So the hunt becomes a contract.

I walked right up to the beaver, who was a little scared for a saint. I gave her the Taoist stone, asked her for a beaver, and announced that I had signed an equal contract with the little princess of Vientiane.

Beaver is delighted that her people have signed such a contract, and it is certain that almost % of Beavers will comply with chemical forms of orders. She knew that such a contract was regarded as a friend of the spiritual beast.

Since it’s a win-win situation, why not? So is the little princess. If both parties talk, they will live in harmony. Everyone is happy.

It turns out that this little princess is the heart of the child. There is not that much imperial power. She has liked Snow White since she was a child. This time I finally did what I wanted to do, and I was even happier.

When I introduced Guo Qitian to her, she smiled. At the scene, Guo Qidian was designated as the high sacrifice, and a special person was sent to report the matter to the king. Of course, this is a long-standing national policy of Vientiane State.

It's all over. I had just started the real hunt. That hot deer was delicious, by the way. As for the dragon bird, making soup is one of the best foods in the world.

. Do you care if you want to help me?

Do you want to help your relatives?

let's start. I will take my brothers to the Mixed Yuan Gate. This time Long Duan and even the Spirit Dragon withdrew. I have to come out and get up with you. I had to sit on the dragon's chariot, and Jixiang turned into a big kid with a tiger's head and a tiger's head. I don't know why he has lived for thousands of years, but he is still so childish.

I'm definitely being very showy about this.

The first is to change the route to Zhugao, followed by Tiger and Xiaojin, followed by Jixiang, and behind Jixiang is the hybrid of Yuan and Taiji. And the dragon chariot. On this dragon chariot are Xiaoqing, Yuyi, Long, if necessary.

I closed my eyes on the dragon chariot. Ten feet away from the dragon chariot, the meter-high sage grass was colorful. The light waterfall strictly protects the contraction of the dragon and the dragon chariot and keeps rotating. Due to the strong pressure, the gap above the dragon chariot seems to collapse.

In my hands, I have a detailed picture of the entire Taoyuan given by Little Princess of Vientiane. The location of the blend door in the middle of this interface has long been known in the chest. Ten people, at an altitude of 10,000 meters, headed straight for their destination with great fanfare.

For a while, Fang shook his head, the gate, and the turbid Yuanlu Gate were very nervous. A saint, at least there is a child - a little saint, a saint flying in the sky, and landing in the towns on the road from time to time, eating, drinking and playing, if they are not nervous, all schools will go to hell.

What's this? Where did this powerful man and horse come from? Where are you going and for what purpose? My party and I firmly touched the attention of all the school's senior administrators.

All kinds of information about all the people in the sky was sent back to all the schools.

I met the originator, walked into the city, went into the restaurant, went to the store and looked at the people. When I encountered the mountains and forests, I hunted and barbecued and had a lot of fun. How do you know that the entire Daoyuan Dynasty was stirred up by them.

What I was particularly nervous about was the gate on Hunyuan Road, because I was embarrassed to ask about the location of the gate on Hunyuan Road, saying that it was for a visit.

Coincidentally, this Hunyuan Sect had just done something big, and I felt very uneasy. If this is discovered, it will be an unprecedented patriarchal war!

Even though the distance to the west is hundreds of millions of miles from the center, it still takes a while. On this day, I finally arrived at the junction of Taoyuan's early central cities - Yuansheng City. Stay in the city's largest restaurant and hotel "Honghe Yuanlou".

They receive the highest standards of hospitality and all expenses are free. In fact, I already knew Takuki's instructions for the door behind the door.

This Tuobu Hui is the father of Tuobu Xiong, and he has been plotting secretly. Xiaosheng is in the later revision stage. The directors of other schools praised Yuanhe School. At the beginning of the Yuan Dynasty, there were only ten minor saints, and their positions were occupied by the mixed Yuantao sect. This is one of the most powerful doors on this interface.

Ranked first is the Yue Hai Sword Sect. There is a little saint. But now it's like a hybrid. Because Tutu Bear is flying.

My divine knowledge just swept through the management meeting of the Mixed Path Sect, and I learned that Tuobuxiong was really secretly plotted by the young leader of the school founded by Yue Hai. There's just no evidence.

So a few months ago, Tuo Duhui sent two elders to the door to sneak into the important "Yuehai City" where Yuehai was founded. This hit him so hard that the Guo Xin family almost lost their minds. Now they don't know who they are. . Destroyed by the old sword, looking at the sea,

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