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Chapter 2000 My own reasons

Bai Hanbei held the cold knife in his hand, and flipped his arms quickly between his hands. The shadow of the knife flickered, forming a dazzling picture. Finally, Bai Hanbei breathed quickly and stopped dancing.

"Yes! What a good knife!"

Bai Leng's northern eyes were filled with joy, and his breathing was still rising and falling rapidly due to excitement. In those eyes, there was only a cold knife in his hand, and I didn't give it to him.

After these dances, Bai Han felt that the new Leng Dao seemed to be easier to play than his. Attacks on all difficulties used to be raw and converged, but now they're so fluid.

At this time, Bai Han Beishang thought of the form of a cold knife, and immediately walked towards the stone that I split into two. As soon as he turned around, the cold knife struck the stone.

At this time, the stone seems to have become tofu, without any obstruction, completely chopped off by the cold knife, just because there is no real gas perfusion, like I did, without cutting in, the invisible blade will be completely chopped off.

After accepting the knife, Bai Hanbei carefully held the knife tightly and walked to me: "Boss Chu, how can you use these two kinds of knives?"

Two forms? As soon as I frowned, I felt a little funny. What form, two forms, but he just made it up.

The difference is only true gas infusion and no true gas infusion. Seeing Bai Hannos' obsession with knives, I can't imagine how powerful Cold Knife would be if he actually practiced his real breathing in his body.

Now that I gave him the knife, I couldn't let him treat it like an ordinary knife. Now he said: "Come, I will give you a heart formula. You must practice it every day from now on. Only when your body has real breathing can you fully realize the true power of this spiritual weapon."

Judging from my words, Bai Hanbei knew that he would be exposed to a world he had never known from me, and immediately tightened his mind and followed him.

I found an isolated place, and I may have extended my wife's approach to Bai Hanbei, so that Bai Hanbei could better understand the world he had never seen.

After getting to know Bai Hanbei, I passed on the exercises of the first two floors of Checheng Public School to Bai Hanbei and told him what to do and what to do in the future.

Through Chechenggong’s practice method, when I came into contact with more people, I also realized the power of the people around me, and at the same time, I also enhanced my own power.

When people pick up firewood, the world becomes less peaceful. Because of their own reasons, people like ** are by their side. As time goes by, they will inevitably come into contact with some powerful people.

Although my ambition does not extend to dominating the world, I hope that brothers and friends will be by my side in the face of disaster. In times of crisis, have a certain ability to protect yourself.

Therefore, after careful consideration over the past few days, I plan to expose the practice of Checheng Gong. The information disclosed here will naturally not be printed out for use in state practice.

Some things can only be known by one's own people, and only one's own people can practice them. Furthermore, I will master the practice of the latter until the right time comes out.

It's not that I'm being stingy, I just want to be on the safe side. When I was teaching Bai Hanpei about this task, I also told him my thoughts.

Because he still had some relationship with him and did not have time to personally guide him, he gave this arduous task to Bai Hanbei, who took his place and handed it over to ** and others one by one.

After everything was taken care of, the sky gradually darkened, and I thought of Shen Rubin. He was still waiting, so I immediately returned to the villa.

The crisis on the Ying side has been completely lifted, and no one will help women because of their own families. Fang Zijun and others will stay in Lyndesia to help.

I have tried the power of genetic potion, and this time I want to enter the world of ancient martial arts. The people I meet must be those who have a real spirit in the body and know how to practice.

Recall that the Qin and Han Dynasties talked about the five most powerful families in ancient martial arts. Those who were several times stronger than their families said that there could not be very powerful people.

After all, Ofong Oyun is a devil. From ancient times to the present, there cannot be three in the entire Celestial Empire, but where are they? At least I haven't seen it yet, and I've heard Ah Fang say so.

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