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Chapter 1999 What I said is true

Faced with this dilemma, I knew that Okuka Olympic Village could not withstand the attack. I have to leave here and talk about how to deal with the rest of the issues.

"Hey, hey!" I smiled helplessly and said, "Senior Vulcan, you misunderstood me." It's not that I won't let you leak the secret. "

Oh? Huolin said obviously surprised: "What do you mean?"

"Hey, hey!" I barely controlled my face and said with a smile: "I mean, I want to unlock your seal, but I can't do it now. I've kept it here for too long. I'm dizzy. I I want to go out for some fresh air and then come back to help you solve the Bian City Seal."

With these words, I beat the drum from the bottom of my heart, and he said to himself from the bottom of his heart: "I, are you an idiot?" What is the reason?

Aofang Aoyun couldn't control the pull at the corner of his mouth after hearing my reason. This reason may favor one kind of person, that is, a fool, being sneaky may not be able to deceive people.

I regret discovering this reason, it is an irrevocable fact, but it is at least a reason. He just hoped that the fire spirit had been sealed in the gem for too long, and his brain reaction was a little slow. But is this possible? I ruthlessly turned my thinking upside down.

Vulcan didn't speak, and the whole cave fell into silence. Because of the high temperature, my clothes were basically wet, and now the sweat on my face was dripping down one after another.

After waiting for more than a dozen breaths, the rubies on the cave stone walls suddenly went out, and the carnage emitted in the dry hot air completely disappeared.

"Yes, you don't need to help me now, you can help me solve the Bian City Seal!" Vulcan's answer surprised me. I thought I heard the wrong words, and subconsciously asked: "Then can I leave? ?”

"You can leave now, but I believe you will come back and give me the Biancheng strip!" Vulcan's tone was dull, and the previous anger disappeared without a trace.

I nodded like a chicken eating rice and said with a smile: "Yes, my master is my favorite person. I will definitely help you solve the Bian City Seal according to his ideas!"

Saying this, my heart naturally said to myself that it is not easy to take it apart, but now it is said that it is naturally impossible to unravel the Bian City Seal until the true situation of the matter has not been explained.

The fire spirit didn't say much. The condensed soul slowly dispersed, and the gem changed into its original appearance.

"Okay, I know you doubt what I said, but what I want to tell you is that what I said is true. When you figure it out, you will come and help me solve the Bian City Seal. Anyway, I have been waiting for a few days It’s been a hundred years, I don’t care what I’m waiting for.”

It was pitch dark in the cave, and the god of fire in the center of the gem seemed to have fallen into a deep sleep, completely sinking. I came back from Vulcan's words and exhaled a puff of turbid air.

The last time I narrowly escaped death, I only felt physically and mentally tired. My feet were still full of lead and I tried all my efforts. My whole brain was even more stuffed and it felt like it was swollen and wanted to explode. He felt the need to go out and get some rest before deciding what to do.

There is no crisis. There are two dragons in Aufang Aoyun, so the way to open it is naturally very simple. Austrian, anxious to get out of the place, went to the blocked hole, and when he had blown it out, he beat it out.

Finally sweeping through the dark place, I exhaled a breath and left the cave with Okuka by my side. After I left with Aufang and others, the center of the gem that had been extinguished lit up again.

At the same time, the spirit of the fire spirit quickly condensed into the gem, and its illusory and blurred eyes looked at me in the direction they left, as if there was a trace of adultery flashing through.

On the other hand, they walked quickly inside and outside the mountain road, looking at the fierce cracks on both sides of the mountain wall, my heart was cold.

But just as I was about to reach the entrance of the base, O's color changed, and even my face immediately turned white.

One, two, eight, seven: a new path to innovation.

One, two, eight, seven: a new path to innovation.

A dull and trembling sound suddenly came from the entrance of the stone platform. Then, a circular light wave, red, radiates.

I was stunned, but Aofang reacted quickly and pulled him up and hid aside. As soon as they moved out of the way, a red light passed in front of them.

My clothes floated, passing over the edge of the light waves, silently, directly entering the end of autumn. My heart felt cool, thinking of what was so powerful.

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