Auction house warehouse.

Hundreds of thousands of gold worth of ordinary equipment are stacked everywhere.

Su Yu didn't even have to move his footsteps, he could just smash them on the spot.

[Drop~ Item used successfully!]

[Drop~ Your item is destroyed by Shadow Orb. 】


Two hours later.

"Hey, my hands are numb.

Su Yu shook his cramp-like arm.

This labor intensity is more exaggerated than brushing a hundred copies.


Su Yu didn't believe that someone could break his hand with krypton.

Now I believe it.

The previous imagination was indeed a bit lacking.

"After the number increases, the probability tends to be stable, and the output is stable at about 20% after counting the secondary output directly and successfully. "

4,802 pieces of magical equipment. "

Go on!"

Su Yu changed his left hand this time, and his right hand really couldn't do it.

[Drop~ Item used successfully!]

[Drop~ Your item is destroyed by Shadow Orb. 】


"708 pieces of rare equipment!"

Su Yu breathed a sigh of relief.

If this batch of equipment is to be sold, it can only go through the normal auction procedure, and without the premium effect of the auction, the price of 50 million pieces should be no problem.

After all, each faction is equipped with at least two sets of rare, one set of damage-resistant blood oxen, and one set of output law system.

They will buy rare equipment even if it is expensive.

Once they have enough equipment for attacking the fortified group, then the price of ordinary rare equipment will have to dive significantly.

For no other reason.

It's just a simple fragmentation of consumption.

It is impossible for ordinary players to buy it, and once the consortium can't use it, then the second-level guild forces won't spend tens of millions of dollars even if they want to buy it.

There are limits to the high-end market.

"It's not necessary to smash your own market.

Su Yu thought for a moment, and then decided directly.

"It's better for this batch of equipment to disappear into eternity.

"Otherwise, who will I sell that quest set to?"

Rare equipment is upgraded again, and there is no need to use ordinary Shadow Orbs.

High-quality quality is really expensive, but Su Yu can't afford to consume it, so it's over.

"I really have to have some metaphysics this time!!" Su

Yu took a deep breath.

"Seven hundred pieces are rare, you can't tell me that there is only one set of legends!?" [

Drop~ The item is used successfully!]

[Drop~ Your item is destroyed by the Shadow Orb. 】


[Drop~ Item used successfully!]

[Drop~ Obtained a new item, McClos Staff. 】


[Drop~ Item used successfully!]

[Drop~ Get a new item and balance the elements. 】


[Drop~ Item used successfully!]

[Drop~ Obtain a new item, Odysseus Battle Axe. 】


More than 700 pieces of rare equipment, if it appears in the hands of any consortium of Blue Star.

It is enough for them to rise in an instant, and become the eternal number one force without dispute.

But now a quarter of an hour has not arrived.

All of this equipment disappeared into eternity.

"36 Legends!"

"Counting the 41 pieces that I took from the boss before. "

Su Yu has put all the legendary equipment in place.

"The Balance Element, McClos Staff, this attribute is better than the one that was plucked from the boss before. "

The Necromantic Assassin's equipment is also good, and it definitely explodes with the shadow effect. "

Although necromancers are also mages, the legend of their equipment is still dark attribute.

But the Assassin Legends' critical hit attribute is too comfortable.

"A full set of legends

!" "Xuan!" Su

Yu couldn't help but smile.

"I smashed it 20,000 times, and my hand was about to break, but it was not in vain. "

[McClos Staff (Legendary Staff)]

Increases Spell Damage by 60%, Elemental Damage by 60%, Skill Cooldown Reduction by 30%, and Critical Hit Chance to Increase Critical Damage by 50%.

Shadow Cloud Mask (Legendary Helmet)

increases movement speed by 30%, attack and cast speed by 30%, critical strike chance by 5%, and an additional 5% critical strike chance when hitting the target.

