The assassin, whose throat was pierced by Jun Lin Bahuang's sword, fell to the ground, opened his eyes wide, and looked at Jun Lin Bahuang and Jun Lin Tianxia standing next to him in disbelief. Before he could say anything, he turned into a beam of white light and flew away.

Jun Lin Tianxia picked up a ring that the assassin had exploded from his waist and sneered,"You rubbish, you dare to ask me for money? Do you want some money for the underworld?"

Seeing this scene, the surrounding onlookers sighed.

"The people of Junlin are too cruel. Not only did they not give money, they even killed people!"

"Why do I feel so good? That guy deserves it!

He was forced to go against his conscience for the sake of profit.

Damn it!

" Looking around, at the place where Zhang Yi just died, a fiery red shield fell quietly there...

The Devil's Shield!

Jun Lin Tianxia was overjoyed and was about to go over and take back the 4-star equipment that originally belonged to him.

At this moment, he suddenly saw a black shadow rushing out from nowhere.

At lightning speed, he rushed in front of Jun Lin Tianxia, picked up the Devil's Shield, and then rushed into the crowd like a flash of lightning and disappeared.

Jun Lin Tianxia was stunned.

"F*ck! What the hell just whizzed past me? ? ?"

The King of Eight Wastelands behind him was shocked and said,"Team Tian, the Demon Shield was stolen!"……"

Moonlight City, at the resurrection spring, white light fell, and Zhang Yi appeared in the spring.

"Ding~ You have been resurrected, level -1, resurrection chance -1!"

"Ding~ Sorry, your equipment [Demon Shield] dropped in battle……"


Zhang Yi, who had just resurrected, couldn't help but swear when he heard the two prompts from the system, even though he had already known that this would be the result.

Because he knew he was doomed, Zhang Yi did not fight the Dragon Blood Knight in the battle just now.

The Warcraft cannot be recalled during the battle. The consequence of fighting the Dragon Blood Knight is that he will lose 1 level and the Dragon Blood Knight will lose another level, double the loss!

If I had known, I would have put the [Demon Shield] in the warehouse before going out last night.

The loss tonight is too great!

After losing the Demon Shield, Zhang Yi dropped back to level 32, and instantly lost the mood to eat.

Originally counting on this 4-star shield to brush the Demon Suppression Tower, all of Zhang Yi's plans were disrupted at once!

Just when Zhang Yi was feeling extremely annoyed, a voice suddenly came from behind him:"Hey, buddy!"

Looking back, he was surprised to find that it was the black-clad young assassin who had robbed the Spider King's spoils before, standing straight in front of Zhang Yi!

Zhang Yi, who was already in a bad mood, became even more furious when he saw this thief. He grabbed him by the collar and shouted,"How dare you come to me?"

The young assassin with a childish face smiled and said,"Don't get excited, buddy, I brought you something good!"

Zhang Yi asked suspiciously,"Why, have you found your conscience and are planning to return that half of the drawing to me?"

"No. The assassin said,"But I think you should like this more."

As he spoke, he took out a fiery red metal shield from his bag... the Devil's Shield!

Zhang Yi was stunned!

"How could it be in your hands!"

The assassin laughed and said,"I got it by my own ability!"

Zhang Yi was surprised and delighted, and then said to the assassin,"What are the conditions? Tell me."

"Hehe~" The assassin laughed and said,"I want the other half of your 4-star equipment blueprint in exchange!"

Zhang Yi frowned.

But looking at the Demon Shield in his hand……

""Okay, deal."

Zhang Yi took out the blueprint fragment from his bag, opened the transaction, and put it on without hesitation.

The assassin seemed to be surprised that Zhang Yi would be so decisive. He was stunned for a moment, and then immediately put the Demon Shield on the transaction column.

The next moment, the transaction was completed.

"Ding~ Congratulations on obtaining the equipment [Devil's Shield】!"

After many twists and turns, the equipment finally returned to Zhang Yi.

Looking at the Demon Shield in his bag, Zhang Yi was filled with sorrow.

"You dare to snatch things from Junlin, aren't you afraid that they will cause you trouble in the future?"

As Zhang Yi asked, the assassin who got the fragment of the 4-star equipment blueprint was full of joy and said,"It's okay, they don't know who I am."

"Fine, take care of yourself." Zhang Yi said,"But next time you steal my things, I will break all three of your legs, do you hear me?"

The assassin scratched the back of his head and laughed,"Brother, if I rob you once, it's worth robbing others dozens of times!"

"Don't worry, brother. I won't steal your things again!" The assassin suddenly looked at Zhang Yi with admiration and said,"Come to think of it, you are a beastmaster, how come your fighting power is so explosive? I just saw you fighting a hundred-man regiment of Junlin alone, and you were able to kill more than a dozen of them.……"

"You are so awesome!"

Zhang Yi didn't want to pay any more attention to this guy, but he was afraid of offending him. He would stare at him and rob him every day in the future...

So, Zhang Yi casually said:"What do you want to say?"

"Brother, can we be friends?"The assassin said what he was thinking:"I don't mean anything else, I just think you are very powerful, if I need your help in the future……"

Zhang Yi said,"You are so bold."

The assassin laughed and said,"Be friends with me, you will never lose out!"

Then, he suddenly opened his backpack to Zhang Yi. In his bag, there were all kinds of 3-star treasure chests, blue skill books, level 3 strengthening stones, and even 3-star equipment. There was everything in it!

Zhang Yi was surprised,"Did you steal all of them?"

"Yes, I stole it!"

"Awesome, I admire you." Zhang Yi said:"You are now���I’m afraid he’s a professional thief?"

"To be honest, when Tianqi was launched, I had just been released from prison!"

Zhang Yi was puzzled.

The assassin laughed and said,"You are kidding, I am a good young man, how can I be a thief!"

"I don't trust you."

The assassin laughed and said,"How about it, brother, do you want to be my friend? I can assure you that as long as it is something you want and it actually exists, there is nothing I can't get. Even if I can't get it by force, I can also help you get it in other ways, as long as the price is reasonable, hehehe……"

Zhang Yi hesitated and said,"Go get me a 3-star mage ring with double intelligence. As long as you can get this equipment for me, I will agree to be friends with you."

Although Zhang Yi's attack power is not low, it is not the best for him.

The 2-star [Undead Ring] in the ring part greatly limits Zhang Yi's output.

So almost every time he returns to the city in the past two days, Zhang Yi will habitually go to the auction house to see if he can find a top-quality mage ring. Unfortunately, such equipment is always hard to come by.

The assassin agreed without hesitation:"No problem, it's a piece of cake!"

"Brother, let's add each other as friends first. Otherwise, I won't know where to find you when I get the equipment for you later!"

As the assassin finished speaking, Zhang Yi received a friend notification message:

"Ding~ Player [Scavenger] requests to add you as a friend!"

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