Zhang Yi, who has returned after his rebirth, has a very clear goal, that is, all the efforts that follow are to make himself stronger and stronger.

Therefore, Zhang Yi's biggest goal is to gain reputation as quickly as possible and improve the level of [Dragon Bloodline].

If you raise the Dragon Bloodline to Lv10, you will have the opportunity to join the Dragon Clan camp. Joining the Dragon Clan camp is different from having Dragon Bloodline. Once you join the Dragon Clan camp, you can get the support of the powerful Dragon Clan.

I remember that in the previous life, a few years later, when the regions of the countries in the Apocalypse world merged and the national war began, a [Heavenly Kingdom] Dragon Clan player mobilized the power of the Dragon Clan, summoned a dragon cavalry, and slaughtered [Yundu], a second-level main city with 100,000 players.

As the ultimate goal, it would be difficult to raise [Dragon Bloodline] to level 10 without a year or two.

So before that, Zhang Yi's most recent goal is to reach level 10 and complete the job change, because only by changing jobs can you learn skills. Level 10 is a huge watershed for early players.

No need to rely on the experience of the previous life. Anyone who has played the game knows that combining tasks and monster hunting is the fastest way to upgrade.

Zhang Yi, who had been reborn, basically remembered all the locations of Hope Town, where to find NPCs who could receive quests, and the locations of drugstores and equipment stores.

Because Zhang Yi in his previous life was an ordinary player who could not be more ordinary, and could even be called a rubbish player. He spent a full month in the Novice Village before he was promoted to the third-level main city at level 30.

In a month, Zhang Yi even remembered clearly where the signs that said"No urination or defecation anywhere" were posted in Hope Town.

So, relying on his memory, Zhang Yi walked straight along the street, passing through the crowd of NPCs passing by. After a while, he came to the door of a small house with a red roof. At the door of the small house, a little girl who looked only eight or nine years old, with two ponytails, was squatting. She was holding her chin with both hands, looking unhappy. On her head, in addition to the blue"Lingling" logo, there was also a big yellow ID above her ID."?"

This means that players can receive ordinary tasks from this NPC.

In the Apocalypse World, game tasks are divided into ordinary and hidden tasks. As long as there is a question mark above the head, it is an ordinary task. Hidden tasks have no reminders and are difficult to trigger. The rewards for hidden tasks are also so generous that you can't imagine it.

But Zhang Yi is very clear: there is no direct hidden task in the town of Hope.

So Zhang Yi walked towards the girl"Lingling"

"" Little sister, what's wrong with you? Why are you so unhappy?" Zhang Yi asked softly while squatting in front of Lingling.

The NPC girl Lingling raised her head, stared at Zhang Yi with her big watery eyes, and cried,"Brother, my father was killed by a monster outside two days ago. Can you avenge my father for me and kill the monsters that killed my father?"

As the girl finished speaking, a light screen immediately appeared in front of Zhang Yi.——

"Ding~ Do you accept the mission [Revenge for the Murder of Father] (difficulty coefficient 20, a beginner mission, the system recommends that you accept it)?"

This one sentence triggered the mission, simple and clear.

Zhang Yi accepted the mission without hesitation.

"Ding~ You have received the task [Revenge for the Murder of My Father]. Complete the task according to the rules and you will receive a generous reward! Come on, adventurer!"

Open the task interface casually——

【[Revenge for the Murder of Father] (Normal Mission):

Mission Difficulty Coefficient: 20

Description: With the invasion of alien races on Earth and the rise of the beast race, the entire world has fallen into an unprecedented doomsday crisis, and countless human survivors have died tragically at the hands of ferocious monsters in the wild.

Lingling's father went to the factory to get materials for making weapons three days ago, and has not returned yet.

I'm afraid he has died.

Please go to the [Doomsday Factory] according to the map instructions, kill the [Man-eating Bug] inside, and avenge Lingling's father.

Mission Progress: 0/100

Mission Reward: 600 Experience Points, 100 Copper Coins, 10 Level 1 Strengthening Stones, 1 Random Equipment, 20 Human Race Reputation

Remaining Time: 11:59

It is no different from the novice missions that can be obtained everywhere in the safe zone to kill mutant cats and dogs. On the surface, this is just an ordinary novice mission, but only Zhang Yi knows that this mission is not ordinary...

After receiving the mission, Zhang Yi got up and said goodbye to Lingling.

Lingling continued to squat at the door, with a sad look on her face, and a question mark on her head, waiting for the next player to receive the task.

Looking back at the NPC girl, Zhang Yi's heart was touched.

Although he didn't know her, Zhang Yi knew that this NPC girl Lingling was actually transformed from a real little girl in the real world. In other words, in the real world,"Lingling" had been wiped out by the [Apocalypse] system.

Not only Lingling, but also all the NPCs in this safe zone and even the entire Apocalypse world were people who were wiped out in the real world. Zhang Yi couldn't imagine what was happening in the real world outside the game at this moment. He looked down and thought it was too shabby to go out in shorts and slippers.

So, before leaving the safe zone to perform the task, Zhang Yi went to the equipment store in the town.

From the train station all the way to Hope Town, he killed monsters on the way and got a total of 21 copper coins. With the 10 silver coins rewarded by the achievement, Zhang Yi already had 10 silver and 21 copper coins.

10 silver coins, less than an hour after the launch of [Apocalypse], was a huge sum of money.

So, Zhang Yi spent a little money and bought a set of novice equipment in the equipment store - novice boots, 2 defense, priced at 20 copper coins.

Novice pants, 2 defense, priced at 20 copper coins.

Novice clothes, 25 health points, priced at 25 copper coins.

Novice ring, 3 attack power, priced at 35 copper coins.

All of them were level 1, 1-star stuff, which could be called garbage equipment. Zhang Yi bought them just to make himself look better...

He put on a set of rookie clothes and opened the streamlined status bar to take a look.——

【[A Promise to Allure the City] (Lv2):

Number of resurrections: 2

Talent: God-level enhancement

Physical attack: 26

Physical defense: 7

Magical defense: 7

Health: 175 Energy

: 75

Experience: 3/250

Special status: Dragon bloodline (Lv1)

After buying the equipment, Zhang Yi went to the pharmacy and spent 50 copper coins to buy 50 bottles of level 1 red potion, then dragged the big hammer and walked out of Hope Town.

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