[Lightning Ripper (Legendary Gauntlet)

] adds 50-200 lightning damage

, increases lightning damage by 60%, increases lightning skill range by 30%, increases shock damage taken by the target by 60%, [Daredevil Dance (Legendary Boots)]

max health is increased by 400, evasion value is increased by 400, movement speed is 30%, and Daredevil is dancing.

Daredevil Dance: 50% chance to increase movement speed by 20% and increase attack speed and cast speed by 20% after critical hits.

[Life Gathering (Legendary Belt)]

increases max health by 400 points, max health by 20%, and health recovery per second by 10%, with a level 10 active skill - Life Gather.

Life Charge (Lv10): Increases health restored by 50% per second.

[Peleus's Wrath (Legendary Cloak)]

increases evasion by 400 points, increases movement speed by 30%, gains an additional 10% HP shield, and increases evasion value by 10% when injured.

[Daredevil Hidden (Legendary Dagger)]

Increases attack and cast speed by 30%, increases critical strike chance by 5%, steals 30 health when hitting the target, and Daredevil is hidden.

Daredevil Concealment: Can only be used during the day, removes its physical form for 10 seconds.

Shadow Kill (Legendary Ring)

increases Attack and Cast Speed by 30%, Critical Strike Chance by 5%, Critical Strike Damage by 60%, and Critical Strike by 50% Movement Speed by 20%.

Heto's Ring (Legendary Ring)

increases elemental damage by 60%, skill cooldown by 30%, maximum mana shield value by 20%, and recovery time after mana shield shattering by 20%.

[Equilibrium Element (Legendary Necklace)]

increases spell damage by 60%, adds 50-200 lightning damage, adds 50-200 lightning damage, and adds 50-200 lightning damage.

Once you have all the equipment.

Panel properties skyrocketed in all directions.

Level: Lv49Base

Damage: 27729 Comprehensive Damage: 99826Total DPS Calculation (Second Damage Estimate): 383330

Health: 1394

Magic Shield: 222

Mana: 456

Armor: 933

Evasion: 2005

Cold Resistance: 72%.


Resistance: 72%Lightning Resistance: 72

%Cast Speed: 140%Movement Speed: 90

%Critical Strike Chance: 25

%Critical Strike Damage: 160

%Cooldown Reduction: -60%

Health Regen per Second: 319Mana Regen per Second

: 120

Traits: Storm Shape, Never-ending, Infinite Shooting, War Maniac, Anti-Law Barrier, Destruction of the World, Shadow.


"Movement speed has nearly doubled, and cast speed has been greatly increased. "

The station damage is 100,000, and the state of going out is full, and then counting the output bonus of the devastating boss. "

Tsk. "

Isn't it easy to hit three or five hundred thousand with a critical hit?"

Su Yu was still very satisfied with this panel.

"It's true that life is a bit hard to make.

"If you don't add physique, you don't find physique attributes on your equipment, and you basically don't have a large amount of health.

"But it's good that there are shields, which can make up for it. "

Before the second turn of the normal law system, there are only a thousand blood in the sky, but at least half of their attribute points are in the physique.

The advantages of wisdom attribute points in the early stage cannot be seen, and few people add points to their full wisdom.

Because the base bonus of the legal system is too low.

1 point of wisdom gives 0.3 magic damage, which is so low that it scares people to death.

Compared with the 1:1 exchange damage ratio of the physics department, it is a weak chicken at all.

But when the law system reaches the second turn, the third turn, and the last fourth turn, the attribute plus achievement is different.

The second turn increases the bonus of 0.3, the third turn adds 0.3, and after the fourth turn, 1 point of wisdom is 1.2 magic damage.

The physics department remains the same, always 1 to 1.

In this way, under the same level and attribute points, the law system completely surpasses that of the physics system.

The super late stage profession, the eternal first output profession, is by no means in vain.

"Hehe, now level 49, I can change jobs soon, and when the time comes, I will have more than 400 points of wisdom, and I won't joke with you at all!"

Su Yugang cracked the corners of his mouth.

Suddenly stunned.

"it, change jobs!?".

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