In fact, to be honest, for... Wang Mang, this game is simply... as cool as when I opened it.

I won't talk about Wang Mang's abnormal equipment and passive skills.

That is to say, since entering this mode, whether it is even buildings, or recruiting soldiers or something.

Wang Mang, because of his artifact ‘greed of time and space’, can forcefully refresh the system update time without limit.

When others can only upgrade one building once a day, Wang Mang is already crazy to upgrade the buildings in his main city to full level, although the official has now reported that with the city occupied by players The more, the level of the building will also increase.

Of course, this also means that the resources required for building upgrades are also higher, which Wang Mang has long known.

So this is why Wang Mang wants many life players to settle in.

The combat elite stayed there first.

One is to protect his own guild from being surpassed by others in the mode.

Secondly, in this mode, life players can also become the main combat power of the guild, as long as the players have enough materials and gold coins.

Then there is no problem with the battle power soaring over 100 million in an instant.

Now the army of the 100 army that I lead has already exceeded 1 billion in combat power.

The ranking is more than the sum of the second to the twentieth.

You are talking about whether the game Wang Mang is open or not.

Because of this, many players all over the world are constantly reporting Wang Mang cheating.

Or the complaint about Wang Mang is.

But all the officials ignored it.

As a result, players in other districts kept complaining.

"It must have been threatened by Huaxia, and I dare not say anything, but we can only pit ourselves to death."

However, the governments of various regions have no way.

After all, it is strange that Wang Mang can be so powerful, but various data show that Wang Mang's data is normal.

This is allowed by the game, and Wang Mang has the wolf-greedy artifact of this time and space, so it is normal for Wang Mang's combat power to soar so fast.

While Wang Mang commanded the army to fight the Hellhounds, he chatted with Lin Muxue.

After my sister entered the mode, she has been improving her combat effectiveness in her main city.

Seeing that three months have passed, it is only more than 1 million, which is really worrying.

"Old girl, on which map are you now, come and look for your brother, and your brother will help you improve your combat effectiveness."

"Brother, I'm afraid I don't know how far away from you on the map I'm on now. It seems that I don't know how to find you at all."

Hearing Lin Muxue's words, Wang Mang could only express helplessness.(Read more @

Now Wang Mang doesn't know that he can build his sister's main city next to him, and the official hasn't explained.

Everything has to be explored by the player himself.

I really suffered a serious crime.

But it doesn't matter, it won't be long before Wang Mang will be able to find out.

After all, Wang Mang is often in the attack.

In this mode, Wang Mang relies on such a strong combat power, and can also cut a wave of strategy.

Thinking of this, Wang Mang also hurriedly browsed the world.

Sure enough, there are some small ones on the forum: the gambling company has opened a handicap.

That's...I'm betting on whether Wang Mang is the first to play the strategy, and the odds are 1: This odds is really high.

It turned out to be 1: Odds, what is this, don't you believe in Wang Mang's strength, but since the gambling company is going to open the market, it is impossible for Wang Mang not to participate.

I saw that Wang Mang bought it directly, not the first one to make a strategy.

Then directly bet 10,000 credits and coins in proportion.

Ten thousand credits, the currency is equal to one hundred thousand Hua Xia coins.

And according to the odds given by the gambling company, as long as you are not the first to come up with the strategy, then the gambling company will have to pay.

1 is 600,000! It's really not much, that is, 600,000 credits, and the currency is about 6 million Hua Xia coins. Wang Mang is not much at all, but Wang Mang can't stand it.... I like to play.

These little gambling companies don't have much money, so there are not many handicap that can be opened.

However, Wang Mang running the grasshopper is also a meaty point of view, and naturally he will not let these good things go.

Looking at the battlefield, his army is fighting hard with the hell hounds.

Wang Mang also took advantage of this time to start writing the strategy.

The main thing to save resources at the beginning of the game, and where there is a chance to find Bimon.

And what buildings should be upgraded first, and then matched to get the highest benefits.

There is also... what types of units are currently the most practical and so on...

After writing this strategy, Wang Mang directly contacted his sister Lin Muxue.

"Sister, brother, here is a guide, you keep a copy, and then post the guide on the forum."

Wang Mang said.

"Wow, elder brother, you are so amazing, you have a strategy so soon, that's great, sister, I just don't know how to improve combat power in some places."

Lin Muxue followed Wang Mang's instructions to use her account to post the strategy on the forum, while watching the strategy for herself.

At this time, Wang Mang only saw system messages telling him that he had 600,000 credits and the coins had been deposited into his game account.

Wang Mang nodded with satisfaction.

Not bad, at least tens of thousands of gold coins are not.

After almost half an hour of fighting, after the last Hellhound fell down with a scream of unwillingness.

Wang Mang's first expedition is over.

I saw the corpses of the Hell Hound slowly on the entire battlefield.

Everyone cheered in Wang Mang's army.

"Congratulations, Commander, your army has won the battlefield under your excellent command. Now let us cheer for you."

"Congratulations player: Hellscream, for the victory of the world's first expedition, let us cheer for him."

"I, as expected, is still a prison scream, this product is really the first opener in my Huaxia District."

"Brother Hanging!"

"Brother Roar can bring the little girl, the little girl has never been able to upgrade, and I don't know how to improve the combat effectiveness."

"The big guy upstairs, don't pretend to be a little sister. People roar that there is no shortage of girls."

"I want you to be nosy."

Regarding... the news on the public screen, Wang Mang is simply too lazy to understand.

The current Wang Mang is mainly to conquer this map as soon as possible, and then expand his territory.

"Congratulations to your commander, you have gained 500 combat experience and you can upgrade to the first."

[Strategic Commander: Hellscream] [Level: 4] [Attack 10+ this attribute affects the attack power of the unit you command] [Defense: 4+ this attribute affects the defense power of the unit you command] [Power: 3 this attribute influences Your strength damage] [Knowledge: 0 should be the upper limit of mana that affects you] [Talent: Walking like flying, your army’s movement speed is increased by 10%] [Skill: Elementary Wayfinding: Your army can ignore 35%% of the terrain, Let them reach their destination faster!] [Treasure: The Greed of Time and Space] To read the underlined version of the novel, please download Fei Lu Xiao

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