Hidden, I stood among the hijacked, his knowledge sweeping a cloud of robbery over the place.

He discovered that large-scale robbery clouds covering thousands of miles of sky must be robberies on roads and corners. I just don't know which of these mines is the main one? I decided that no matter who I was dealing with, I had to do my best to keep those people safe. Until the sky sweeps away, there can be more!

If this God really dares to destroy his brother, then destroy this God!

I spoke late, and then quickly, and then I heard a series of roaring anti-aircraft guns!

"Bang!" "Click!" "Bangkok" For a while, the thunder sounded like a piece of music!

Maybe I cared too much about my brother's safety. He took a hidden breath next to his kidnapped brothers. He stared at the center of the robbery cloud for the first time, and as long as this cloud was not within the control of the brothers, he was ready to destroy this cloud, even if it could not be achieved.

Therefore, an interesting scene emerged. The thunder of those who should have suffered from the hijacking was essentially brought about by the shadows. Less than % of the remaining people beat the robber. As a result, Xiao Yao actually shook the heavenly tribulation under the paper fan and walked freely, interjecting the hundreds of people's space dance that he had recently learned from Li Bai. Li Bai, on the other hand, learned it from tigers.

I looked ridiculous and ordered me to show off most of the space. As a result, the next thunderbolt hit the boy directly, cutting black smoke from his nose and raising the roots of his hair, which was more honest.

Maybe God has never encountered such a collective robbery. It was not until the end of the robbery that I began to worry about what would happen suddenly. When the last robbery sounded, the sky was filled with dense smallpox.

I hurriedly sent a spirit message to Li Bai and others so that they could practice with peace of mind. When they were being robbed, I tried to rush back to protect them. Only then did I and the robbed people take off towards the divine world.

Speaking of which, this is the first hijacking. It was flying to fairyland, and the two people unexpectedly caught up with the group to rob and hitchhike.

I focused my attention on the heaviest thunder. He found that the free body was very consistent with his soul. After the baptism of the tribulation, the free body had become a sacred body. Although it is only the lowest level of the Mao God, it is also a God.

I found that the only people who truly reached the level of gods were the unscathed Fu Zifang, Liu Sui Hesheng, Situ Jie, Ping Baihu, Xiaobai and Wu Kong, and the downtrodden Dayan couple and Yuan Gongwang. Jinglian reluctantly entered the True God. This is due to her natural physique.

In order to allow everyone to reach the realm of God and not be separated, I just loosened the coiled dragon's cable and let the long cable extend into the thousands of feet of silk thread, all connected together, and he took the silk and pulled it. Jinglian took the first step towards the realm of God.

After a brief period of dizziness, one of me brought Jinglian to the presence of God.

For the next few minutes, everyone flew toward the Kingdom of God. No sooner had I established my footing than I spread my divine knowledge throughout God's world.

It was then that I discovered that there were almost fewer gods in the entire East than there were in the sacred world, and that Calabash Valley, where Apocalypse was located, was only over ten million miles away from the center of the sacred world.

In my gods-swept valley, less than a thousand miles from Calabash Valley, I spotted a very familiar sneaking figure. This figure seemed to know that there was a god sweeping away and immediately fled to the ground meters.

I wonder in my heart, in God’s world, can anyone feel their own God?

He was very familiar with this number, but he believed that it was impossible for this man to reach the realm of God. Because he is too powerful, God's laws of heaven and earth cannot let him down. Not just adventurous people like me. This hidden incarnation in the illusory sand and chaos formula, coupled with the hidden chaos incarnation taught by Guiyu, allows me to travel through all interfaces.

Split up! I patted my head. Qingfeng must have found the old turtle, or he knew that there was a space node under the old turtle's belly that was connected to the sacred world! As for separation, for someone with the power of Master Qingfeng, it can be done in minutes.

Thinking of this, my divine knowledge swept the whole kingdom again, and he found that there was no other place except the breeze thousands of miles away from Calabash Valley. An idea quietly emerged in my mind.

Kill this old man! Otherwise, if you come to God with such a large group of people, casualties are bound to occur if you are His target. He wanted to go to God to relax, so he flew to Calabash Valley to meet Apocalypse. Now this idea doesn't work. It's hard not to be attacked by Master Qingfeng.

I can't take the risk.

While taking Panlonzo back, he gathered everyone together and told them what he wanted. In other words, let everyone return to Hongmeng first, let him destroy the old man's part by himself, and completely relieve worries about the future. Then let everyone out.

There's nothing I can do about it.

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