Moonlight City was bustling with people coming and going in the streets and alleys.

Zhang Yi, who had planned to go out of the city to carry out his mission, could not help but be attracted by the shouting in the streets.——

"Selling a 2-star top-quality ring for Warrior 18, only 40 gold coins! Come and buy it if you need it, it will be gone if you are late!"

"Selling two blue skill books for the mage and assassin, the price is negotiable……"

"All 2-star equipment for all professions are available. In addition, a 3-star archer pants is for auction. DD if you need it.……"


Various shouts came one after another, making people feel like they were in a vegetable market.

Zhang Yi looked at his five empty skill slots and joined the crowd, intending to enrich himself before heading to the Demon Suppression Tower.

So, among the various stalls set up by countless players on the street, Zhang Yi's eyes were on those selling skill books. He looked around and hadn't found the skill book he liked yet, when suddenly a loud shout came from the crowd:——

""The first 4-star quality equipment in the server is for sale. Hurry up if you want to buy it!"

As the shout spread, it almost shocked all the players on the street. With a burst of agitation, countless players from all directions gathered towards the stall that made the shout!

Zhang Yi also wanted to join in the fun, and at least squeezed into the crowd of onlookers.

Because he couldn't believe that at this stage when 3-star equipment was super rare, someone got 4-star equipment so quickly.

Looking around, I saw that the player who was surrounded by people was a little warrior who looked only eighteen or nineteen years old. On his stall, there was indeed a fiery red metal shield emitting a dark aura!

In the data shared by the little warrior who hid the ID above his head, it can be seen that this shield is indeed a 4-star equipment as he shouted.——

【[Demon Shield]:

Quality: 4 stars

Attributes: 350 damage reduction (Shield attributes will only take effect when the user uses the shield to block the enemy's attack)

Additional skills: Demon Blood (Passive, when the wearer successfully uses the Demon Shield to resist the enemy's attack, Demon Blood will be triggered: restore the wearer's maximum health to 5% of the health)

Not disclosed...

Although the little warrior only showed half of the data of this equipment, there is no doubt that it is indeed the only super-high-quality 4-star equipment in the entire server of Apocalypse at this stage!

Moreover, it is a 4-star equipment with skills attached!

In the case of not reaching the top level of strengthening to open the talent, the skills that come with a piece of equipment are rarer than exclusive talents!

It is equivalent to, if it is strengthened to the top level to open the exclusive talent, this equipment has two powerful talents at the same time!

Moreover, the [Demon Blood] skill attached to this shield made Zhang Yi couldn't help but be moved.

If the Dragon Blood Knight is equipped with this shield, what kind of effect will [Demon Blood] have on the Dragon Blood Knight with 16,000 health?

So, when the little warrior saw that what he was selling was actually a 4-star equipment, the crowd around him suddenly exploded.

"Holy shit, it's actually a 4-star equipment! Awesome bro, where did you get this equipment?"

As a soldier uncle near the stall finished speaking, the young soldier sitting in front of the stall laughed and said,"It was originally an unidentified 3-star equipment. During the identification process, it triggered a high-level identification. I spent some money, and then it became a 4-star. Hehehehe……"

After that, the crowd was in an uproar again.

Player A:"I don't even have a 3-star equipment, and even 4-star equipment has appeared, my god!"

Player B:"Why don't I have such good luck? Let alone appraisal and star upgrade, I have never encountered a high-level appraisal.……"

Player C:"Brother, how much do you want for this shield? I'll give you 50 gold coins. Can you sell it to me? Let's be friends."……"

Player D:"50 gold coins for 4-star equipment? Are you daydreaming? I'll offer 500 gold coins. Will you sell it? If you do, I'll gather the brothers in the team to raise money!"

The warrior who said 500 gold coins was obviously a big-time player who was the captain of the team.

When the surrounding players were agitated, the little warrior shouted:"Live auction, starting price 1,000 gold coins, the highest bidder wins!" As soon as he finished speaking, someone actually raised the price, and it was quite a lot!

"I offer 1050 gold coins!"

"I'm 1200!"

"Brother, sell it to me and I will give you 1,300 gold. Also, I have a team and I am the captain. I can let you join my team and I will protect you in the Apocalypse World from now on!"


There are still many big guys in Moonlight City. After all, the alien race has a racial privilege, which is to get 20% of the money.

Maybe a player doesn't have that much money at this stage, but a small team of 100 people can easily get 1,000 gold coins!

Not to mention the big teams of thousands of people!

Under the hype of many big players in the crowd, the price of [Demon Shield] quickly rose from 1,000 to 2,500!

To be honest, the value of this shield at this stage is at least more than 3,000 gold in Zhang Yi's opinion!

Its basic attribute is 350 damage reduction, and it can reach 1,225 points of damage reduction when strengthened to the highest level. It is simply invincible!

Zhang Yi, who was mixed in the crowd, suddenly accelerated his heartbeat.

Because he really needs this shield now. If he can let the Dragon Blood Knight equip [Demon Shield] and challenge the Demon Tower, the difficulty can be directly reduced by 90%!

Looking at his backpack, plus the more than 200 gold coins rewarded by the hidden task [Collect Blueprints], Zhang Yi's total assets now have 2,900 gold.

You can't catch a wolf without sacrificing a lamb. Zhang Yi gritted his teeth and stepped out from the crowd:"2600!"

As soon as Zhang Yi finished speaking, many players around him turned their eyes to Zhang Yi.���

The discussion ensued

"My goodness, is this human brother so rich? He is in our alien territory, and there must be few teammates following him. One person can afford 2,600 gold, so six batches!"

"He has crossed the race to come to our alien race. He must be a top team leader in his human race. How could he not have thousands or tens of thousands of gold coins on him when he came to our alien race?"

"Wow, a tall, rich and handsome guy is looking for a hookup~"

Ignoring the other players' comments, Zhang Yi quietly stared at the little warrior.

At this moment, another voice rang out from the crowd.——

"I'll give you 3,000 gold!"

"No matter how rich you are, this is our alien territory, right? If the first 4-star equipment is taken away by this human kid, then our alien race will lose face!"

As he spoke, Zhang Yi, who was determined to get it, took out the orange skill book [Sword Shadow Storm] from his bag and said to the little warrior:"Equal exchange."

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