In addition to having 34 independent regions, each region in the Apocalypse world is divided into more than a thousand small-scale safe zones, which are also novice villages.

Each novice village can accommodate more than 10,000 players.

This is just the domestic area. There are also many foreign regions and servers. Zhang Yi only knew this a few years later in the previous life when the Apocalypse world merged the regions and started the national war.

This shows how popular the Apocalypse game is.

And the safe zone Hope Town that Zhang Yi was assigned to, which is the safe zone that the system guided him to, is numbered 886.

Around the 886th safe zone, countless players with different birthplaces are flocking to Hope Town according to the prompts of the survival task [Find the Safe Zone]. Zhang Yi must enter Hope Town before them to trigger the achievement.

Don't think that Zhang Yi is now less than a mile away from Hope Town and can enter it quickly. In fact, the section of road from the train station in front is nothing. Here is the real challenge of the nightmare-level survival task [Find the Safe Zone] The beginning.

From Zhang Yi's current location to Hope Town, there are biochemical monsters of levels 1-5 all along the way, and these biochemical monsters have no novice protection mechanism set up, that is, even if the player does not provoke them, as long as they approach them, they will be attacked.

In the previous life, one in ten players in each safe zone should have fallen directly on the way to the safe zone. If it weren't for the teaming up with several players, Zhang Yi would have almost died on the road.

However, in this life, Zhang Yi does not plan to team up with other players again, because Zhang Yi, who is holding a level 25 enhanced sledgehammer, does not need help from others at all.

After jumping down the hillside, a huge level 2 [Biochemical Cockroach] immediately crawled towards Zhang Yi nearby.

Zhang Yi was not in a hurry, and continued to move forward, just waiting for the biochemical cockroach to run in front of him, and"clang" a hammer down, directly smashing the biochemical cockroach's head flat——


The biochemical cockroach, whose head was nailed to the ground, temporarily lost its ability to attack. Taking this opportunity, Zhang Yi turned around and smashed it with another hammer. Another 51 points of damage jumped out from the top of the biochemical cockroach's head, KO!

"Ding~ You killed a level 2 [Biochemical Cockroach], experience value 2!"

Zhang Yi picked up a copper coin that exploded from the biochemical cockroach on the ground and continued to move forward.

After a while, another level 3 biochemical rat flew over. Without any suspense, it was dealt with by Zhang Yi with three hammers, and turned into 6 experience points and 1 copper coin, which fell into Zhang Yi's bag.

There is nothing that can't be dealt with by two hammers. If there is, then three hammers.

The original level 1 1-star iron hammer, which was originally garbage, was strengthened to level 25. It was simply a magic weapon in the early stage!

So Zhang Yi had almost no obstacles along the way. Even if it was a level 4 or 5 biochemical monster that other novice players needed three or four people to team up to barely deal with, it was just a matter of a few hammers in Zhang Yi's hands.


"Ding~ You killed a level 3 [Biochemical Ant], experience value 6!"

"Ding~ You killed a level 2 [Biochemical Spider], experience value 2!"

"Ding~ You killed a Level 4 [Biochemical Centipede], experience value 12!"

Until Zhang Yi killed all the way to the entrance of Hope Town, a beam of golden light fell from the top of Zhang Yi's head, accompanied by a pleasant system prompt sound, which rang in Zhang Yi's ears.——

"Ding~ Congratulations on your upgrade. You have gained 5 free attribute points. The next upgrade requires 250 experience points!"

After stumbling along the way, he finally reached level 2.

Opening the status bar, Zhang Yi added all the 5 points gained from the upgrade to the physical strength that can increase the health value attribute.

No matter what profession you want to change to at level 10, it will not affect the player's free addition of points before level 10, because after completing the job change, the system will give the player a chance to reset points.

So before level 10, add whatever has the lowest attribute.

The 25-point hammer has guaranteed Zhang Yi's output. Survival ability is Zhang Yi's current weakness.

5 points of physical strength, equivalent to Zhang Yi's 15-star physical strength growth, brings 75 points of health and 37 points of energy, which directly doubles Zhang Yi's vitality!

After completing the addition, close the status bar, Zhang Yi, who stopped at the entrance of the safe zone, followed the white light curtain in front of him that monsters could not penetrate and entered the town.

Passing through the light curtain, what came into view was a peaceful and tranquil town. There were undestroyed houses on both sides of the clean road. Countless NPCs with blue IDs on their heads came and went, which was very lively.

Zhang Yi, who had just walked through the ruins of the apocalypse outside, felt like he had entered heaven.

At the same time, a loud system prompt sound came from the air-

Announcement of the 886th safe zone:"Ding~ Congratulations to the player [Yinuo Qingcheng] for becoming the first person to enter the 886th safe zone [Hope Town], completing the [First Newbie] achievement, and receiving rewards: 120 human race reputation! (Including 20% bonus to the human race camp) Silver Coins 10!"

120 reputation reward is not bad, because under normal circumstances, at least several difficult tasks must be completed to get so much reputation.

As this regional announcement fell near Hope Town, all the players belonging to the 886th safe zone heard it. Suddenly, those players who were still on their way to Hope Town were all boiling with excitement, and the regional chat channel instantly became lively.——

【Lonely Brother] (Male, Level 1 Player):"Wow, you're so fast, you've actually reached the safe zone. I just died and returned to the spawn point. Wait, brother, try again. This time I'll definitely get there within an hour!"

【Mouse Loves Cat] (Female, Level 1 Player):"Yinuo Qingcheng, is he a boy or a girl? He made it to the safe zone so quickly, so amazing!"

【[Expert] (Male, Level 1 Player):"Fuck! I've been slaying rats here and almost forgot about the mission to enter the safe zone! Guys, wait for me, I'm coming!"

"Ding Dong Ding Dong~"

The chat channel kept ringing, Zhang Yi didn't even look at it and directly muted it.

Because they hadn't realized that this was already a real apocalyptic world, other players still had the leisure to chat, but Zhang Yi didn't.

Immediately after the regional announcement, Zhang Yi's ears rang with a private system prompt——

"Ding~ Congratulations on completing the survival mission [Find the Safe Zone] (Nightmare Level), and you have received a bonus resurrection opportunity 1. All survival missions for this week have been completed. Please wait for the system to release a new survival mission at 0:00 next Monday morning!"

Looking at the time, it was half past eight, and Zhang Yi only took half an hour to reach the safe zone. I remember that the first player to arrive at Hope Town in the previous life should be around nine o'clock, which means that Zhang Yi is at least half an hour ahead of other players and can enjoy the benefits of the safe zone.

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