Levina crossed her arms and kept her face open.

His eyes looked back and forth between Ling Ruoxue and Su Yu.

After a long time.

"The Bond Badge is an extremely rare item, and the Imperial Grandmaster-level craftsman doesn't just say that he can make it.

"It's for you to save your life, no..."

"It's not for going crazy with this guy who doesn't want to die!" "

Little Lori is very dissatisfied.

It's hard to accept an apprentice, but you can't just die casually.

But this guy Su Yu is obviously a little wrong, he runs wherever he is dangerous.

Last time, I encountered the ambush of the dark spirit, and this time I directly provoked the wrath of the gods.

There will be a next time,

and it is unknown whether the empire will ever exist.

Let your apprentice follow him, the danger factor is too high, too high!"

"It's okay, she can almost mix by herself now, and she doesn't have to follow me." "

Su Yu still wants to fool another fetter badge.

This stuff works really well when it counts.

Even if you bind your identity and can't give it to yourself, it doesn't matter.

As long as you encounter a dangerous mission or a copy, can't you just pull Ling Ruoxue along?"

"Well, since that's the case, then you can take care of it." "

Little Lori is not picking on the apprentice, but the badge is really rare.

Now that the wrath of the gods has been born, the level of danger in the empire is not at all comparable to before.

The preciousness of the Bond Badge is even more prominent.

"I, I'm going to report to the teacher now, the empire is estimated to have some moves recently, don't run around if you're fine, practice hard."

Little Lori said carefully.

"Remember, don't go to the dungeon, don't go to the southern barbarian territory, just stay near the imperial capital.

After Ling Ruoxue repeatedly reassured.

Little Lori picked up her staff this time, levitated in the air, and flew out of the temple.

"Su Yu, this badge can't be traded...... Ling

Ruoxue wanted to transfer it to Su Yu when she got it.

However, it prompts binding.

"You just have to hold it, the badge is bound to the user, and it can't be removed and traded after equipping. Su

Yu knew this.

Ling Ruoxue nodded, and handed the Shadow Bead she had received earlier to Su Yu.

"What level are you now?" asked

Su Yu as he sorted out his things.

"Almost level 40. "

In the last dungeon, the experience of the legendary boss and the ghost is very exaggerated, Ling Ruoxue's skills are almost the same, and she has been upgraded to six or seven levels in a row.

"Well, that's almost time to lead the team to farm dungeons.

Su Yu thought in his heart.

Ling Ruoxue's talent is already good, the source of ten thousand laws at the SSS level, the ice and sky madness method of transfer, the range damage is also good, and the ancient gem is a projectile added, and the early output is absolutely explosive.


Ling Ruoxue's face was immediately a little embarrassed.

"Didn't Li Weina say just now

, don't go down to the dungeon..."Cut~

Su Yu snorted lightly:

"You listen to that little Lori talking nonsense, if you don't go to the dungeon, how can you improve yourself?"

"The dark spirit has a seal, and it didn't jump out so quickly."

"As for the ambush, they missed once, and they don't know when they will be ready next time."

"Wrath of the Gods isn't that easy to trigger, and impacting the seal isn't without a price. "

Forget it..."

"It's useless to say so much, don't you have a badge anyway, be careful, what's there to be afraid of?"

"Little Lori is still very rich, just pit her a few badges, it doesn't hurt." "

Don't save it at the critical moment, use it directly!"


Ling Ruoxue was completely speechless by what Su Yu said.

As an apprentice, thinking about the pit teacher, no matter how you say it, it seems a little inappropriate.

But then again, it's still a small life that matters.

"Equip you with some equipment, lead the team to kill, the boss will produce rare equipment, I don't want this, but the shadow bead must be kept for me." "

Su Yu has more equipment in his hand.

100 copies.

The Dark Warden suit alone has been brushed with more than a dozen sets.

There are also dozens of other rare equipment, all of which were plucked from the last round of legendary bosses.

The legend will definitely not give it to her.

