The black seal would hit the tiger's back, and with a roar of "what a", the black tiger had fallen to the ground and could not move. I quickly took the volt seal back. This black tiger might be useful in the future. We can't kill him today.

When I walked to Heihu, I saw Heihu vomited a lot of blood. The tiger closed his eyes and fell to the ground, motionless.

I read it with God. The black tiger was only seriously injured, but had no troubles in life. He also ignored the black tiger's feelings and recited its income into the spirit bag and sealed it.

After putting away Voldemort's seal and adjusting for a while, I flew to the library to find some other Five Elements books to study.

When I arrived at the library, I saw two old gray clothes on the door. I closed my eyes and relaxed. The entire attic outside was surrounded by a boundary.

I jumped down from the shiny stick, saluted the two old men, then took out the souvenir and handed it to one of them.

The old man took the money into his hand and looked at it. That is true. He stretched out his hand and took out a token. He saw the word "two" written on it and gave it to me.

He whispered: "This bookstore is not accessible to ordinary disciples. You must have done something for this door. I have to tell you now."

This bookshelf was built by the founder of the mountain and at this time many of the books inside were spiritual. You just walk below the second floor, thinking that nothing will happen. If you really encounter any book spirits, do not hurt them. Everything in the world is spiritual. If you are not greedy, they will not treat you. You feel embarrassed.

If you are in trouble, you can take out the token and the spirit in the book will automatically retreat. "After that, he fell silent and I thanked the ceremony and stretched my legs into the library.

When I walked into the first floor, I only saw eight rows of bookshelves divided into several rows. Books were neatly placed on the bookshelves, and a smell of books came to my face.

At this time, there was no one on the first floor. I was very curious, so he looked up at the bookshelf, but after two days of searching, he could not find a book that suited him. Many of them were superficial efforts, and now it seems that they are not very big. Useful.

In the end, I could only look for such a book to prohibit such a law and read it. After a few days, I would put the book in my heart and have some epiphanies in my heart. After searching for a long time, he felt that there was no suitable place for him, so he got up and went to the second floor.

On the second floor, there was only a row of bookshelves on the entire floor, and the books were covered with dust.

In the innermost place, I saw an old man wearing green clothes and with fairy-like bones. At this time, he was holding a blue book in his hand and reading it with relish.

I saw the way he was studying seriously, and I thought to myself that this is something that old-timers dare not ignore. I walked forward slowly, and with a silence, I saluted him, and then moved to the next bookshelf to read. .

The books on the second floor are obviously slightly higher than the books on the first floor, but they are on the same level as the Heartburn Formula. While they are profound, they don't quite reach the final level.

I looked at it and shook my head, only to hear the old man suddenly ask: "Young man, why are you shaking your head while reading? Aren't these books worth studying in depth?"

I glanced at the old man and found that his face was covered unhappily. "Don't be angry with me," he said hastily. "I just read this book and it didn't look like what I needed and I didn't find what I was looking for in the middle of two floors." So that's why I sigh a little bit! "

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