
Wang Mang looked at the expedition hall on the system and clicked in.

"First Picture: Shadow Killer"

"The situation of the devil invasion is getting more and more serious. Commander, you must make a good investigation of the cities around you to ensure that those... damn demons will not appear in front of you.

Wang Mang looked at the prompts of the expedition system and took a deep breath.

With Wang Mang's current combat power of almost one billion, naturally, there is no need to worry about how difficult the monsters on the map outside are.

After confirming the expedition, a burst of white light flashed behind.

Wang Mang has already appeared on a new map with his army.

"Trial Canyon"

Wang Mang looked at the place names displayed by the system with some confusion.

Could it be that this is just the beginning of a trial, but I think about it, after all, it is the first time the player appears on the outside map, and naturally it must start from the difficulty of the trial.

Otherwise, it will be... hell difficulty. Who can stand this? After entering the Trial Canyon, Wang Mang was attracted by a large blue circle behind him.

It wasn't on my own map before.

But now it appeared behind Wang Mang.

Wang Mang walked forward with some curiosity, only to see a prompt from the system: "Your Excellency Commander, do you want to return to the main city through the portal"

Wang Mang naturally ordered cancellation.

I just arrived in this trial canyon, and I didn't even see the wild monsters, so I went back and thought about something, then Wang Mang walked forward.

I didn't go far, I saw a flag appear in front of me to avoid it.

Wang Mang, who has a certain knowledge of...Heroes invincible, knows.

This flag is the assembly flag in the game, and there is such an assembly flag in the wild on every map.

Usually commanders can get some very good battlefield attribute enhancements as long as they occupy such a assembly flag.

Although limited to the battlefield, this is enough for Wang Mang.

After all, what can be used on the battlefield is true, and what is not used is false.

"Occupy the assembly flag."

Wang Mang chose to occupy the assembly flag in front of him.

"Successfully occupy the assembly flag."

"Congratulations, you have captured a rallying flag."

"Hero Attack +10%%."

Wang Mang has always known that...the build-up flag can add benignity to the corps.

But Wang Mang didn't expect that his passive skills could also be used on this.

What does this mean?This represents the soldiers of his own army, even if it is broken five, broken soldiers, the attack power of each soldier has increased by at least 100 times.

As for his own broken five, broken soldiers, and Bimeng even the kite demon centaur, etc., with the lowest broken five, broken soldiers, each has an attack power of 100 points.(Read more @ hotmtlnovel.xyz)

Now with the addition of this battlefield skill, the soldiers' attack power has all reached 100, which means that they have reached 10.

It smells like that! For a novice player like Wang Mang who has just entered, it is simply... Leading a 100-level one.

The perverted army of the Star Rank One Hundred.

Of course, the actual situation is definitely not so exaggerated.

But Wang Mang also sees a hope from here.

That is if you can form a huge army, and then use your passive skills or something to increase the attributes of the army.

Isn't that... I think of this, Wang Mang suddenly gave himself a big slap in the face.

The hero Wang Mang in the hero hall hasn't been drawn yet.

But now it is out.In order not to waste this opportunity, Wang Mang can only complete the map of the trial canyon first.

After you go back, go to the hero hall to summon the hero.

If you say that each of your own main city maps is a novice map.

So from the beginning of the player's expansion, it is...the existence of a high-level map.

Why do you say this?First of all, in your own main city map, wild monsters will not actively attack you, as long as you don't attack them.

They will never come to trouble.

But it's different from the beginning of your external expansion.

These... wild monsters will take the initiative to attack you as long as you are within their field of vision.

This makes Wang Mang less trouble.

It is better for wild monsters to find themselves than running around the world.

At this moment, Wang Mang saw that a group of Hellhounds seemed to be patrolling not far away.

Without a word, Wang Mang rushed forward with his army.

The moment of contact, the war will be triggered.

Wang Mang directly deployed his army according to the physical shield, attack, and long-range three formations.

The first is the meat shield.

The first choice, of course, is to break the five. The basic unit is cheap and easy to use. Even if you hang up and go back to recruit again...

And Bi Meng and Kite Monster are the main output forces, especially Bi Meng.

This thing was obtained by Wang Mang accidentally, but there is still no way to recruit it in his main city.

The kite demon is attacked because of its range attack, and it can also hit the enemy at a super far distance, so it is also placed in the attack category by Wang Mang.

In the end, it is naturally a centaur.

In fact, the centaur is not a model unit strictly speaking.

However, the Centaur was a rare archer in the early stage, and naturally inherited the advantages of a long attack range, but thin skin and less flesh.

Therefore, it is naturally impossible for Wang Mang to put the Centaur at the forefront.

After Wang Mang expanded all the 100 legions, the opponent Hellhound also expanded the generals.

Wang Mang looked at it, but there are hundreds of thousands of troops on the other side, although not as many as Wang Mang.

But at first glance, there are a lot of black and crushed pieces.

No wonder the wild monsters in these places are at every turn...Hundreds of thousands or even millions of combat power.

It turned out to be piled up by quantity.

After Wang Mang lined up neatly, he directly clicked to start fighting.

In an instant, I saw the lead broken five, the broken soldier knocked on the shield, and immediately rushed towards the... hell hounds.

And Bi Meng and Yuan Yao who were in the middle gear followed at breaking the fifth, and the broken soldiers rushed up behind them.

Only the centaur started shooting violently within a certain range.

Wang Mang coldly watched every move on the battlefield, and adjusted the attack position of the troops on the battlefield at any time.

The formula is...This is good, the commander only needs to pay attention to the overall situation, and does not need to do anything by himself.

Think about it, this kind of movement is millions of dollars and can only be regarded as the scale of a small battle.If it is anything, the player must personally slash it.

Then if you are really tired, you will be exhausted.

With the first broken five, after the broken soldier came into contact with the hell hound, he saw the broken five, and the broken soldier first blocked the hell hound's attack with a shield.

Then he knocked the broken gang in his hand directly on the head of the hell hound.

! As soon as the damage came out, the first Hell Hound instantly turned into a corpse.

Wang Mang saw it in his eyes, and his heart naturally blossomed.

Feilu reminds you: Three things to read,

Read more @ hotmtlnovel.xyz. Chinese MTL Fan-Fiction/Second Element novel can be read @ HotMTLNovel for free.

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