Scrape together a set of rare equipment that mages can use, and trade it in the past.

"This batch of equipment is of high grade, and the cost price is 30 million for you. "

A transaction is a transaction.

Although Ling Ruoxue went to help herself brush the beads, the money still had to be calculated.

"Then, I'll go by myself..."

Ling Ruoxue was still a little hesitant when she spoke.

She hasn't brushed the dungeon alone, and she hasn't fought many monsters, so she is indeed a little unconfident.

"It's okay, the dungeon boss is very simple, and the damage is high in seconds.

Su Yu just finished speaking.

A chime suddenly rings in my ears.

[Drip~ The barbarian tribe launched an attack on the Eternal Empire. 【

Drip~ The Eternal Empire officially declared war on the barbarians. 【

Drop~ The Eternal Empire issued a conscription order, players can join the legion through the quartermaster of the main city to obtain legion equipment, and military merits can be exchanged for noble titles, equipment and other props. 【

Drop ~ The Temple of Light issued a conscription order, players can join the Temple through the Temple of Light Church, obtain Temple equipment, and Temple contributions can be exchanged for Temple positions, equipment and other props. ]

Several messages are released in a row.

Ling Ruoxue looked at Su Yu blankly.

Just now, Levina and the archbishop were still discussing how to deal with it, and this would be the result.

Such a quick reaction certainly shows that they attach importance to the wrath of the gods.

Other than that.

This feeling of actively opening the plot of the game is indeed too shocking.

"Su Yu, does this have an impact on us?"

Ling Ruoxue was not a lone player, she had to consider the impact of the incident on the Ling Group.

Su Yu didn't answer in a hurry.

The impact is definitely there.

Both the Imperial Legion and the Knights Templar were supposed to be forces that players would have come into contact with after the second turn.

Now that the empire is facing a great enemy, large-scale conscription is tantamount to a requirement for a reward to join.

Originally, the requirement was to turn around, but now it is estimated that everyone wants it.

After joining.

Legions and Knights will provide basic equipment.

Of course, it won't give magic levels, it's all ordinary goods.

Judging by the experience of previous lives.

Once the player joins the Imperial forces on a large scale, the unprepared Empire quickly depletes its reserves.

After all, the number of players is there.

No matter how much ordinary equipment the empire has in reserve, it will not be enough to issue it.

Therefore, it is necessary to go to the market to buy, and when the profiteers are rampant, it is inevitable that the price of ordinary equipment will double and double.

Su Yu was fortunate to be fast, and he had a million gold coins in advance.

A wave of acquisitions and hoarding, just wait for the price to rise.

However, there was no need to tell Ling Ruoxue about this.

Stock up.

It's better to hoard it yourself.

"The impact is not great, you can get two pieces of normal equipment by joining the faction, and at the same time, you have to complete the faction quest every day.

Su Yu said directly:

"Except for the people who brush the book with you, the rest of the people can join." "

Finalized the time for the handover of the Shadow Bead with Ling Ruoxue.

Su Yu directly shredded the teleportation scroll and returned to Helsin.

"The plot direction has changed too much, and no matter how high the attributes are, you have to be careful. "

In the warehouse of the auction house.

Su Yu looked at the harvest of the dungeon for a day.

12 Dark Warden outfits.

38 pieces of rare equipment.

15 pieces of Legendary Equipment.

The value of these pieces of equipment cannot be calculated for the time being, but the military merits have been more than 50,000, and the real thing is more than 500,000 gold coins!

More importantly, it is more important.

24,000 Shadow Beads have been brushed

!More than 2,200 high-quality Shadow Beads!

"The imperial forces entered the field in advance, and ordinary equipment is actually not valuable to the consortium, but rare equipment is still valuable!"

Su Yu held the Shadow Bead in his hand, just to control the resources of rare equipment in his hands.

Of course.

How can a gambling dog not have a dream.

"With so many shadow beads, you gave me a special piece of equipment, my request is not too much, is it?"

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