"What did Wen Xiang say?"

"You are also comforting me, saying that this big, dry face is an enemy and may not be here to deal with them."

Xiaoguang nodded and said: "What Wen Xiang said is true. Even if they are, we still have the Blood Moon Sword. With the same level of creation and transformation, it may not be worse than now. If we really fail, we can also seek Help, if you want to reach the grassland ice cap, the southeast and western regions don’t want to see the Great Thousand Kings coming to the world.”

I sighed and fell silent again. The truth is, he knows all this, but he hates the feeling of pressure.

Yes, both the Blood Moon Blade and the Royal Troopers are creationist warriors, much more powerful than other regular guards, so the power they can exert depends on the person wielding them.

Of course, it is more timely for the warriors who create the sacred to use the powerful power of creation and transformation; the Qianyuan Fairy can only exert its own power, but even so, it can compete with the empty-handed creation; if it is blue Used by the fallen celestial beings, it is only equivalent to the fairy at the top, which is the level of the fairy monarch who is considered to have jumped to two levels.

But when the user is replaced by a master, there is no difference between an ordinary holy warrior and a creationist guardian. They barely reach the level of gods. Maybe in this case, creating Holy Guards is not as good as regular Holy Guards because it's a big problem to satisfy their consumption.

It can be seen from this that the master of the Naxia magic weapon and the magic weapon held by the gods to create and transform are two complete concepts. That's why when I learned that the imperial certificate was in Fashen and asked for the emperor's order, I lost it.

What made him even more nervous was that there was no one to share it with. Xiaoguang can really trust him, but he can't borrow it, or even if he borrows it, he can't fully use most of his power, except for his original master. This principle also applies to the order of the Holy Emperor, which only recognizes the spirit of the Holy Emperor, but the Dharmakaya on the Imperial Cloud Palace Certificate. This contrast, how can I not bear great pressure.

“Big Brother, there’s a saying, and I don’t know if that’s the right thing to say?”

Seeing me still paying full attention, Xiaoguang really couldn't bear that the elder brother she loved directly in her heart was annoyed by such trivial matters.

I was shocked and said, "Is there anything else that can't be said between you two?"

"I think Big Brother may temporarily abandon his common cause and concentrate on practice. Since he knows that today's predicament is due to insufficient maintenance, why not work hard to improve?" From this point of view, the path of the master is nothing more than two steps, namely Stabilize the realm, control and cut to the limit they can reach; sublimate the essence of life and complete the transformation from human to human. The eldest brother has completed these two steps as quickly as possible to achieve immortality as a god. Isn't it easy to solve this problem? "

Xiaoguang was still a little hesitant, and occasionally added a few words about the master's practice methods to lighten the atmosphere. It is precisely because I have experienced too much and seen too much that I understand that friendship is like a tiger. Under the shackles of power and fame, no one can see through it. Parents and brothers are role models, and their own words will inevitably influence their relationship with their eldest brother. Leave mustard in between.

Of course, if he changed people, He Linguang wouldn't have so many scruples, but in front of his closest eldest brother, he really didn't want to have any discord in this relationship, so when it came to decentralizing power to appease him, he would definitely timid.

Just his words shocked me completely, and it wasn't until a long time before I reacted, laughing loudly and happily, while patting Hikaru on the shoulder.

"Son of a bitch, who do you think is your eldest brother? If you call him king, saying emperor is not what you want. Great is not emperor. Big brother brought you all over the world. Do you want that?"

Closed underground restoration

This smile, the haze of many days passed by.

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