"Oh, cunning child, Ben Sheng can do nothing to you now! However, I believe that Ben Sheng will be rescued by your greedy human monks soon. By then, the Holy Spirit will make good use of the many means of our underground organization. Come and make you!" Looking at me in an indifferent way, Wanduohuagui's divine anger was unstoppable, as if I had been insulted so much.

"My ex, are you kidding me? We human monks, how can we get you out? This is impossible." Looking around at the mysterious Buddhist prohibition runes and the 99 chains around the altar, I The voice insisted.

"No way. What is impossible? Boy, do you know how much it would cost to seal this sacred object in this damn stone tower?"

"Let me tell you! Back then, in order to seal the Holy Spirit here, not only did 10,000 eminent monks build the evil tower in this city, but they also built it on ninety-nine spiritual treasure troves, two of which were used as acquired treasures. Eyes. Seal this holy place here!"

"This damn seal has been sealed for tens of thousands of years. If it weren't for the ten thousand yuan given by his father, I'm worried that the Holy Spirit would not be able to support it at this time, but the Holy Spirit is still alive, not only that. After thousands of years Through research, Ben Sheng also learned a lot about this forbidden large array. A hundred years ago, Ben Sheng relied on his own strength to crack several formation bases of the forbidden array and deciphered them through these formation bases. Bunsen has reluctantly affected the operation of the blockbuster. You can find that the existence of the panacea is just a means, but I didn't expect that the seven saints of the Holy Spirit spent so much effort to prevent me from escaping. The human monks came here with so much Is it difficult? "Speaking of the seven saints of the Holy Spirit, the Holy One in the Flower seems to have bitten his teeth and pulled out his teeth. evil cruel

The devouring wolf fights against the senior guard

The devouring wolf fights against the senior guard

"Well, as far as I know, among the monks who entered the panacea, something went wrong, but there are a few monks who haven't come here yet. How did you, a little spiritual monk, get here so quickly?" Look Looking at me, the saint's flower suddenly made a cold sound.

"How I got here is also a bit surprising. I walked into the Tower of Evil in the city for no reason. I must have done this to you. What's even stranger is that I walked out of a hall and walked into A passage filled with yin and yang aurora was sent here for no reason!"

"Were you sent here? What's interesting is that the magic you practice seems to be pure magic from the underworld, otherwise you wouldn't be able to pass through the aurora of yin and yang, and it would spread directly here!"

"At that time, in order to seal me, the seven saints of the Holy Spirit went through many arduous efforts. In the evil tower of this town, there are countless mysterious runes carved in it, some of which are used to suppress those who practice underworld magic. .Since you have practiced the magic of the underworld and been sent here, it is equivalent to being suppressed here. As long as this blockade is not broken, unless you give up your body, the soul will escape, otherwise you will not be able to escape in this life. This blockade!" said the saints of the flower cheerfully.

"Being suppressed here! I can't see. There are no spiritual patterns around me, and there are no treasures to lock. How can I be suppressed? If I want to get out of here, there will always be a way!" The words of the saint of all flowers made me Their hearts are cold, but they don't think so.

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