As he envisions, such a way to break blood restrictions shouldn't be hard to come by.

Since Tongxuan is the beginning of alienation and is evaluated as a star, then the star works on Tianyuan Road will inevitably focus on this point. That is to say, as long as he focuses on collecting a few star skill books on Tianyuan Road, he can develop Find a method that suits your current situation.

As for the value of Xingongfa, the last time you could see the spots in Magnolia City, Xingongfa only had tens of thousands of taels of silver coins. Even if there were welfare reasons, Xingongfa would not cost too much.

As for the path after the development of blood, I have completely imagined it.

In fact, Dongwang's Soul Card Path is a kind of Tianyuan Road, which obtains powerful power by fusing the Soul Cards. Of course, the mysterious "Avatar" also talks about many ways to practice bloodline, but there is no way to develop bloodline.

Because the soul card method in the early stages is actually a method of grabbing the foundation of the ancient beast, fattening itself up, then refining and merging this captured foundation, and finally relying on the power of its own blood to refine and improve. .

Tianyuan's distinction in the orthodox way is obvious based on developing his own blood and robbing others.

I believe that as long as I can find the right way to develop blood, I can learn by leaps and bounds with the help of the Donglai family's vast magical powers.

We can even cultivate our own strength and lay the foundation for full control of the Chu family in the future.

This is not a fantasy, but a practical thing.

Since I understood the principle of alienation from the root essence, I know why the Song Dynasty was marginalized in Youyuan Tiantian. The wolf was dismissive of the way he practiced, that's all.

The reason is mainly because there is a gap in the step from Dan to Tongxuan. From insisting on Dan to Tongxuan, you don't need to work hard, but you need to be talented. Without talent, you can't become Tongxuan if you work hard until you die.

Tongxuan is the alienated blood of root marrow development. Without that powerful blood development, nature cannot become Tongxuan in any case, and can only wander under the stars at the level of ordinary people.

In JM City, there were initially many families working with the Chu family, why only Han families and the Chu family could move to the county, not because they had a mysterious family.

In fact, the strong men of Tongxuan are not invincible. A large number of people can pile them up to death. What Xuanqiang represents here is not absolute power, but an appearance, telling everyone how noble their ancestors are.

The reason why the Zhu family was able to transition to the county seat was precisely because of this. Ji Pinghou accepted the Chu family so easily. The Chu family itself was a strong reason, and more importantly, it was precisely this reason.

As for other people, no matter how hard they work, no matter how strong they are, they cannot be recognized by the upper class nobles. They rely on flesh and blood to survive. They can only hope that they have a good ancestor.

Originally this was an indestructible iron law, but I was different. He brought Donglai's soul card, or the method of grasping the basics. As long as there is the basic blood of foreign beasts to catch, he can refine the soul card. , improve the physique of the people around him, so that he can break the boundaries of human nature.

It is true that Tongxuan is not invincible, and even Shengang cannot dominate the ups and downs, but is there a branch of the Xuan Army or even a base in Shenggang?

I'm afraid that the star who killed Zhu Han had to face this and trembled.

This was also the first thing I did after returning to Yuzhen's room, reciting the magic tricks. When I came back, I was full of ambition and confidence. It's just that reality gave him a basin of cold water, making him suffocated. His initial imagination could only be put aside.

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