Orange skill book!

The moment Zhang Yi took out the Sword Shadow Storm, the crowd around him exploded.

"This guy actually has an orange skill book, my god!"

"Even purple skill books are rare now, right?"

"Forget purple, I don't even have any blue skills.……"

The little warrior's eyes naturally lit up when he saw the orange group attack [Sword Shadow Storm] in Zhang Yi's hand.

Because a skill book that can be used permanently is definitely more valuable than equipment that is eliminated over time. As of now, this orange skill book is no worse than the 4-star [Demon Shield]!

So, the little warrior swallowed deeply, then stood up and said to Zhang Yi:"Okay, equal exchange!"

After that, the little warrior didn't care about other players around him, and took the [Demon Shield] very readily, opened the trading interface, and put it on.

For Zhang Yi, this is one of the best orange skill books in the entire server, and it is also a group attack skill [Sword Shadow Storm]. Although it is priceless, it even far exceeds [Demon Shield].

But because he forgot to give it to the uncle before, it is just lying on his body now, and Zhang Yi can't use it at all.

So, it's better to use it to exchange for something that is of great value to him at the moment.

So, Zhang Yi did not hesitate to put the Sword Shadow Storm on the other side of the trading column and execute the transaction

"Ding~ Congratulations on getting the equipment [Demon Shield] 1!"

After completing the transaction, Zhang Yi left with the Demon Shield, leaving behind only the passers-by players with a look of surprise and admiration, and the satisfied little warrior who got the Sword Shadow Storm.

However, as soon as Zhang Yi left, the little warrior opened the friend list, clicked on a friend, quickly edited a message and sent it:"Captain, the fish has been hooked, and this time, it's a big fish!"

After that, the little warrior quietly followed Zhang Yi, and opened the ID display above his head without any concealment -

Jun Lin Shanchuan!

Here, Zhang Yi walked out of the city while looking at the Demon Shield in his hand.——

【[Demon Shield]:

Quality: 4 stars

Attributes: 350 damage reduction

Additional skills: Demon Blood

Occupation: Knight

Level: 35

Durability: 25/25

Description: This is a dark shield forged by the spirit of the devil. The owner will gain the protection of the devil...

Note: This equipment is given a demon curse (100% drop when the owner dies)


It was not until he saw the note at the bottom of the equipment that Zhang Yi understood why the little warrior just showed only half of the data of the Demon Shield.

The Demon Curse will directly reduce the value of this equipment by half!

No one would spend such a high price to buy an equipment that will definitely drop upon death, no matter how high-quality it is.

But that is for ordinary players. For Zhang Yi, he can ignore the Demon Curse directly, because the equipment that has been strengthened by the God-level will be automatically bound.

Zhang Yi was a little excited.

With this 4-star God-equipment, let alone the first floor of the Demon Suppression Tower, Zhang Yi felt that after the Dragon Blood Knight was upgraded to level 35 and equipped with the Demon Shield, he would have no problem challenging the third and fourth floors!

Late at night, darkness enveloped the earth. After leaving Moonlight City, the surroundings fell into a period of darkness.

Although it was already past ten o'clock in the evening, there were many players passing by on the road at this moment.

Until Zhang Yi walked farther and farther, passing a deserted abandoned city.

Behind him, a cold wind suddenly blew.

With his super consciousness, Zhang Yi did not look back, and cast a spell without hesitation, flashing and moving ten meters in front of him.

The next moment,"boom boom boom" several fireballs fell on the place where Zhang Yi had just been!

Surprised, he looked around and saw that a group of players were approaching quickly on the street where Zhang Yi had just walked!

In the dark night, the white IDs above the heads of the group of players were very conspicuous, and all of them were prefixed with the word"Junlin".

Zhang Yi frowned slightly until the group of players from Junlin approached quickly.

As a mage, he would definitely not be able to outrun the assassins and warriors of the other side, not to mention that Zhang Yi did not need to run away when he saw the people from Junlin.

There were seven people in the group, and the leader was a very young man wearing a dark archer undead suit. He was the captain of [Junlin], a level 34 second-turn archer, Junlin Tianxia!

In addition, the other six Junlin players behind him were not high in level, with an average level of only about level 32.

Moreover, Zhang Yi also saw a familiar warrior boy... Jun Lin Shanchuan!

Isn't this the little warrior who just traded the Demon Shield to him?

Suddenly, Zhang Yi understood that he had been tricked by the little warrior and was being targeted by Jun Lin's people!

At this time, Jun Lin Tianxia looked at Zhang Yi, who was fifty meters away. When he saw the"Human" logo on Zhang Yi's head, he couldn't help but feel a little curious:"Oh, it's another human player?"

"Boy, I heard that you bought the Demon Shield?"

Zhang Yi, who knew the other party's purpose, deliberately asked:"What's wrong?"

"I don't know if you have seen the note under that piece of equipment." Jun Lin Tianxia also got straight to the point:"So, do you want to hand over the Demon Shield obediently, or do you want me to kill you and get it out?"

Zhang Yi said thoughtfully:"It seems that you are specialized in this business? I am not the first person to get the Demon Shield from you?"

"Right." Jun Lin Tianxia laughed:"Three big fish have been caught before you, and none of them are willing to hand over the Demon Shield, so guess what happened to them in the end?"

Zhang Yi sighed:"Are you so shameless? You sold the equipment to others and you want to take it back."

"Shameless, invincible!" Jun Lintianxia was a little impatient:"Stinky boy, stop talking nonsense, if you don't want to die, hand it over. In view of your contribution of an orange skill book, I can spare your life!"

Zhang Yi said disapprovingly:"Isn't it written on the Demon Shield? When the holder dies, it will definitely drop."

Jun Lintianxia was stunned for a moment, gritting his teeth and said:"Stinky boy, you are looking for death!"

"A human race rubbish beastmaster dares to act so arrogantly in front of us, Jun Lin. I think you are really tired of living!" As he said this, Jun Lin suddenly seemed to remember something:"Wait, the human race mage……"

""Shit!" Jun Lintian looked at Zhang Yi in astonishment:"You...are you the guy who robbed the BOSS in G City this afternoon?"

"Forehead……"Zhang Yi coughed lightly and said,"I said it wasn't me, do you believe me?"

"I don't trust you!" Thinking of the fact that the Spider King was robbed in the afternoon by this guy, Jun Lin Tian Xia was even more furious:"Brothers, come on, kill this piece of trash and get the Demon Shield!" As soon as he finished speaking, the six Jun Lin players behind him, with their swords drawn, rushed towards Zhang Yi.

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