Facing the six players from the King's Landing who were charging at him aggressively, Zhang Yi was not afraid at all. He took out the Undead Wand and held it in his hand. At this moment, a huge spider web suddenly fell from the air, covering all the King's Landing players approaching from the front and binding them up!

Magic scroll!

Zhang Yi saw the source of the big spider web at a glance.

At the same time, a shout came from his ear:"Brother, run!"

Looking in the direction of the sound, he saw a young assassin in black hiding behind a pile of ruins on the street, shouting at Zhang Yi:"Why are you still standing there? The scroll has a limited duration, and it can't control them for long, run! You can't beat the people of Junlin!"

Seeing the young assassin in black, whom he didn't know, Zhang Yi seemed to understand something suddenly, and said calmly:"How do you know I can't beat them?"

The young assassin who came to save Zhang Yi with good intentions was stunned for a moment:"You are stupid! How can you, a beastmaster with no output and no defense, fight with others? And even if you are not a beastmaster, you can't beat so many of them alone!"

Zhang Yi didn't pay attention to the young assassin, but stood there holding his staff, ready to fight the seven level 33 players of Junlin alone.

In the eyes of the young assassin, this human mage was simply out of his mind!

Soon, the spider web disappeared, and the group of Junlin players who had broken free continued to charge towards Zhang Yi.

The archer Junlin, who stood still and did not take action, looked at Zhang Yi as if he were a dead man.

"You didn't take advantage of such a good opportunity just now. Do you really think you are a god?"

""I think you are a rubbish beastmaster, what can you do to fight me, Jun Lin!"

Zhang Yi had already seen through the opponent's lineup.

Except for Jun Lin, the rest of them, two mages, one archer, two warriors and one assassin, all wore 2-star equipment, none of them had 3-star equipment, and their whole body enhancement level was less than 20.

These were just ordinary members of Jun Lin, not elites and main forces, not to mention that there were only seven people including Jun Lin.

They were no match for Zhang Yi.

I think it was because they were in a hurry to come out, and the person they had to deal with was just a rubbish beastmaster, so Jun Lin just called Several teammates nearby came out.

In Jun Lin Tian Xia's opinion, even without teammates, it would be easy for him to kill this human beastmaster in seconds.

At this time, Jun Lin's players had already entered Zhang Yi's effective attack range within 50 meters.

However, Zhang Yi did not rush to act, as if he was waiting for something.

Until the two opponent's mages cooperated with the archers to attack Zhang Yi.

Boom boom boom!

Two fireballs, combined with a fire arrow, fell on Zhang Yi who was standing still, and three red damage bursts exploded above Zhang Yi's head.——




The concentrated fire of the three people only knocked off half of Zhang Yi's health!

Suddenly, the three Junlin players who launched the attack were shocked. They obviously didn't expect that Zhang Yi, a beastmaster, had such a high defense.

As the price of launching the main attack, the IDs above the heads of the three people turned gray, and this was exactly the result Zhang Yi was waiting for.

The blue light of the Undead Wand flashed, and the lightning chain bombarded the three gray names.



-2720 critical hit!



White light lit up, and among the three people, a level 32 mage [King of the World] who received 2700+ critical damage was killed instantly by Zhang Yi, and the other two were also beaten to half of their health.

The damage of Zhang Yi, a second-level violent mage with full intelligence points, a +25 undead suit and a 3-star weapon bonus, and 16-star intelligence growth, was far beyond the ability of the mage shooter players of King's Landing to bear.

At this moment, not only the people of King's Landing, but also the assassin who was hiding behind the ruins next to them and watching the battle, could not help but be stunned.

Zhang Yi took advantage of the 55% attack speed bonus brought by the undead suit, and unceremoniously used a freezing spell combined with a fireball spell to take away the other two mage shooters who were injured.


White light fell, and the summoned dragon blood knight suddenly appeared in front of the rushing King's Landing Mountain and River.

The three of them launched an attack at the same time, each of them dealt a jaw-dropping 200 points of damage, and at the same time, a high damage of 1422 points jumped above their heads!

Before the three of them could react, the Dragon Blood Knight thrust his [Bloodbath Spear], and a shot of [Blood Kill] pierced through the hard armor and went straight through the body of one of the King's Landing warriors, exploding a super high damage on his head.——


Without a doubt, it was an instant kill.

As the price of [Blood Kill], a 3306 damage point also jumped above the head of the Dragon Blood Knight.

Jun Lin Shanchuan and the remaining assassin were stunned.

"Damn! What kind of damage is this!"

The Dragon Blood Knight was not polite at all. He activated [Dragon Blood Shield] and [Dragon King Bodyguard] at the same time, and shot the assassin with 2941 points of high damage. The gray-named Jun Lin Shanchuan turned around and tried to escape, but was killed by two normal attack magic balls from Zhang Yi.


With the death of Jun Lin Shanchuan, an orange skill book fell from his body...

Sword Shadow Storm!

""Damn it!"

Jun Lin Tianxia, the only remaining one on the opponent's side, was horrified, and no matter how perverted this beastmaster and his beast were, he ran towards the orange skill book that fell on the ground like crazy!

However, the archer who had no displacement skills was still a step slow.

Zhang Yi flashed and instantly moved to the place where Jun Lin Shanchuan had just died, and picked up the [Sword Shadow Storm].

Jun Lin Tianxia was furious:"Damn it, give my skill book back to me!"

��Then, Jun Lin Tian Xia, who was overwhelmed by hatred, drew his bow and shot an [Armor-piercing Arrow] towards Zhang Yi, but was blocked by the Dragon Blood Knight with his shield. The 2844 points of counter-damage did not kill Jun Lin Tian Xia in one second!

This [Jun Lin] battle captain is really good.

However, this can only keep him alive for 1 second at most.

The next moment, Zhang Yi unceremoniously used a fireball spell that had just finished cooling down, causing 1100+ damage, and killed Jun Lin Tian Xia.

"You bastard, remember this, if you don’t take revenge, you are not a gentleman!"


A white light flashed, and Jun Lin Tian Xia disappeared.

Until then, the field returned to silence, and the black-clothed assassin who had been hiding behind the ruins came out and said to Zhang Yi in disbelief:"Brother, what kind of damage is this? And your magic beast... is too abnormal!" As soon as the voice fell, Zhang Yi suddenly turned around to face the assassin, raised the purple-glowing undead magic wand in his hand, and said to the other party:"Hand over the other half of the blueprint fragment."

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