Countless players were besieging the Spider King from all directions.

In the barrage of this girl's live broadcast room, there were also many messages scrolling out.

"It's actually a 2-star BOSS! Wow!"

"Is it too late to go there now? I'm in the city~"

"It’s not too late, the BOSS just appeared and still has more than 90 health points!"

"Level 30 2-star BOSS! Let's go get an assist, and we can get a lot of experience after the BOSS is defeated!"

So, many players left the live broadcast room one after another. Obviously, they were all heading to G City.

And the [Qingfeng Piaoxue] live broadcast room, which had no audience giving gifts from beginning to end, had only been broadcasting for a few minutes when the screen suddenly went black.

The anchor had insufficient funds and the video was disconnected...

Zhang Yi, after closing the live broadcast interface, opened the map and looked at it, searching for the location of G City, and found that it was in the middle of himself and Moonlight City!

So Zhang Yi collected the return scroll that he had almost crushed just now, and walked back to Moonlight City.

Since there was a BOSS, Zhang Yi would certainly not miss such a good thing. Even if he couldn't get the things it exploded, he had the same idea as most players: getting an assist to get 20% of the BOSS experience would not be bad!

If he was lucky enough to pick up an equipment or something, he would be rich.

G City.

Under the siege of two to three hundred players, the BOSS had only been refreshed for 5 minutes, and its health had already dropped to 10%!

At the same time, many players from all directions were approaching to join the battle.

Countless sharp arrows and magic balls were shot down from the hands of the surrounding archers and mage players, while the melee warriors, assassins and knights, who could not hit the body of the Spider King, held its eight legs and hacked it to death.

The scene was in full swing.

Under the siege of these second-level professional players between levels 30-32, three or four hundred points of damage kept jumping above the Spider King's head!

The single damage was negligible, but the overall damage of the players, However, it should not be underestimated.

As a level 30 2-star BOSS, the damage of the Violent Spider King is undoubtedly fatal.

With the epic talent [Fatal Poison Kill] (the Spider King's attack will definitely make the target enter a poisoned state for 10 seconds, and lose 30% of the Spider King's attack power every second), he can easily kill the surrounding players with just a move, bringing up a large area of white light!

When Zhang Yi rushed over, he found that the BOSS had only half of its health left, and there were at least 800 players gathered around. The entire G city was full of players, and the white light that rose and fell, mixed with the players' enthusiastic shouts, resounded through the sky.

"Seeing this makes my blood boil!"

Beside Zhang Yi, a level 31 middle-aged male warrior player who had just arrived excitedly drew his sword and said,"Brothers, here I come!"

After that, the warrior rushed towards the BOSS quickly with a dozen other players. However, before they could touch the BOSS and just stepped into the hatred range, the group of players were drowned by a large ball of green liquid spewed out from the mouth of the Spider King.

Amid screams, the group of players swallowed by the venom struggled for only a few seconds before they all turned into white light and flew away.

"It's so terrifying."

Zhang Yi sighed, and sat down on a vacant lot nearby. He took out a bag of sunflower seeds that he had bought for 5 silver coins in the city store and started to eat them...

Thinking back to his previous life, Zhang Yi was just like these players. Whenever a BOSS spawned, he would get very excited and rush forward desperately, thinking that he might get lucky and get the last blow from the BOSS and become rich.

Now Zhang Yi is not so naive.

Under the human wave tactics of the players, the health of the Spider King soon dropped to 30%.

At this moment, it was suddenly covered with a layer of A faint red light covered... mutated!

Wow - after a few seconds, the red light covering the Spider King transformed into a shock wave that swept around the area of 100 meters. Hundreds of players around were hit by the shock wave, and more than half of the fragile professions such as mages, assassins and priests were killed instantly!

Wow, wow, wow!

Hundreds of white lights lit up at the same time in all directions, and the scene was extremely spectacular. Even Zhang Yi, who was sitting on the ground eating melon seeds and watching the battle more than 200 meters away, couldn't help but stand up.

Mutation, that is when the BOSS's health drops to 30%, there is only a 1% chance of triggering the ultimate form!

The BOSS usually mutates for about 5 minutes. During the mutation period, the BOSS's combat effectiveness will be greatly improved. After the mutation ends, it will enter a weak state that lasts for 5 minutes and its combat effectiveness is greatly weakened.

After the BOSS mutates, its value will at least double. After being exploded, the spoils that explode will be twice as strong as those that have not mutated!

Zhang Yi stared at the mutated Spider King quietly, with a hint of expectation. He felt that the time for him and the Dragon Blood Knight to ascend was coming...

In his sight, the mutated Spider King was like crazy, trampling the players around him who attacked it crazily.

The previous attacks were not enough to cause a heavy blow to most players with relatively sophisticated equipment. Now, as long as the mutated Spider King encounters a player who is not a knight profession, it will basically be killed instantly!

Even those high-level warrior players whose equipment is not top-notch can't withstand the attack of the Spider King!


A blue death light sprayed out from the Spider King's mouth, sweeping the whole field. Countless players touched by the death light had a two or three thousand point damage on their heads. More than 60% of the players were killed instantly, and the remaining players were scared and fled. The

BOSS's crazy killing lasted for 3 minutes. During this period, the casualties of the players reached ten times that of before!

But as the mutation period passed, the Spider King instantly withered.

"��~ Players, please note: [Violent Spider King] is about to enter a weakened state that will last for 5 minutes. In this weakened state, all attributes of the Spider King will be reduced by 30.%!"

As the battle prompt fell, the players who had been fleeing in all directions suddenly rushed towards the BOSS like chicken blood.

Zhang Yi also put away the half-eaten melon seeds in his hand, raised the undead magic wand, and prepared to approach the BOSS.

At this time, near the direction of Moonlight City, a large group of players rushed into G City with great momentum and approached the BOSS. Even many passers-by who blocked the way were directly killed by them!

"【Junlin] Clear the area! Anyone who doesn't want to die, get out of here!"

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