[Passive Skill: Increase the vitality of troops under your command by 3%%, and 3%% of heavily wounded soldiers will be converted into lightly wounded soldiers in battle] [Passive Skill: When you attack wild monsters aggressively on the big map, the damage of your troops will increase by 3%.

】【Passive Skills: Weak Point Strikes The damage of the enemy's weak points is increased by 3%%.

】 【Description: Hagg is an adventurous human. When he was young, Hagg joined an orc mercenary team, where he came into contact with the straight enthusiasm of the orcs.

】【Soon he also used his bravery and fighting skills to prove his fighting value to the orcs.

】The orange hero is not what makes Wang Mang excited.

It's that the orange hero Hagg actually has three 3 passive skills.

And they all improve the life and attack power of the Legionnaires.

But the most abnormal thing should belong to this vitality filling skill.

It can turn 3% of the soldiers seriously injured under his command into 3% lightly injured.

In addition, Wang Mang's passive skills have been increased to 300%.

In other words, in the future, Wang Mang does not have to worry about the injury of his soldiers during the battle.

After returning to the orc main city, there is no need to worry about the high cost of treatment.

Because the cost of treating serious injuries and treating minor injuries is different.

Pervert, it is too perverted.

This Hagg is simply a hero tailored for himself.


Wang Mang directly chooses to recruit.

"Whether to use 100 coins to recruit this hero."

My system is my ancestor... "Song Qiangwei, how is your side now?"

Wang Mang sent a message.

"It's okay, I am steadily improving my combat power here. I read your strategy and wrote it very well. It is very helpful for...I improve my combat power."

"But your combat effectiveness has really improved too fast. How did you do it? Now the combat effectiveness has reached 4.5 billion."

Hearing Song Qiangwei's words, Wang Mang couldn't help but sigh.

In the map of Trial Canyon, Wang Mang's combat power was 9 billion.

Unexpectedly, leaving the Trial Canyon and leaving the battlefield, Wang Mang's combat effectiveness is because there is no assembly flag.

It just fell in half.

But even 4.5 billion is a very abnormal existence.

Because after this month of hard work.

The ranking of players in the world in terms of combat power, the second place has just reached 1 million.

The gap with Wang Mang, who is the first place, is no longer a little bit able to describe.

Wang Mang looked at his strength and returned the news: "Let's not talk about this..., I just want to ask you if you have recruited heroes"

"Recruited, recruited a blue cave lord, cost me 100 gold coins, the hero of this game is too expensive."

"But if you don't recruit heroes, it won't work. Have you recruited a lot of heroes with such a high combat power?"

"I have only one hero until now, an orange Hagg, which was recruited for 100 gold coins."

"Is it so expensive?"

"The hero of this game is the key, so it is normal to spend 1 million. The main reason is that now heroes not only need to be promoted to stars, but also to rank."

"There are also equipment that are also big heads. It seems that countries around the world are also stepping up to allow players to quickly adapt to the model."

"You're right. I have also had official news in the past few days. It is said that in the future, the official will slowly get all the players into style."(Read more @ hotmtlnovel.xyz)

"And the mode is very capable of slowing the stage of the play, and it no longer appears in the sight of everyone."

After sending a message with Song Qiangwei, Wang Mang directly clicked the button to create a guild.

Now quickly create a guild.

For any game, the game guild that can be bigger and stronger will always be the first few guilds.

So it is extremely important to create the guild in the first mode.

Create a guild.

Create a guild name.

The top of the gods.

"Your Excellency Commander will create the guild of "Top of the Gods""


"Consume 1 gold coins to create a guild."

"The guild is being created, please wait."

"loading finished."

"Congratulations to the player: Hellscream became the first player to create a guild in the world, let us cheer for him."

Speechless, especially speechless.

Under the formula, the gold coins are almost worthless.

It takes 1 to create a guild, and to recruit an orange hero is...100.

Wang Mang also feels a little overwhelmed.

Although you can get 100 gold coins eradicated by the Assembly Hall every day.

But now, money is needed everywhere, and money is also a lot of places to spend.

100 a day is really not enough for conscription and upgrades.

After everything was dealt with, Wang Mang assigned combat heroes to the army.

Don't say it, after all, it is an orange hero, 10 has no white flowers.

Qualified after being allocated to the team.

The morale of the entire legion suddenly increased to 50. The mood of the soldiers was obviously different from when it was only 10 o'clock in the previous period.

Although it is not full of energy, but one of them can also be seen to have some fighting spirit.

Wang Mang looked at his army, then looked at the time.

Well, there are still two months left in the game warehouse, so the remaining two months will be...Crazy opening up the territory, trying to find a way to increase the combat power to 110 first.

Then I can find City Lord Dawn to complete the task.

As long as he can complete this epic mission, Wang Mang is confident that City Lord Dawn will give himself at least one piece of epic equipment.

Or maybe it's an epic skill, treasure or something.

Although I don't know what I can get in the end, Wang Mang can be sure.

The reward given by Dawn City Lord must be related to the mode.

"Going out."

Wang Mang gave an order.

Hagg under his command led the army of millions to kill again towards the nearby map.

There is this elementary wayfinding technique that is... different

Wang Mang came to Chapter 2::::Map Lost Abyss.

Haag took a group of legions and ran directly everywhere, completely ignoring the restrictions of the terrain.

It also ignores the length of the distance.

How to say it, as long as it is the wild monster that Hagg has seen.

Wang Mang gave an order and rushed over....a meal: slashed crazy.

Good guy, press: call it faster.

At this time, Haag's advantage as an orange hero is reflected.

Rushing up is bound to be... a savage rush, followed by a shattering blow.

Bleeding skills with attack range.

Basically, it's... Scan a large area, a large area.

Although Wang Mang's legion is only one million, the opponent has almost at least tens of millions of enemies.

But it can't stand the overwhelming crush of Wang Mang's army.

Just when Haag led the army to victory.

I saw that among the few enemies on the opposite side, an enemy that was different from the other enemies suddenly appeared.

An angel with black wings carries a shiny long sword in his hand.

Wang Mang knows this angel.

This is the legendary black angel who fell from heaven to prison.

Because their wings are black, even the long sword in their hands is black, so they are called black angels.

Although this black angel is not a hero, it is a relatively good class of troops in the legion.

If Wang Mang can get the recruitment authority of this black angel, then naturally it is much better than breaking five and breaking soldiers.

Wang Mang is still thinking about how to get the black angel.

Hagg on the battlefield already raised the two large axes in his hands and rushed towards the black angel.


Feilu reminds you: Three things to read,

Read more @ hotmtlnovel.xyz. Chinese MTL Fan-Fiction/Second Element novel can be read @ HotMTLNovel for free.

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