the city lord, Zhang Yi followed the task instructions and went to the Military Control Office in Moonlight City.

The main city covers a very large area. Without the help of teleportation, it takes an hour for a player to walk from the south of a third-level main city to the north!

However, the task of running the ring has a limited requirement: players cannot use teleportation during the task.

So, Zhang Yi took the fastest speed and spent a full half an hour before he arrived at the alien military control office panting.

However, the alien soldiers who asked here learned that their general Maha was not at the military control office and might have gone to the blacksmith shop in the west of the city to check the weapon forging situation!

Then, Zhang Yi took the task of running the ring upgraded to [Find out the news 2] and set out from the military control office in the south of the city. It took another half an hour to get to the blacksmith shop in the west of the city and finally found Maha.

"Dear Lord Maha, I am here on the orders of the city lord to ask you about the news of the Demon Suppression Tower!"

General Maha, who was checking the equipment in the blacksmith shop, walked towards Zhang Yi and said,"I haven't been to the Demon Suppression Tower recently. Please go back and report to the city lord. Let me deal with the expansion of the arsenal and go to the Demon Suppression Tower to check the situation immediately!"

System prompt:"Ding~ Congratulations on completing the task [Inquiry 2], and get 21,000 experience points and 10.5 silver coins. Alien reputation 24, intimacy with [Soldiers] 18!"

"Ding~ Congratulations on receiving the task [Report to the City Lord 3】……"

Zhang Yi patiently left the blacksmith shop and headed back to the City Lord's Mansion.

At this time, many players who were simultaneously completing the task of running the ring could no longer hold on and gave up one after another because the task was too time-consuming and the reward was too low!

Only Zhang Yi was still persisting.

Returning to the City Lord's Mansion, submitting the task of [Reporting to the City Lord], new tasks continued to come.

"Ding~ Congratulations on receiving the task [Get ready 4】!"

"Ding~ Congratulations on completing the task [Get ready 4】……"

"Ding~ Congratulations on receiving the task [Report to the City Lord 5】!"

"Ding~ Congratulations on completing the task [Report to the City Lord 5】……"


Zhang Yi was running tirelessly in Moonlight City, sweating profusely. Late at night, many alien players in the city cast incredible looks at Zhang Yi.

Player A:"Damn! Is this human player crazy? I saw him running in circles when I went out of the city to get the task at nine o'clock last night. It's already one o'clock in the morning, and he is still running!"

Player B:"What's the point of stubbornly doing a running circle task? It's just a running circle task to the end. How much future can it have? The income from running more than a dozen running circles tasks a day is not as much as that of a main task!"

Player C:"That's right, I was also doing the city lord's running circle task last night. It's endless and I really can't stand it. Generally, a series of running circles tasks are about four or five, and that task is not finished after running to the 8th floor! Damn it! I stopped doing it halfway, but this guy actually ran for four or five hours. It's awesome. I surrender!"

Zhang Yi ran for a full five hours!

In one night, he completed this series of running circles tasks to 15...……

"Ding~ Congratulations on completing the task [Final Preparation 15], and you have received 22,000 experience points and 11 silver coins. Alien reputation 34, intimacy with [City Lord] 20!"

"Ding~ Congratulations on reaching level 3 intimacy with the [City Lord], and you will receive 15 rewards for completing tasks assigned by the [City Lord]%!"

Zhang Yi collapsed in front of the city lord Kalu, and at this moment, a system prompt that he had been working hard for all night finally sounded.——

"Ding~ Congratulations on triggering the [Epic] hidden mission [Demon Suppression Tower Trial】!"

Here it comes!

Zhang Yi, who had worked hard all night just for this moment, instantly got up from the ground as if he had come back to life, and continued to trigger the dialogue with the city lord!

"Young man, you have worked hard for the safety of Moonlight City all night long!"

As Kalu finished speaking, Zhang Yi said:"It is our common responsibility to protect Moonlight City."

""Yes." Kalu looked at Zhang Yi with admiration:"You are the most patient person I have ever met. Congratulations on completing my test. Next, I will entrust you with a very important task."

Zhang Yi suppressed his inner surprise and asked,"What task?"

Kalu said,"Based on the information and data you collected for me, it seems that the seal of the Demon Suppression Tower is about to be broken."

"Young man, I hope you can guard Moonlight City for me and eliminate the hidden dangers of the Demon Suppression Tower!"

As soon as the voice fell, the system prompt sounded——

"Ding~ Do you want to accept the [Epic] hidden task [Trial of the Demon Suppression Tower]? (The difficulty coefficient of this task exceeds 5000. The system determines that your chance of completing the task is 0 based on your comprehensive strength test)"


"Ding~ Congratulations on receiving the [Epic] hidden task [Trial of the Demon Suppression Tower]. The system is about to trigger a server-wide announcement. Please choose to make your ID public/hidden?" Server- wide announcement:"Ding~ Congratulations to the eighth district player ** for receiving the [Epic] hidden task [Trial of the Demon Suppression Tower], completing the achievement [Epic Task], and obtaining reward level 1, 100 gold coins, and 2400 reputation!"

Server-wide announcement:"Ding~ **The main city hidden map [Demon Suppression Tower] has been opened, and the map has been sealed (except for non-task triggerers, no player can search for the location on the map or enter the map). The map seal will be lifted in seven days!"

System prompt:"Ding~ Player [Yinuo Qingcheng], congratulations on obtaining the privilege of the task triggerer: within seven days, you have the qualifications to enter the hidden map [Demon Suppression Tower] in advance, and the map location has been displayed!"

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