But they walked out of the house.

Along the way, the two people hurriedly walked to the city gate, and then saw a commotion in the city. I thought someone found a fire on the grain and started to put out the fire.

The two people saw the situation and hurried to the city gate. The main palace was not far to the south of the city gate. The two people only ran for a while before reaching the city gate.

The two men were relieved when they saw that the door was not closed.

Li Zhen took out Tieshan's order in his hand and shouted to the guard at the door: "Order the monks to come here as soon as possible. There is an accident in the palace. Go to the city hall immediately to save him."

As soon as the city guards saw that this was indeed the Iron Mountain Order, they hurried downstairs to the lower post and found several monks. When he told this, the monks discovered that it was Iron Mountain's command to preach the message, which of course was true. Saying goodbye to the city master's home is really an emotional moment. Rushed to the main building in the city.

Li Zhen and I looked at each other. Li Zhen walked to the city gate and shouted to the gatekeeper: "You are here to look after me. Then I will take my people out of the city to do business. After we leave the city, you can see us." Close the gate as soon as you leave the city. This will prevent thieves from escaping."

Knowing that this was the master's search warrant, the guard saw Tieshan's order and could not forge it, so he nodded hastily and said yes. They hurriedly left Tieshan City and headed south.

As soon as he left the city gate, several people saw the gate guards and closed the door. The two men smiled at each other and strode south.

I didn't dare stay and ran three miles south, fearing that the honest people in the city would catch up around the corner and run west. After running another hundred miles, I saw that Li Zhen couldn't stand it anymore, so I stopped and the two of them sat on the ground to rest.

I took off my mask, took out a few low-level stones from his bracelet, and handed them to Li Zhen. I wanted to get him a few pieces, because I knew that Li Zhen was only in the middle stage of refining the gas, and the first step of the crystal was enough for him.

The two adjusted for a while, and Li Zhen also recovered a lot. He couldn't let go of the spirit stone in his hand. When I saw this, I laughed a little. After you are superior, I will give you an intermediate step of mental stone training, which is easier to use than this most basic command.

As soon as Li Zhen heard that I still had a mid-level spirit stone, he became jealous. When he left the city this time, I went out of the city and managed to get a safe job, so he followed him and quickly said : "Thank you, Senior Brother Lin. Later I followed Senior Brother Lin." If you have anything to say, Senior Brother Lin will do his best. "

I saw Li Zhen say firmly, knowing that this young man's heart is good, and nodded, thinking that it is good to have a younger brother here, it will be beneficial in the future, and there is no harm in helping him.

Considering this, I asked: "Brother, do you know where the Thousand Yuan Gate is and how can we get there?"

Li Zhen was a little confused and thought for a long time before saying: "I heard that Qianyuan Gate is in the north of Jin Kingdom, near Yongding Mountain, so we will keep walking west. Then, we will ask passers-by again about their situation. If we If I thought it was not wrong to ask passers-by at that time, then there is nothing wrong with it either.”

I listened, nodded, and asked Li Zhen, because he knew that he had nothing to do with him, so the two of them stood up and continued to run south along the path.

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