I saw that the group of players who suddenly attacked all had a unified prefix above their heads -


Zhang Yi had not only seen this name in the chat interface of the main city this morning, but also heard it countless times from the"scavenger" in his previous life.

According to the scavenger, there are three dominant teams in the alien Moonlight City: Junlin, Sky, and Hall of Fame.

Among the thousands of teams in Moonlight City, the three teams are the strongest three. They are equally strong. Among them, the people of [Junlin] seem to be more powerful and like to bully others.

Sky is a people-friendly team and remains neutral, but there is always a little conflict between them and Junlin.

As for the Hall of Fame, it is said that all the thousands of players in the entire team are young and beautiful ladies. Zhang Yi has already contacted them, and it seems that the rumors should be true...

Now it seems that this [Junlin] is indeed the same as the scavenger's introduction. The style of doing things is that they are ruthless and can do anything to achieve their goals.

It can be seen that there are about three or four hundred players from Junlin who are dispersing the individual players around the BOSS. Those who do not obey will be killed directly by them!

Many individual players do not dare to provoke Junlin in order to have a stable life in Moonlight City in the future, so they all retreat far away.

Although [Junlin] is not well-known now, except for Zhang Yi, no one knows that they will gradually develop into one of the three top teams in Moonlight City with 50,000 members in the next six months, but at this stage, the average player team has only thirty or forty people at most, and Junlin has three or four hundred people as soon as it appears.

It can also be seen from this that they are not simple.

Soon, all the individual players were driven away, and the Spider King was surrounded by Junlin players.

Aiming at the Spider King in a weak state, Junlin's more than 300 players launched a strong attack, quickly consuming the little remaining blood of the BOSS!

Seeing that the blood of the BOSS has dropped to 10%, those individual players can hold back, but Zhang Yi can't.

If it was an ordinary BOSS, it would be fine. Zhang Yi didn't want to mess with the Junlin team just after arriving in Moonlight City.

But now, this is a mutant BOSS that is one in a hundred!

We can't just give it to Junlin!

So, Zhang Yi held the staff, sneaked into G City, and quietly approached the BOSS.

At this moment, there was a commotion near Moonlight City. Looking around, another large group of players rushed over...


Zhang Yi was stunned.

My goodness, this BOSS caused quite a stir! It actually attracted Junlin and Sky, who are the three top teams in Moonlight City in the future!

And it seems that a lot of Sky's people have come, at least two or three hundred people!

Zhang Yi didn't care so much, and mixed into the crowd on Junlin's side first.

As soon as Sky's players poured into G City, Junlin's side immediately released hatred

【The captain of the Junlin, a second-level archer with a level of 33, Junlin Tianxia, saw that Sky's players were approaching the BOSS and immediately shouted:"Sky's trash wants to grab the BOSS, brothers, stop them, don't let them come!"

With Junlin Tianxia's order, more than 300 players of Junlin quickly dispersed into two forces, one went to intercept Sky's players, and the other followed Junlin Tianxia to continue fighting the BOSS.

Seeing that Junlin's players wanted to take the BOSS alone, Sky was not to be outdone. The captain, a level 33 warrior, [Sky, Lord God], gave an order and directly launched an attack on Junlin's players!

After all, this was the first BOSS that Moonlight City had spawned, and it was a mutated BOSS. Whichever team could take the first kill of the Spider King BOSS would be the boss of Moonlight City!

So, this BOSS battle gradually evolved into a team battle between the two teams of Junlin and Sky.

Hundreds of players from the two teams were caught in a melee, and the Spider King's blood slowly dropped to 5 percentage points.

Zhang Yi, who was mixed in the crowd of Junlin, couldn't hold back any longer.

Just as he was about to approach the BOSS, Zhang Yi was suddenly spotted by a Junlin warrior player next to him, Junlin Jiuzhou!

"Hey, you look a little strange to me? Why do you hide your ID?"

"Lao Zhouzi, it’s me!" Zhang Yi glanced at the ID above Junlin Jiuzhou’s head and said,"You don’t recognize me? It’s me, Xiao Zhang!"

"Ah? Oh, Xiao Zhang……"When the middle-aged warrior Jun Lin Jiuzhou was confused, Zhang Yi suddenly pointed at a Sky assassin who rushed in front of him and shouted to Jun Lin Jiuzhou:"Lao Zhou is coming, hit him!"

Then, Zhang Yi turned Jun Lin Jiuzhou over and kicked Jun Lin Jiuzhou's butt hard:"Hurry up, beat his fucking Sky! Jun Lin is invincible!"

"Junlin is invincible!" Junlin Jiuzhou shouted and rushed towards Sky's assassin...

On Sky's side, Zhang Yi also fooled them in the same way.

Zhang Yi was like a blade of grass, falling in whichever direction the wind was strong.

His eyes were always fixed on the BOSS.

At this moment, the Spider King, who had just recovered from his weak state, released another shock wave, with super high damage, instantly killing a large group of Junlin's warrior knight players around it!

Taking advantage of this opportunity, Zhang Yi suddenly flashed, dodged the shock wave attack, and instantly moved to the side of the Spider King who had only 1% of his health left!

It was also at this time that the players on both Junlin and Sky seemed to finally realize a problem……

"Who the hell is that guy? He's not from our Junlin! Is he from Sky?"

"???I do not know!"

""Shit! He's here to steal the BOSS!!!"

By the time the players on both sides realized what was happening, it was too late.

Zhang Yi chuckled and crushed the [Mist Scroll] he had prepared.

A thick fog descended instantly, and under the fog that reduced visibility to only 10 meters, the players of Junlin and Sky were all shocked.

"Shit! What's going on?"

"Isn't this the fog in the foggy city! ?"

Shocked, accompanied by a roar that shook the world, countless golden lights fell from the fog. All the players in the two teams, Junlin and Sky, who participated in this battle, suddenly upgraded!

BOSS, was knocked down!

At the same time, a pleasant reminder sounded in Zhang Yi's ears.——

"Ding~ Congratulations, you have taken down the final blow of the level 30 2-star BOSS [Violent Spider King], and obtained the maximum 50% benefit: 2250000 experience points and 6000 alien reputation!"

"Ding~ Congratulations on your upgrade, your current level is 32……"

"Ding~ Congratulations on your upgrade, current level is 33……"


As the huge body of the BOSS fell to the ground, Zhang Yi, who was not affected by the fog, saw countless equipment, strengthening stones, gold coins, skill books and treasure chests falling from the body of the Spider King...

However, just when Zhang Yi was about to pick up the spoils while the fog was still there, a black shadow suddenly rushed out of the fog and started to scramble for the things that the BOSS had exploded!

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