Zhang Yi was stunned when he heard the news.

Seeing Zhang Yi staring at him blankly, the assassin"Scavenger" felt a chill on his back and asked hurriedly,"Brother, what's wrong with you?"……"

"It's okay." Zhang Yi said:"Can you help me get the ring in a few days?"

"A few days? You underestimate me, brother!" The scavenger laughed and said,"It won't take a few days. I will definitely get it for you within today!"

"you sure?"

"A gentleman's words are as good as eight immortals crossing the sea!"

Zhang Yi:"……"

Looking around, the scavenger said to Zhang Yi like a thief,"I'm leaving now. I have something else to do! I'll come back to you when I get the ring!"

Zhang Yi knew that the"something" the scavenger was talking about was nothing more than going to the blacksmith shop to forge 4-star equipment with the 4-star equipment blueprint.

So Zhang Yi nodded,"Okay." He waited for the scavenger to leave like a fly. Looking at his gradually leaving back, Zhang Yi's heart was filled with ripples.

It was really a coincidence!

Unexpectedly, this assassin was actually the alien netizen Zhang Yi met in his previous life, the scavenger!

Zhang Yi was a little unbalanced when he got the complete 4-star equipment blueprint, but now, Zhang Yi just felt that it was what he deserved.

Because without the"scavenger", Zhang Yi would not have known about all the opportunities in Moonlight City.

It was the scavenger who brought the first opportunity to Zhang Yi in this life. It can be said that he is Zhang Yi's lucky star!

At the same time, Zhang Yi's mind could not help but recall a memory from his previous life.

Although the relationship between him and the scavenger in his previous life was limited to"online friends", they had known each other for half a year, and the scavenger had always regarded Zhang Yi as a close friend. He would tell Zhang Yi about everything, regardless of whether Zhang Yi listened or not.

The scavenger said: He only had Zhang Yi as a friend.

Until later, no one knew what happened, and the scavenger left this world. At that time, Zhang Yi still felt a little regretful.

Later, the gray"scavenger" always existed in Zhang Yi's friend list, and Zhang Yi did not delete him.

Looking at the bright"scavenger" in the friend list, Zhang Yi sighed:"Don't worry, buddy, I will change your destiny in this life." After parting with the scavenger, for the sake of safety, Zhang Yi went to the warehouse and put the Demon Shield and Sword Shadow Storm into the warehouse.

At eight o'clock in the morning, when other players got up one after another to eat breakfast and go out to level up, Zhang Yi went straight into a hotel after breakfast.

After booking a five-star room, Zhang Yi just lay down on the bed, and with a"ding dong" sound, Zhang Yi received a message.

He opened the message list and found that it was sent by Han Yarou.

The messages sent by Han Yarou basically had no substantive content, nothing more than good morning, good night, whether you have eaten, etc. Zhang Yi would reply to her when he saw the message.

But it can be seen that Han Yarou felt very insecure without Zhang Yi around.

After chatting with Han Yarou for a few words, Zhang Yi fell asleep.

When he woke up, it was about noon. Zhang Yi went to have lunch, then replenished supplies at the pharmacy, and repaired the durability of his equipment at the blacksmith shop, and then set off to the Demon Suppression Tower.

Arriving at the Demon Suppression Tower, he entered the first floor and continued to brush the progress of last night.

In one afternoon, Zhang Yi killed 499 werewolf warriors and deliberately left 1.

Because as long as 500 werewolf warriors are killed, the first layer of gatekeepers in the Demon Suppression Tower will be refreshed. In the uncertain situation, Zhang Yi is a little afraid to take risks, because once the challenge fails, he will have to spend another day to refresh 500 werewolf warriors.

The strength of the Dragon Blood Knight is unquestionable. Zhang Yi is not satisfied with his ability now, so Zhang Yi is waiting for the scavenger's ring.

Using the ring to enhance the output to the limit, and then cooperating with the Dragon Blood Knight, there should be no problem dealing with the first layer of gatekeepers.

Because the scavenger said that he would definitely help Zhang Yi get the ring today.

Sure enough, at seven o'clock in the evening, when Zhang Yi was having dinner in the city, he received a message from the scavenger.

"Brother, how about this [Ice Ring] (illustration) (squinting smile) (squinting smile)"

My appetite tonight is not very good, so Zhang Yi eats preserved egg and lean meat porridge.

While drinking the porridge, Zhang Yi clicked on the illustration sent by the scavenger and looked at it.——

【Ice Ring】( 12):

Quality: 3 stars

Magical attack: 130 (156)

Additional attributes: Intelligence 18 (22), Intelligence 18 (22)

Durability: 7/16

Occupation: Magician, Beastmaster, Priest

Level: 31 That guy actually managed to get a magician ring with double intelligence!

Although it was obviously a second-hand product, in Zhang Yi's eyes, it was still a top-notch product!

"Brother, you are awesome!"

Zhang Yi sent a message to the scavenger:"Make an offer, just don't be too bad."

At this time, the scavenger sent a sneer expression:"Brother, I haven't got this equipment yet."

"It was also an illustrated book sent to me by someone else, but I have already made an agreement with him. As long as we help them kill a lord monster and complete the task, they will give me this ring as a reward!"

Zhang Yi understood:"When is the time?"

"Tonight!" The scavenger said,"They are waiting for me to come over, but I feel that I can't help them with my ability, so, brother……"

"Are you in town?"

"Well, in"

""Okay, send me the location, I'll find you, I'll go with you." Zhang Yi sent an OK expression.

The scavenger excitedly sent a location to Zhang Yi.

So, after quickly finishing dinner, Zhang Yi followed the location sent by the scavenger and rushed to the East City Gate. Sure enough, he saw the scavenger waiting there quietly.

Then, the two left the main city together.

Zhang Yi didn't ask where he was going, and followed the scavenger.

Along the way, Zhang Yi, who was a talkative scavenger in his previous life, couldn't help but chat with Zhang Yi.

"Brother, what's your name? Let me make a note. You have turned on deep hiding, so I can't even see your ID here~"

Zhang Yi said without hesitation:"Zhang Yi."

In this world, the real name is not as important as the game ID.

So, the scavenger changed the note in his friends list and asked:"Brother Yi, why don't you ask me what my name is?"

Zhang Yi glanced at the scavenger, and after a brief silence, he said:"Ling Yi, 19 years old, has a girlfriend who is in the pursuit stage, and a brother who is as close as a brother."

As soon as Zhang Yi finished speaking, the scavenger stood there, stunned.

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