"Of course I know about it. But others have lost a lot of mana now, and they have to adjust their breathing before they can't. Even if I have nothing to do with you, this is not a safe place, and when they violate the external ban, they are not allowed to No answer," the thin old man said helplessly.

"It's true! I didn't expect the ruins of ancient monks to be so strange. Fortunately, all the monks came this time, otherwise someone would have fallen." The weirdo could only sigh.

The thin old man smiled when he heard these words. Just as he was about to say a few more words, he suddenly turned his face and looked in a certain direction. "Uncle, what's wrong?" the weirdo asked in shock.

"There seems to be a sound coming from over there." The thin old man said solemnly.

The "voice" weirdo was a little scared, his mana turned around, and there was a faint roar in his ears, and the sound became louder and louder.

"What is this? It seems like something is coming!" The cold light in the strange eyes flashed, and a hand was turning, and there was an extra red sparkling thing in his hand. The thin old man looked at it from a distance without blinking!

After a while, there was a dark cloud in the distance, and from here came the roar of beasts coming from the fog. In the blink of an eye, the black mist flew nearby, only a hundred feet away from the stone pavilion.

The thin old man and the weirdo had already seen a green thing hidden in the fog, and a pair of silver-white goblins stared at them, full of bloodthirsty rage. Obviously this is not a good one.

The weirdo suddenly lost his face and raised his hands. A red light shot out from his hand, then disappeared in a flash. But at this moment, a black claw stretched out from the black fog like lightning with a "bang" sound, and the claw flashed on the red lawn.

The animal roared loudly in the black mist, and its huge claws scratched the red awn to death, revealing its original appearance. It was a small red shuttle, several inches in size, gleaming. But there were still a few drops of green blood flowing from the huge claws, and the monster immediately let out a painful roar in the black mist, and then its eyes flashed fiercely.

The entire black fog suddenly became thin and thin, and the fog became invisible in the blink of an eye. Only two vicious goblins were left behind, and after a few blinks, they were gone.

When both the weirdo and the thin old man saw this, their faces changed. This is a monster that is good at hiding! Now on this mountain, their souls are greatly suppressed, and dealing with such monsters is the most troublesome.

After looking at each other, the two cast the spell almost at the same time. The weirdo opened his mouth, a red flying knife spurted out, and a hovering sword turned into a big sword. Then the light of the sword spirit flew in the air bit by bit, and countless dazzling sword spirits spurted out from the sword above. In an instant, there would be dozens of square feet of things underneath it.

The withered old man hummed coldly, shaking his sleeves and holding a small red flag in his hand. Immediately throwing it to the feet, a burst of flames suddenly burst out from the flag, and it instantly turned into a heavy fog. The repairs of the Tianya clan below were all protecting it.

After two "plops", the light flashed more than 30 feet away from the stone pavilion, and then the black fog appeared again. But this time, the monster in the fog seemed completely enraged. After two roars, the fog suddenly dissipated, revealing a humanoid monster with a head covered with green hair.

The monster's eyes are silver-white, but have no pupils. Behind it, there are two towering flesh bags, which are very strange. It was the empty Yaksha who escaped from the grotto. "Yaksha" shouted as soon as the green-haired monster appeared.

The dejected old man also changed his face. When he heard these words, his sleeves were trembling with fear, and a black and red flying knife shot out, slashing into the green-haired monster. What is also strange is that the original Yasha is very threatening. I am now afraid of color when I see the flying knife. The fierce bloody mouth and a black halo spurt out, just to meet the flying knife. ?

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