"Hellscream said that the Bald Eagle area is worse than the stick area!"

You know, the Bald Eagle District is not only a country like the Bald Eagle, the Maple Leaf Country next to it is also the Bald Eagle District.

However, no one can stand up to stop Wang Mang and others. This team is simply a perverted existence. The stick area was beaten to autism, and many people even wanted to retreat. The problem was that someone was surprised to find out. After I didn't play games for a few days, a questionnaire came over.

However, it was not the game company that sent the questionnaire, but the government! This made many players realize that the government attaches great importance to this game.

However, so far, everyone thinks that it is just economic attention, because in just one month, the reality of the month, the world's pattern has changed, and the terrible market in the God Realm is so big that it will let all People were dumbfounded.

At every turn...the prices of hundreds of millions or even hundreds of billions make ordinary players look dumbfounded. They are still struggling for the price of a gold coin of 18 thousand, but Wang Mang and others have already used 100 million as a unit! Under such circumstances, everyone wants to enter the game to make money! Wang Mang's actions made Uncle Sam very angry. The status of the hegemon has been surpassed by China, but now, Wang Mang is just digging their graves. Ah! Others don't know, but the major governments...know some of the stories behind them! However, in the real world, Uncle Sam can only be incompetent and furious in the office! Pressure test, sorry, the system does not allow it! The information age, the five highest The will united by the gods is invincible, and no one is allowed to use any means to interfere with the normal development of the game.

You can send veterans, or even grant subsidies in reality, to strengthen the strength of your own country and region in the game, which is what the remaining mechanical will of the Supreme God hopes to see.

However, you have to intervene in the development of others and make them weaker. I am sorry, if the system can slap you, it can beat you into a pig.

The report appeared in an instant, and the office workers were surprised to find that Wang Mang had gone abroad again, that's okay! I opened the live broadcast room in an instant and started searching, and was surprised to find that this time there were actually four 44 live broadcast rooms, both of them. Two girls! Those who like violence, look at Wang Mang and Shaoshan in jail, and those who like girls are naturally Song Qiangwei and Nai Gaer! Nai Gaer has become a new Internet celebrity, and it is really following Wang Mang and so on It’s great to suck fans around! "Master, be careful!"

Just when everyone opened the live broadcast room, Nai Gai'er said a word to Wang Mang.Wang Mang nodded and took a deep breath.In the state of Bimen, a brutal collision, he rushed out.(Read more @ hotmtlnovel.xyz)

In front of Wang Mang, a huge dinosaur roared directly at Wang Mang, but Wang Mang's brutal collision forced it to knock it to the ground.

An amazing blue number jumped out on Wang Mang's head, and then in the next second, a shield directly protected Wang Mang.Under the super-high attack of the brutal collision, Wang Mang instantly appeared with a shield.

"No, you can't stand up, you have to stack your strength!"

Yes, it's too early to stand up. The main reason is that Wang Mang has not superimposed his power. When he leaves the battle, the 100% attack and 100% power plus achievement of the suit will be invalid! And the real purpose of Wang Mang is to wait until After 100% damage and power are superimposed, turn on "Blessing of God of War"

, With this blessing, Wang Mang's damage can be increased by 100 times, and the damage received can be reduced by 60%! Some people may say that 6% damage reduction has no effect, and it has an effect! I really think Wang Mang's Level is In vain? Super talent points are used for what, that is... to get those... "super talent points" that others think are impossible.

Oh!... [Shield Enchantment: Your shield will enjoy your defense power, armor value and damage reduction effect!]... For this super talent, Wang Mang used a full 150 talent points Just kidding, it's a detour! But once this super talent is released, the perfect standing plan is perfect! Because of the shield value, you can enjoy the defense, armor, and damage reduction effects.

What does it mean... the shield can be used as blood! It is really used as blood, because the role of blood is exactly the same, the blood volume is also based on armor defense and damage reduction, and the shield is the same now, exactly the same.

For this, Wang Mang points out a lot of unnecessary talent points, but Wang Mang really does not regret it at all! He is invincible! He knows that as long as he can stand firm in the first wave, he will be invincible! Steel! I'm sorry for the nerves, unless it is killed by a momentary move, otherwise Wang Mang's "steel nerve"

, Will not be triggered anymore! No chance! Yes, no chance! 1 minute, but 1 minute and 40 seconds! It will soon pass! That huge tyrannosaurus, played around by Wang Mang The Level 1 Tyrannosaurus Rex! It looks similar to Tyrannosaurus Rex, but is more like the Tyrannosaurus Rex in Jurassic World 2, because Tyrannosaurus Rex has short forelimbs, but Tyrannosaurus Rex has very long forelimbs, and the body proportions come. Look, it's longer than the Allosaurus! But with a huge body, it is very coordinated! The combat power is naturally more powerful! This is a magical creature of the ordinary god level, but at the species level, it is too low! Let's put it this way, directly Only those who release their own breath and reduce the enemy by 10% can they be considered top magical creatures! Suppression on the bloodline.

Everyone is watching Wang Mang's performance, and Wang Mang is sending a private message to Nai Gai'er: "Look carefully, I will give you a newly researched footwork, just look at my dexterity!"

Yes, Wang Mang has improved the eight-door step, which is specially improved for the milk cover.

In fact, there are not many areas for improvement.The ancestors don't know how many years of inheritance have been passed down.Where is so easy to improve.Wang Mang just changed the rhythm from person to person.

Wang Mang's eight steps are mainly from the eight-door split mountain axe. What he pays attention to is a powerful and powerful! To put it bluntly, in the end, it is still the route of one force to drop ten meetings, so it is more open. Hey! But Nai Gai'er is different. Her double knives follow a dexterous route, like the Emei thorn..., so Wang Mang's eight steps with one meal is a burden to her.

For example, if the eight-door step is light work, then Wang Mang's is probably Ti Yunzong, whose main purpose is to confuse the opponent.

So, what Nuogai wants is...Lingbo's microsteps! Can move around the enemy elegantly! Wang Mang's movements are very light now, but it looks completely different from his image, giving people a kind of elephant It feels like dancing, but Wang Mang doesn't want face, strength is his pursuit, his apprentice is a genius, this kind of footwork can greatly enhance her strength.

Then... Tyrannosaurus Shaking is miserable! It kept screaming, but Wang Mang's attacks made it completely unable to resist. Wang Mang's shield became thicker and thicker, and Tyrannosaurus's health began to be visible to the naked eye. The reduction.

Yes, it was only a reduction visible to the naked eye! The time passed quickly, and 10 seconds passed in an instant, but Wang Mang only hit less than 3% of his health! But... a huge golden light turned into a handful The great sword descended from the sky and directly on Wang Mang's body.

In the next second, Wang Mang stood there directly! Blessed by the God of War, start! Stand-up mode, open! Feilu reminds you: Reading three things to collect,

Read more @ hotmtlnovel.xyz. Chinese MTL Fan-Fiction/Second Element novel can be read @ HotMTLNovel for free.

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